compile_check = true; $smarty->debugging = false; $smarty->force_compile = true; $smarty->template_dir = "./templates"; $smarty->compile_dir = "./templates_c"; $smarty->config_dir = "./configs"; $backupjob_name = ""; if( isset( $_POST["backupjob_name"] ) ) $backupjob_name = $_POST["backupjob_name"]; elseif( isset( $_GET["backupjob_name"] ) ) $backupjob_name = $_GET["backupjob_name"]; else die( "Please specify a backup job name " ); $smarty->assign('backupjob_name', $backupjob_name ); // Last 7 days stored Bytes graph $data = array(); $graph = new BGraph( "graph2.png" ); $days = array(); // Get the last 7 days interval (start and end) for( $c = 6 ; $c >= 0 ; $c-- ) { $today = ( mktime() - ($c * LAST_DAY) ); array_push( $days, array( 'start' => date( "Y-m-d 00:00:00", $today ), 'end' => date( "Y-m-d 23:59:00", $today ) ) ); } $days_stored_bytes = array(); foreach( $days as $day ) { array_push( $days_stored_bytes, $dbSql->GetStoredBytesByJob( $backupjob_name, $day['start'], $day['end'] ) ); } $graph->SetData( $days_stored_bytes, 'bars', 'text-data' ); $graph->SetGraphSize( 400, 230 ); $graph->Render(); $smarty->assign('graph_stored_bytes', $graph->Get_Image_file() ); // Process and display the template $smarty->display('backupjob-report.tpl'); ?>