<%! section = "docs" %> <%inherit file="_templates/i3.mako" />

Documentation for i3 v4.4

One of i3’s goals is good documentation. The documents which you will find below will hopefully answer all your questions. If you have any corrections or suggestions please let us know!

For users

User’s Guide
Introduction and reference. Read this!

Interesting for users of the nVidia driver.

Debugging i3
Explains you how to enable debug logging.

External workspace bars
About bar programs such as i3bar or dzen2.

i3 reference card
Might be useful to memorize i3’s shortcuts.

For developers

Hacking Howto
Helps you if you want to get into i3’s source code.

Debugging i3
Explains you how to enable debug logging.

Inter process communication (IPC interface)
Read this if you want to talk to i3 within your script.

i3 testsuite
Makes you able to read and write i3 testcases.

i3bar protocol
Documents the JSON based protocol which i3bar uses.

User-contributed articles

i3 buildbot setup (2012-09, by Michael)
Describes the buildbot setup i3 uses for automatic docs, compilation and debian packages.

Lukáš Zapletal’s i3 configuration (2012-08, by Lukáš)
A detailed explanation of Lukáš’s configuration of i3 and related tools.

Swapping workspaces (2012-09, by Sagar)
Shows how Sagar uses i3’s IPC interface to swap workspaces between two outputs.

Using conky with i3bar (2012-11, by Gianrico)
Shows how to configure conky to generate JSON input for i3bar (with colors)!