; Language ; en_EN -> English ; es_ES -> Spanish, Mantained by Juan Luis Francés Jiménez. ; it_IT -> Italian, Mantained by Gian Domenico Messina (gianni.messina AT c-ict.it). ; fr_FR -> Frech, Mantained by Morgan LEFIEUX (comete AT daknet.org). ; de_DE -> German, Mantained by Florian Heigl. lang = en_EN ; Database connection configuration [.DATABASE] host = localhost ; Database host or IP login = root ; Database account name pass = p@ssw0rd ; Database account password db_name = bacula ; Database name db_type = mysql ; Database type ;db_port = 3306 ; Uncomment if not standard port ; Multi-Catalog support ; If you want to configure more than 1 Bacula catalog in Bacula-Web, simply copy the previous line (See example below) ; Don't forget the change the name of the section (DATABASE2 in this case) ;[.DATABASE2] ;host = ;login = bacula ;pass = ;db_name = bacula ;db_type = mysql