Email Lists
Bacula has a number of email lists which are described below with links to subscribe, unsubscribe, or modify your account. For general information on these lists, please see Bacula Mailing Lists at SourceForge.

For email archives see below.


The bacula-announce list is a read only low volume list for those users who wish to be notified when there are important events (important bugs, new releases, ...). We recommend that all users subscribe to this list. Do so by following the instructions at: Bacula Announce List Subscription/Unsubscription/Modification. Please do not send email directly to this list.

It is also possible to get email notification whenever a new package is released on SourceForge. This is accomplished by going to the Bacula SourceForge Project page and clicking on the little letter or mail icon under the heading Monitor in the row corresponding to the package you want to monitor.


The bacula-users list is the general forum to ask questions about Bacula or respond to questions from other users. The volume on this list is generally moderate, but can vary. All users are encouraged to subscribe and to participate. Due to the increasing volume of spam, you must be subscribed before you can send email to this list. To subscribe follow the instructions at: Bacula Users List Subscription/Unsubscription/Modification.

To send an email to the Bacula Users List, use the following address: bacula-users at The previous address was modified to prevent easy use by spammers. To use it, you must replace the at with an @ symbol.


The bacula-devel list is for those users who wish to communicate directly with the developers. The email volume is currently quite low, but can vary. Due to the increasing volume of spam, you must be subscribed before you can send email to this list. To subscribe, please follow this link: Bacula Developers List Subscription/Unsubscription/Modification.

To send an email to the Bacula Developers List, use the following address: bacula-devel at The previous address was modified to prevent easy use by spammers. To use it, you must replace the at with an @ symbol.


The bacula-bugs list is a read only list for those users who wish to be notified about new bugs registered at: Please do not send email directly to this list bug file a bug report in the bugs database mentioned above. All email to this list other than from the bugs system itself is automatically discarded. To subscribe, follow follow the instructions at:


The bacula-beta list is a read only list for those packagers or users who wish to be notified when a new release is in preparation or is ready. This list is also used for discussions on running regression scripts. Due to the increasing volume of spam, you must be subscribed before you can send email to this list. To subscribe, follow follow the instructions at:


The bacula-commits list is a read only list for those users who wish to be receive a diff of each commit to the SVN. Please do not email directly to this list. If you do commits, please subscribe your Source Forge name to this list. Any mail from non-subscribed users is automatically discarded. You may subscribe by following the instructions at:


Most of the above email lists are archived on Source Forge, but they are also archived on Gmane, which has better search facilities. The Gmane archives are at:

The lists are also archived at Mailing list ARChives (MARC).