"SELECT ONE", '100' => "Church / Religious Organization", '101' => "Corporation", '102' => "Educational Institution", '103' => "Government", '104' => "Military", '105' => "Non-Profit Organization", '107' => "Small Business", '106' => "Other" ); $version_lst = array( 'empty' => "SELECT ONE", '200' => "1.36.x", '201' => "1.38.x", '202' => "2.0.x", '203' => "2.2.x", '206' => "2.4.x", '204' => "SVN version" ); $catalog_lst = array( 'empty' => "SELECT ONE", '300' => "MySQL", '301' => "PostgreSQL", '303' => "SqLite" ); $org_industry_lst = array( 'empty' => 'SELECT ONE', '400' => 'Aerospace / Aeronautical', '401' => 'Agriculture / Farming', '402' => 'Architecture / Design', '403' => 'Arts', '404' => 'ASP', '405' => 'Banking', '406' => 'Church / Religious Organization', '407' => 'Coaching', '408' => 'Construction', '409' => 'Consulting (General)', '410' => 'Consulting (Information Technology)','411' => 'Defense Industry', '412' => 'Education / Training', '413' => 'Energy Industry', '414' => 'Engineering', '415' => 'Entertainment (Film)', '416' => 'Entertainment (Music)', '417' => 'Entertainment (Other)', '418' => 'Event Management / Conferences', '419' => 'Finance / Banking / Accounting', '420' => 'Food Service Industry', '421' => 'Government', '422' => 'Healthcare / Medicine', '423' => 'Higher Education', '424' => 'Insurance', '425' => 'Internet Service Provider', '426' => 'K-12 Education', '427' => 'Law Enforcement / Emergency Management', '428' => 'Legal', '429' => 'Manufacturing (Computer Equipment)', '430' => 'Manufacturing (General)', '431' => 'Media (Publishing, Broadcasting, etc)', '432' => 'Military', '433' => 'Mining', '434' => 'Natural Resources / Environment', '435' => 'Pharmaceuticals', '436' => 'Public Relations / Advertising', '437' => 'Real Estate', '438' => 'Retail / Consumer Goods', '439' => 'Sales / Marketing', '440' => 'Scientific Research', '441' => 'Sports / Recreation', '442' => 'Technical College / Trade School', '443' => 'Telecommunications', '444' => 'Transportation Industry (Air)', '445' => 'Transportation Industry (General)', '446' => 'Transportation Industry (Marine)', '447' => 'Travel / Tourism / Lodging', '448' => 'Travel Industry', '449' => 'Utilities / Public Works', '450' => 'Other' ); $os_lst = array( 'empty' => 'SELECT ONE', '500' => 'AIX', '501' => 'FreeBSD', '502' => 'HP-UX', '503' => 'Linux (Debian)', '504' => 'Linux (Fedora)', '505' => 'Linux (Gentoo)', '506' => 'Linux (Mandriva)', '507' => 'Linux (Other)', '508' => 'Linux (RedHat)', '509' => 'Linux (Slackware)', '510' => 'Linux (Suse)', '511' => 'Mac OS X', '512' => 'NetBSD', '513' => 'OpenBSD', '514' => 'Other', '515' => 'Solaris', '516' => 'Windows 2000', '517' => 'Windows 2003', '518' => 'Windows XP', '519' => 'Windows Vista' ); $country_lst = array( 'empty' => 'SELECT ONE', '1001' => 'Afghanistan', '1002' => 'Albania', '1003' => 'Algeria', '1004' => 'American Samoa', '1005' => 'Andorra', '1006' => 'Angola', '1007' => 'Anguilla', '1008' => 'Antarctica', '1009' => 'Antigua and Barbuda', '1010' => 'Argentina', '1011' => 'Armenia', '1012' => 'Aruba', '1013' => 'Australia', '1014' => 'Austria', '1015' => 'Azerbaijan', '1016' => 'Bahamas', '1017' => 'Bahrain', '1018' => 'Bangladesh', '1019' => 'Barbados', '1020' => 'Belarus', '1021' => 'Belgium', '1022' => 'Belize', '1023' => 'Benin', '1024' => 'Bermuda', '1025' => 'Bhutan', '1026' => 'Bolivia', '1027' => 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', '1028' => 'Botswana', '1029' => 'Bouvet Island', '1030' => 'Brazil', '1031' => 'Brunei Darussalam', '1032' => 'Bulgaria', '1033' => 'Burkina Faso', '1034' => 'Burundi', '1035' => 'Cambodia', '1036' => 'Cameroon', '1037' => 'Canada', '1038' => 'Cape Verde', '1039' => 'Cayman Islands', '1040' => 'Central African Republic','1041' => 'Chad', '1042' => 'Chile', '1043' => 'China', '1044' => 'Christmas Island', '1045' => 'Colombia', '1046' => 'Comoros', '1047' => 'Congo', '1048' => 'Cook Islands', '1049' => 'Costa Rica', '1054' => "Ivory Coast", '1050' => 'Croatia', '1051' => 'Cuba', '1052' => 'Cyprus', '1053' => 'Czech Republic', '1055' => 'Denmark', '1056' => 'Djibouti', '1057' => 'Dominica', '1058' => 'Dominican Republic', '1059' => 'East Timor', '1060' => 'Ecuador', '1061' => 'Egypt', '1062' => 'El Salvador', '1063' => 'Equatorial Guinea', '1064' => 'Eritrea', '1065' => 'Estonia', '1066' => 'Ethiopia', '1067' => 'Falkland Islands', '1068' => 'Faroe Islands', '1069' => 'Fiji', '1070' => 'Finland', '1071' => 