no longer needed, the link on the website points to the dev-manual
Bacula Urheberrecht, Handelsmarke und Lizenz
Bacula verwendet eine Reihe unterschiedlicher Lizenzen.


Der wesentliche Teil des Quelltextes ist unter der GNU General Public License version 2. veröffentlicht. Most of this code is copyrighted: Copyright (C) 2000-2007 Free Software Foundation Europe, e.V.

Portions may be copyrighted by other people (ATT, the Free Software Foundation, ...).


Some of the Bacula library source code is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License. This permits third parties to use these parts of our code in their proprietary programs to interface to Bacula.

Public Domain

Some of the Bacula code has been released to the public domain. E.g. md5.c, SQLite.


Bacula®is a registered trademark of John Walker.

We have done this to ensure that any variant of Bacula will be exactly compatible with the program that we have released. The use of the name Bacula is restricted to software systems that agree exactly with the program presented here.