.TH SLAPADD 8C "RELEASEDATE" "OpenLDAP LDVERSION" .\" $OpenLDAP$ .\" Copyright 1998-2006 The OpenLDAP Foundation All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .SH NAME slapadd \- Add entries to a SLAPD database .SH SYNOPSIS .B SBINDIR/slapadd .B [\-v] .B [\-c] .B [\-g] .B [\-u] .B [\-q] .B [\-w] .B [\-d level] .B [\-b suffix] .B [\-n dbnum] .B [\-f slapd.conf] .B [\-F confdir] .B [\-l ldif-file] .SH DESCRIPTION .LP .B Slapadd is used to add entries specified in LDAP Directory Interchange Format (LDIF) to a .BR slapd (8) database. It opens the given database determined by the database number or suffix and adds entries corresponding to the provided LDIF to the database. Databases configured as .B subordinate of this one are also updated, unless \fB-g\fP is specified. The LDIF input is read from standard input or the specified file. .LP As .B slapadd is designed to accept LDIF in database order, as produced by .BR slapcat (8), it does not verify that superior entries exist before adding an entry, does not perform all user and system schema checks, and does not maintain operational attributes (such as createTimeStamp and modifiersName). .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-v enable verbose mode. .TP .B \-c enable continue (ignore errors) mode. .TP .B \-g disable subordinate gluing. Only the specified database will be processed, and not its glued subordinates (if any). .TP .B -s disable schema checking. .TP .B \-u enable dry-run (don't write to backend) mode. .TP .B \-q enable quick (fewer integrity checks) mode. Does fewer consistency checks on the input data, and no consistency checks when writing the database. Improves the load time but if any errors or interruptions occur the resulting database will be unusable. .TP .BI \-w write syncrepl context information. After all entries are added, the contextCSN will be updated with the greatest CSN in the database. .TP .BI \-d " level" enable debugging messages as defined by the specified .IR level . .TP .BI \-b " suffix" Use the specified \fIsuffix\fR to determine which database to add entries to. The \-b cannot be used in conjunction with the .B \-n option. .TP .BI \-n " dbnum" Add entries to the \fIdbnum\fR\-th database listed in the configuration file. The .B \-n cannot be used in conjunction with the .B \-b option. .TP .BI \-f " slapd.conf" specify an alternative .BR slapd.conf (5) file. .TP .BI \-F " confdir" specify a config directory. If both .B -f and .B -F are specified, the config file will be read and converted to config directory format and written to the specified directory. If neither option is specified, an attempt to read the default config directory will be made before trying to use the default config file. If a valid config directory exists then the default config file is ignored. If dryrun mode is also specified, no conversion will occur. .TP .BI \-l " ldif-file" Read LDIF from the specified file instead of standard input. .SH LIMITATIONS Your .BR slapd (8) should not be running when you do this to ensure consistency of the database. .LP .B slapadd may not provide naming or schema checks. It is advisable to use .BR ldapadd (1) when adding new entries into an existing directory. .SH EXAMPLES To import the entries specified in file .B ldif into your .BR slapd (8) database give the command: .LP .nf .ft tt SBINDIR/slapadd -l ldif .ft .fi .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR ldap (3), .BR ldif (5), .BR slapcat (8), .BR ldapadd (1), .BR slapd (8) .LP "OpenLDAP Administrator's Guide" (http://www.OpenLDAP.org/doc/admin/) .SH ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .B OpenLDAP is developed and maintained by The OpenLDAP Project (http://www.openldap.org/). .B OpenLDAP is derived from University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.