'France', '1072' => 'French Guiana', '1073' => 'French Polynesia', '1074' => 'Gabon', '1075' => 'Gambia', '1076' => 'Georgia', '1077' => 'Germany', '1078' => 'Ghana', '1079' => 'Gibraltar', '1080' => 'Greece', '1081' => 'Greenland', '1082' => 'Grenada', '1083' => 'Guadeloupe', '1084' => 'Guam', '1085' => 'Guatemala', '1086' => 'Guinea', '1087' => 'Guinea-Bissau', '1088' => 'Guyana', '1089' => 'Haiti', '1090' => 'Honduras', '1091' => 'Hong Kong', '1092' => 'Hungary', '1093' => 'Iceland', '1094' => 'India', '1095' => 'Indonesia', '1096' => 'Iran', '1097' => 'Iraq', '1098' => 'Ireland', '1099' => 'Israel', '1100' => 'Italy', '1101' => 'Jamaica', '1102' => 'Japan', '1103' => 'Jordan', '1104' => 'Kazakstan', '1105' => 'Kenya', '1106' => 'Kiribati', '1107' => 'Kuwait', '1108' => 'Kyrgystan', '1109' => 'Lao', '1110' => 'Latvia', '1111' => 'Lebanon', '1112' => 'Lesotho', '1113' => 'Liberia', '1232' => 'Libya', '1114' => 'Liechtenstein', '1115' => 'Lithuania', '1116' => 'Luxembourg', '1117' => 'Macau', '1118' => 'Macedonia (FYR)', '1119' => 'Madagascar', '1120' => 'Malawi', '1121' => 'Malaysia', '1122' => 'Maldives', '1123' => 'Mali', '1124' => 'Malta', '1125' => 'Marshall Islands', '1126' => 'Martinique', '1127' => 'Mauritania', '1128' => 'Mauritius', '1129' => 'Mayotte', '1130' => 'Mexico', '1131' => 'Micronesia', '1132' => 'Moldova', '1133' => 'Monaco', '1134' => 'Mongolia', '1135' => 'Montserrat', '1136' => 'Morocco', '1137' => 'Mozambique', '1138' => 'Myanmar', '1139' => 'Namibia', '1140' => 'Nauru', '1141' => 'Nepal', '1142' => 'Netherlands', '1143' => 'Netherlands Antilles', '1144' => 'Neutral Zone', '1145' => 'New Caledonia', '1146' => 'New Zealand', '1147' => 'Nicaragua', '1148' => 'Niger', '1149' => 'Nigeria', '1150' => 'Niue', '1151' => 'Norfolk Island', '1152' => 'North Korea', '1153' => 'Northern Mariana Islands', '1154' => 'Norway', '1155' => 'Oman', '1156' => 'Pakistan', '1157' => 'Palau', '1158' => 'Panama', '1159' => 'Papua New Guinea', '1160' => 'Paraguay', '1161' => 'Peru', '1162' => 'Philippines', '1163' => 'Pitcairn', '1164' => 'Poland', '1165' => 'Portugal', '1166' => 'Puerto Rico', '1167' => 'Qatar', '1168' => 'Reunion', '1169' => 'Romania', '1170' => 'Russian Federation', '1171' => 'Rwanda', '1172' => 'Saint Helena', '1173' => 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', '1174' => 'Saint Lucia', '1175' => 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon','1231' => 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', '1176' => 'Samoa', '1177' => 'San Marino', '1178' => 'Sao Tome and Principe', '1179' => 'Saudi Arabia', '1180' => 'Senegal', '1227' => 'Serbia and Montenegro', '1181' => 'Seychelles', '1182' => 'Sierra Leone', '1183' => 'Singapore', '1184' => 'Slovakia', '1185' => 'Slovenia', '1186' => 'Solomon Islands', '1187' => 'Somalia', '1188' => 'South Africa', '1189' => 'South Georgia', '1190' => 'South Korea', '1191' => 'Spain', '1192' => 'Sri Lanka', '1193' => 'Sudan', '1194' => 'Suriname', '1195' => 'Swaziland', '1196' => 'Sweden', '1197' => 'Switzerland', '1198' => 'Syria', '1199' => 'Taiwan', '1200' => 'Tajikistan', '1201' => 'Tanzania', '1202' => 'Thailand', '1203' => 'Togo', '1204' => 'Tokelau', '1205' => 'Tonga', '1206' => 'Trinidad and Tobago', '1207' => 'Tunisia', '1208' => 'Turkey', '1209' => 'Turkmenistan', '1210' => 'Turks and Caicos Islands', '1211' => 'Tuvalu', '1212' => 'Uganda', '1213' => 'Ukraine', '1214' => 'United Arab Emirates', '1215' => 'United Kingdom', '1216' => 'United States of America', '1217' => 'Uruguay', '1218' => 'Uzbekistan', '1219' => 'Vanuatu', '1233' => 'Vatican City', '1220' => 'Venezuela', '1221' => 'Vietnam', '1222' => 'Virgin Islands (British)', '1223' => 'Virgin Islands (U.S.)', '1224' => 'Wallis and Futuna Islands','1225' => 'Western Sahara', '1226' => 'Yemen', '1228' => 'Zaire', '1229' => 'Zambia', '1230' => 'Zimbabwe' ); admin_link(); if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Add' or $_REQUEST['action'] == 'Modify') { ?>
Want to let others know you're using Bacula? Submit a user profile! Your submission will be reviewed before being made publicly available. We reserve the right to edit your submission for spelling, grammar, etc. You will receive an email when your profile has been approved for public viewing. Note that while your contact name and email address are required (to verify information if necessary), you can choose to have them not be published along with your profile information.

Fields marked with a * are required. Read the privacy notice below for information about how this data will be used.
*Contact Name: Publish Contact Name?
*Email Address: Publish Email Address?
Job Description/Title:

*Organization Name: Publish Org Name?
*Organization Type:
*Organization Industry/Function:
*Approx. Organization Size (# of Users): Publish Org Size?
Website URL: Publish Website?
Organization Logo : max width 150px. png, gif or jpeg only

*Bacula version:
*Director OS:
*Catalog DB:
*Redundant/Failover Backup Setup?
*Number of Director (Running bacula-dir):
*Number of Clients (Running bacula-fd):
*Number of Storage Daemons (Running bacula-sd):
*Total # of GB saved every month:
*Number # of Files:
Need professional support:

Applicable Hardware and Network Information:
General Comments:
"; echo ""; echo "
"; echo "
"; } else { echo ""; } ?>

Getting backup information

To get Total # of GB saved every month, you can run this query on you catalog (just adapt the starttime condition and round the result)
bacula@yourdir:~$ bconsole
SELECT sum(JobBytes)/1073741824 FROM Job WHERE StartTime > '2008-02-07' AND Type = 'B'
To know how many files are in your catalog, you can run this:
bacula@yourdir:~$ bconsole
SELECT sum(JobFiles) FROM Job WHERE Type = 'B'

Privacy Notice

The following information is required, but you may choose to not have it published for public viewing if you wish: contact name, email address, organization name. We may use this information to verify the data you submit if we find the need.
\n"; $attribs = array('contact_name','email_address', 'org_name','title','website', 'month_gb','number_files', 'number_dir','number_fd','number_sd', 'org_size','id'); foreach ($attribs as $arr) { form_set_value($formul, $arr); } $attribs = array('publish_contact','publish_email', 'publish_orgname', 'orgtype_id', 'orgindustry_id', 'publish_orgsize','publish_website', 'bacula_version', 'country_id','ostype_id', 'redundant_setup', 'catalog_id', 'support'); foreach ($attribs as $arr) { form_set_selection($formul, $arr); } $attribs = array('comments', 'hardware_comments'); foreach ($attribs as $arr) { form_set_text($formul, $arr); } echo "\n"; } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Review Profile Submission') { $form = get_formul(); if (!$form) { echo "Sorry, something is missing, I can't accept your submission"; } else { $token = uniqid(md5(rand()), true); $filename = "$dat_dir/profile.$token"; $form['filename'] = $filename; $form['id'] = $token; $form['visible']=0; save_formul($form); send_email($form['id'], $form['contact_name'], $form['email_address']); echo "You can modify your profile here (keep this link as bookmark)

"; print_formul($form); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'View') { $file = get_file_from_id(); if ($file) { print_formul_file($filename,true); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Delete') { $filename = get_file_from_id(); if (!$filename) { return (0); } $form = load_formul($filename); if ($form['org_logo'] && file_exists($form['org_logo'])) { rename($upload_dir + $form['org_logo'], 'removed.' + $upload_dir + $form['org_logo']); } if (file_exists($filename)) { rename($filename, "$filename-removed"); echo "Profile deleted"; } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Accept' && is_admin()) { $filename = get_file_from_id(); if (!$filename) { return (0); } $form = load_formul($filename); $hide = $_REQUEST['hide']; if ($hide) { $form['visible']=0; } else { $form['visible']=1; } save_formul($form); echo $form['id'] . " is now " . ($hide?"un":"") . "visible"; print_formul($form); } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Save') { $filename = get_file_from_id(); if (!$filename) { return (0); } $form = get_formul(); $form['filename'] = $filename; $form['id'] = $_REQUEST['id']; // id is clean // $form['visible'] = false; if (!$form['org_logo']) { $form_old = load_formul($filename); $form['org_logo'] = $form_old['org_logo']; } save_formul($form); echo "Your profile has been modified.
"; print_formul($form); } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'Admin' && is_admin()) { view_all(); } elseif (!$_REQUEST['action'] || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'ViewAll') { echo "Add your testimonial

"; view_all(); } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'AdminExport' && is_admin()) { $file = get_file_from_id(); if (!$file) { return 0; } $form = load_formul($file); if ($form) { export_form($form); } } elseif ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'sql') { print "
   print "
"; } function view_all() { global $dat_dir; global $password; $limit = $_REQUEST['limit']; $offset = $_REQUEST['offset']; $limit = is_numeric($limit)?$limit:5; $offset = is_numeric($offset)?$offset:0; $max = $offset + $limit; $admin = is_admin(); if ($limit > 20) { $limit = 20 ;} if ($handle = opendir($dat_dir)) { /* Ceci est la facon correcte de traverser un dossier. */ $i = 0 ; while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (preg_match("/^profile.[a-z0-9\.]+$/", $file)) { if (($i >= $offset) && ($i < $max)) { $i += print_formul_file("$dat_dir/$file",$admin); } else { $i++; } if ($i > $max) { break; } } } closedir($handle); } if ($offset > 0) { $offset = $offset - $limit; if ($offset < 0) { $offset=0; } echo "Prev "; } if ($i >= $max) { $offset = $offset + $limit; echo " Next
"; } } function export_form($formul) { global $country_lst, $org_type_lst, $org_industry_lst, $os_lst, $catalog_lst, $version_lst; $attribs = array('contact_name','email_address', 'org_name','title','website', 'hardware_comments','comments', 'publish_contact','publish_email', 'publish_orgname','org_size','redundant_setup', 'date','visible', 'support','number_dir', 'number_fd','number_sd','month_gb','number_files','publish_orgsize','publish_website'); print "
        foreach ($attribs as $arr) {
                print "$arr = " . $formul[$arr] . "\n";

        print "orgtype = " . $org_type_lst[$formul['orgtype_id']] . "\n";
        print "orgindustry = " . $org_industry_lst[$formul['orgindustry_id']] . "\n";
        print "bacula_version = " . $version_lst[$formul['bacula_version']] . "\n";
        print "country = " . $country_lst[$formul['country_id']] . "\n";
        print "ostype = " . $os_lst[$formul['ostype_id']] . "\n";
        print "catalog = " . $catalog_lst[$formul['catalog_id']] . "\n";

        print "

function get_file_from_id()
    global $dat_dir;
    $id = $_REQUEST['id'];

    if (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z0-9\.]+$',$id)) {
         return(0) ;


    if (!file_exists($filename)) {
         echo "Can't verify your id";
         return (0);

    return $filename;

function send_email($id, $name, $email)
        // Your email address
//        $from = 'kern@sibbald.com';
        $from = 'eric@eb.homelinux.org';

        // The subject
        $subject = "[BACULA] New testimonial";

        // The message
        $message = "Hello, 
You can modify your new testimonial at http://www.bacula.org/es/?page=testimonial&action=Modify&id=$id

Best regards.

        mail($email, $subject, $message, "From: Bacula WebMaster <$from>");

        $message = "Hello, 
You can review this testimonial at http://www.bacula.org/es/?page=testimonial&action=Modify&id=$id

Best regards.

        mail('testimonial@rt.baculasystems.com', $subject, $message, "From: $name <$email>");

        echo "The email has been sent for approval.
"; } function save_formul($form) { $fp = fopen($form['filename'], 'w'); fwrite($fp, serialize($form)); fclose($fp); } function get_formul() { global $upload_dir; global $dat_dir; $formul = array(); $attribs = array('contact_name','email_address', 'org_name'); foreach ($attribs as $arr) { if (!$_REQUEST[$arr]) { echo "Can't get $arr
"; return ''; } $formul[$arr] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9!\.?\:\/,;_()@\n -]/', " ", $_REQUEST[$arr]); } $attribs = array('title','website','hardware_comments','comments') ; foreach ($attribs as $arr) { $formul[$arr] = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9!\.?\:\/,;_()@\n -]/', " ", $_REQUEST[$arr]); } $attribs = array('publish_contact','publish_email', 'publish_orgname', 'orgtype_id', 'orgindustry_id','org_size', 'publish_orgsize','publish_website', 'bacula_version', 'country_id','ostype_id', 'redundant_setup','number_fd','number_sd','support', 'month_gb','number_files','catalog_id','number_dir'); foreach ($attribs as $arr) { $tmp = $_REQUEST[$arr]; $tmp = preg_replace("/[,\.]/", "", $tmp); if (preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $tmp)) { $formul[$arr] = $_REQUEST[$arr]; } } $attribs = array('orgtype_id', 'orgindustry_id', 'org_size', 'country_id','bacula_version', 'catalog_id', 'ostype_id','number_fd','number_sd', 'number_dir', 'month_gb','number_files'); foreach ($attribs as $arr) { if (!$formul[$arr]) { echo "Can't get $arr
"; return ''; } } if ($_FILES['org_logo']) { $token = uniqid(md5(rand()), true); $image = "/upload/$token"; if (preg_match("/(jpg|jpeg)$/i", $_FILES['org_logo']['name'])) { $image = "$image.jpg"; } elseif (preg_match("/png$/i", $_FILES['org_logo']['name'])) { $image = "$image.png"; } elseif (preg_match("/gif$/i", $_FILES['org_logo']['name'])) { $image = "$image.gif"; } else { $image = ''; } if ($image) { $ret=move_uploaded_file($_FILES['org_logo']['tmp_name'], "$upload_dir/$image"); $formul['org_logo'] = $image; } } $formul['date'] = time(); $formul['visible'] = false; return $formul; } function form_set_value($formul,$val) { echo "document.getElementById('$val').value = '" . $formul[$val] . "';\n"; } function form_set_selection($formul,$val) { echo "document.getElementById('${val}_" . $formul[$val] . "').selected =true;\n"; } function form_set_text($formul,$val) { $temp = $formul[$val]; $temp = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), array("\\n",""), $temp); echo "document.getElementById('$val').value='" . $temp . "';\n"; } // passwd file must exist in dat directory function is_admin() { global $dat_dir; $id = $_REQUEST['p']; if (!$id) { return(false); } if (!ereg('^[a-zA-Z]+$',$id)) { return(false) ; } if (file_exists("$dat_dir/$id")) { return true; } else { return false; } } function admin_link() { global $password; if (is_admin()) { $pass = $_REQUEST['p']; $waiting = $_REQUEST['waiting']; $password = "&p=$pass"; print "Admin: "; if ($waiting) { print " View all
"; } else { print " View all | "; print " View Waiting
"; } print "
"; } } function load_formul($filename) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { return array(); } if (!filesize($filename) || filesize($filename) > 10*1024*1024) { return undef; } $fp = fopen($filename, 'r'); $contents = fread ($fp, filesize ($filename)); fclose ($fp); $formul = unserialize($contents); if (!is_array($formul)) { return undef; } return $formul; } function print_formul_file($filename, $admin) { global $password; $form = load_formul($filename); if (!$form) { return 0; } if (!$admin) { if (!$form['visible']) { return 0; } } $waiting = $_REQUEST['waiting']; if ($admin && $waiting && $form['visible']) { return 0; } $ret = print_formul($form); if ($admin) { if ($form['visible']) { print " Hide | \n"; } else { print " Accept | \n"; } print " Modify | \n"; print " Export

\n"; } return $ret; } function dump_sql() { global $dat_dir, $country_lst, $org_type_lst, $org_industry_lst, $os_lst,$catalog_lst, $version_lst; if (!is_admin()) { return; } ?> CREATE TABLE dict (lang text, id int, name text, primary key (lang, id)); CREATE TABLE testimonials ( contact_name text, email_address text, org_name text, title text DEFAULT '', website text DEFAULT '', filename text DEFAULT '', month_gb int DEFAULT 0, number_files bigint DEFAULT 0, number_dir int DEFAULT 0, number_fd int DEFAULT 0, number_sd int DEFAULT 0, org_size int DEFAULT 0, country_id int, ostype_id int, bacula_version int, contry_id int, orgindustry_id int, orgtype_id int, catalog_id int, id text, publish_contact int DEFAULT 0, publish_email int DEFAULT 0, publish_website int DEFAULT 0, publish_orgname int DEFAULT 0, publish_orgsize int DEFAULT 0, redundant_setup int DEFAULT 0, support int DEFAULT 0, comments text DEFAULT '', hardware_comments text DEFAULT '', visible int DEFAULT 0, org_logo text DEFAULT '', date int DEFAULT 0, lastmodifed int DEFAULT 0 ); CREATE VIEW reference AS SELECT contact_name,email_address,org_name,title,website,hardware_comments,comments, publish_contact,publish_email,publish_orgname,org_size,publish_orgsize,publish_website, redundant_setup,number_fd,number_sd,support,month_gb,number_files,number_dir,date,visible,filename,t.id, orgtype.name AS orgtype, orgindustry.name AS orgindustry, version.name AS bacula_version, country.name AS country, ostype.name AS ostype, catalog.name AS catalog FROM testimonials AS t, dict AS orgtype, dict AS orgindustry, dict AS version, dict AS country, dict AS ostype, dict AS catalog WHERE t.orgtype_id = orgtype.id AND orgtype.lang = 'en' AND t.orgindustry_id = orgindustry.id AND orgindustry.lang = 'en' AND t.bacula_version = version.id AND version.lang = 'en' AND t.country_id = country.id AND country.lang = 'en' AND t.ostype_id = ostype.id AND ostype.lang = 'en' AND t.catalog_id = catalog.id AND catalog.lang = 'en'; INSERT INTO dict (lang, id, name) VALUES ('en', 0, 'no'); INSERT INTO dict (lang, id, name) VALUES ('en', 1, 'yes');

1) { ?> 1) { ?>
Organization Type:
Organisation Size:
Number of fd: