* * Requires PHP 4.2.0 or later (CHECK THIS) */ if (! defined(__FUNCTION__)) define(__FUNCTION__, '__FUNCTION__ Requires at least PHP 4.3.0.'); define ('MINY', -1); // Indexes in $data (for DrawXDataLine()) define ('MAXY', -2); define ('TOTY', -3); error_reporting(E_ALL); class PHPlot { /* I have removed internal variable declarations, some isset() checking was required, * but now the variables left are those which can be tweaked by the user. This is intended to * be the first step towards moving most of the Set...() methods into a subclass which will be * used only when strictly necessary. Many users will be able to put default values here in the * class and thus avoid memory overhead and reduce parsing times. */ //////////////// CONFIG PARAMETERS ////////////////////// var $is_inline = FALSE; // FALSE = Sends headers, TRUE = sends just raw image data var $browser_cache = FALSE; // FALSE = Sends headers for browser to not cache the image, // (only if is_inline = FALSE also) var $safe_margin = 5; // Extra margin used in several places. In pixels var $x_axis_position = ''; // Where to draw both axis (world coordinates), var $y_axis_position = ''; // leave blank for X axis at 0 and Y axis at left of plot. var $xscale_type = 'linear'; // linear, log var $yscale_type = 'linear'; //Fonts var $use_ttf = FALSE; // Use True Type Fonts? var $ttf_path = '.'; // Default path to look in for TT Fonts. var $default_ttfont = 'benjamingothic.ttf'; var $line_spacing = 4; // Pixels between lines. // Font angles: 0 or 90 degrees for fixed fonts, any for TTF var $x_label_angle = 0; // For labels on X axis (tick and data) var $y_label_angle = 0; // For labels on Y axis (tick and data) var $x_title_angle = 0; // Don't change this if you don't want to screw things up! var $y_title_angle = 90; // Nor this. var $title_angle = 0; // Or this. //Formats var $file_format = 'png'; var $output_file = ''; // For output to a file instead of stdout //Data var $data_type = 'text-data'; // text-data, data-data-error, data-data, text-data-single var $plot_type= 'linepoints'; // bars, lines, linepoints, area, points, pie, thinbarline, squared var $label_scale_position = 0.5; // Shifts data labes in pie charts. 1 = top, 0 = bottom var $group_frac_width = 0.7; // value from 0 to 1 = width of bar groups var $bar_width_adjust = 1; // 1 = bars of normal width, must be > 0 var $y_precision = 1; var $x_precision = 1; var $data_units_text = ''; // Units text for 'data' labels (i.e: '¤', '$', etc.) // Titles var $title_txt = ''; var $x_title_txt = ''; var $x_title_pos = 'plotdown'; // plotdown, plotup, both, none var $y_title_txt = ''; var $y_title_pos = 'plotleft'; // plotleft, plotright, both, none //Labels // There are two types of labels in PHPlot: // Tick labels: they follow the grid, next to ticks in axis. (DONE) // they are drawn at grid drawing time, by DrawXTicks() and DrawYTicks() // Data labels: they follow the data points, and can be placed on the axis or the plot (x/y) (TODO) // they are drawn at graph plotting time, by Draw*DataLabel(), called by DrawLines(), etc. // Draw*DataLabel() also draws H/V lines to datapoints depending on draw_*_data_label_lines // Tick Labels var $x_tick_label_pos = 'plotdown'; // plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, none var $y_tick_label_pos = 'plotleft'; // plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis, none // Data Labels: var $x_data_label_pos = 'plotdown'; // plotdown, plotup, both, plot, all, none var $y_data_label_pos = 'plotleft'; // plotleft, plotright, both, plot, all, none var $draw_x_data_label_lines = FALSE; // Draw a line from the data point to the axis? var $draw_y_data_label_lines = FALSE; // TODO // Label types: (for tick, data and plot labels) var $x_label_type = ''; // data, time. Leave blank for no formatting. var $y_label_type = ''; // data, time. Leave blank for no formatting. var $x_time_format = '%H:%m:%s'; // See http://www.php.net/manual/html/function.strftime.html var $y_time_format = '%H:%m:%s'; // SetYTimeFormat() too... // Skipping labels var $x_label_inc = 1; // Draw a label every this many (1 = all) (TODO) var $y_label_inc = 1; var $_x_label_cnt = 0; // internal count FIXME: work in progress // Legend var $legend = ''; // An array with legend titles var $legend_x_pos = ''; var $legend_y_pos = ''; //Ticks var $x_tick_length = 5; // tick length in pixels for upper/lower axis var $y_tick_length = 5; // tick length in pixels for left/right axis var $x_tick_cross = 3; // ticks cross x axis this many pixels var $y_tick_cross = 3; // ticks cross y axis this many pixels var $x_tick_pos = 'plotdown'; // plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, none var $y_tick_pos = 'plotleft'; // plotright, plotleft, both, yaxis, none var $num_x_ticks = ''; var $num_y_ticks = ''; var $x_tick_inc = ''; // Set num_x_ticks or x_tick_inc, not both. var $y_tick_inc = ''; // Set num_y_ticks or y_tick_inc, not both. var $skip_top_tick = FALSE; var $skip_bottom_tick = FALSE; var $skip_left_tick = FALSE; var $skip_right_tick = FALSE; //Grid Formatting var $draw_x_grid = FALSE; var $draw_y_grid = TRUE; var $dashed_grid = TRUE; var $grid_at_foreground = FALSE; // Chooses whether to draw the grid below or above the graph //Colors and styles (all colors can be array (R,G,B) or named color) var $color_array = 'small'; // 'small', 'large' or array (define your own colors) // See rgb.inc.php and SetRGBArray() var $i_border = array(194, 194, 194); var $plot_bg_color = 'white'; var $bg_color = 'white'; var $label_color = 'black'; var $text_color = 'black'; var $grid_color = 'black'; var $light_grid_color = 'gray'; var $tick_color = 'black'; var $title_color = 'black'; var $data_colors = array('SkyBlue', 'green', 'orange', 'blue', 'orange', 'red', 'violet', 'azure1'); var $error_bar_colors = array('SkyBlue', 'green', 'orange', 'blue', 'orange', 'red', 'violet', 'azure1'); var $data_border_colors = array('black'); var $line_widths = array(1); // single value or array var $line_styles = array('solid', 'solid', 'dashed'); // single value or array var $dashed_style = '2-4'; // colored dots-transparent dots var $point_sizes = array(5,5,3); // single value or array var $point_shapes = array('diamond'); // rect, circle, diamond, triangle, dot, line, halfline, cross var $error_bar_size = 5; // right and left size of tee var $error_bar_shape = 'tee'; // 'tee' or 'line' var $error_bar_line_width = 1; // single value (or array TODO) var $plot_border_type = 'sides'; // left, sides, none, full var $image_border_type = 'none'; // 'raised', 'plain', 'none' var $shading = 5; // 0 for no shading, > 0 is size of shadows in pixels var $draw_plot_area_background = FALSE; var $draw_broken_lines = FALSE; // Tells not to draw lines for missing Y data. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //BEGIN CODE ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Constructor: Setup img resource, colors and size of the image, and font sizes. * * \param which_width int Image width in pixels. * \param which_height int Image height in pixels. * \param which_output_file string Filename for output. * \param which_input_fule string Path to a file to be used as background. */ function PHPlot($which_width=600, $which_height=400, $which_output_file=NULL, $which_input_file=NULL) { /* * Please see http://www.php.net/register_shutdown_function * PLEASE NOTE: register_shutdown_function() will take a copy of the object rather than a reference * so we put an ampersand. However, the function registered will work on the object as it * was upon registration. To solve this, one of two methods can be used: * $obj = new object(); * register_shutdown_function(array(&$obj,'shutdown')); * OR * $obj = &new object(); * HOWEVER, as the second statement assigns $obj a reference to the current object, it might be that * several instances mess things up... (CHECK THIS) * * AND * as $this->img is set upon construction of the object, problems will not arise for us (for the * moment maybe, so I put all this here just in case) */ register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, '_PHPlot')); $this->SetRGBArray($this->color_array); $this->background_done = FALSE; // Set to TRUE after background image is drawn once if ($which_output_file) $this->SetOutputFile($which_output_file); if ($which_input_file) $this->SetInputFile($which_input_file); else { $this->image_width = $which_width; $this->image_height = $which_height; $this->img = ImageCreate($this->image_width, $this->image_height); if (! $this->img) $this->PrintError('PHPlot(): Could not create image resource.'); } $this->SetDefaultStyles(); $this->SetDefaultFonts(); $this->SetTitle(''); $this->SetXTitle(''); $this->SetYTitle(''); $this->print_image = TRUE; // Use for multiple plots per image (TODO: automatic) } /*! * Destructor. Image resources not deallocated can be memory hogs, I think * it is safer to automatically call imagedestroy upon script termination than * do it ourselves. * See notes in the constructor code. */ function _PHPlot () { ImageDestroy($this->img); return; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// COLORS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Returns an index to a color passed in as anything (string, hex, rgb) * * \param which_color * Color (can be '#AABBCC', 'Colorname', or array(r,g,b)) */ function SetIndexColor($which_color) { list ($r, $g, $b) = $this->SetRGBColor($which_color); //Translate to RGB $index = ImageColorExact($this->img, $r, $g, $b); if ($index == -1) { return ImageColorResolve($this->img, $r, $g, $b); } else { return $index; } } /*! * Returns an index to a slightly darker color than the one requested. */ function SetIndexDarkColor($which_color) { list ($r, $g, $b) = $this->SetRGBColor($which_color); $r -= 0x30; $r = ($r < 0) ? 0 : $r; $g -= 0x30; $g = ($g < 0) ? 0 : $g; $b -= 0x30; $b = ($b < 0) ? 0 : $b; $index = ImageColorExact($this->img, $r, $g, $b); if ($index == -1) { return ImageColorResolve($this->img, $r, $g, $b); } else { return $index; } } /*! * Sets/reverts all colors and styles to their defaults. If session is set, then only updates indices, * as they are lost with every script execution, else, sets the default colors by name or value and * then updates indices too. * * FIXME Isn't this too slow? * */ function SetDefaultStyles() { /* Some of the Set*() functions use default values when they get no parameters. */ if (! isset($this->session_set)) { // If sessions are enabled, this variable will be preserved, so upon future executions, we // will have it set, as well as color names (though not color indices, that's why we // need to rebuild them) $this->session_set = TRUE; // These only need to be set once $this->SetLineWidths(); $this->SetLineStyles(); $this->SetDefaultDashedStyle($this->dashed_style); $this->SetPointSizes($this->point_sizes); } $this->SetImageBorderColor($this->i_border); $this->SetPlotBgColor($this->plot_bg_color); $this->SetBackgroundColor($this->bg_color); $this->SetLabelColor($this->label_color); $this->SetTextColor($this->text_color); $this->SetGridColor($this->grid_color); $this->SetLightGridColor($this->light_grid_color); $this->SetTickColor($this->tick_color); $this->SetTitleColor($this->title_color); $this->SetDataColors(); $this->SetErrorBarColors(); $this->SetDataBorderColors(); } /* * */ function SetBackgroundColor($which_color) { $this->bg_color= $which_color; $this->ndx_bg_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->bg_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetPlotBgColor($which_color) { $this->plot_bg_color= $which_color; $this->ndx_plot_bg_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->plot_bg_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetTitleColor($which_color) { $this->title_color= $which_color; $this->ndx_title_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->title_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetTickColor ($which_color) { $this->tick_color= $which_color; $this->ndx_tick_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->tick_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetLabelColor ($which_color) { $this->label_color = $which_color; $this->ndx_title_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->label_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetTextColor ($which_color) { $this->text_color= $which_color; $this->ndx_text_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->text_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetLightGridColor ($which_color) { $this->light_grid_color= $which_color; $this->ndx_light_grid_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->light_grid_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetGridColor ($which_color) { $this->grid_color = $which_color; $this->ndx_grid_color= $this->SetIndexColor($this->grid_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetImageBorderColor($which_color) { $this->i_border = $which_color; $this->ndx_i_border = $this->SetIndexColor($this->i_border); $this->ndx_i_border_dark = $this->SetIndexDarkColor($this->i_border); return TRUE; } /* * */ function SetTransparentColor($which_color) { ImageColorTransparent($this->img, $this->SetIndexColor($which_color)); return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the array of colors to be used. It can be user defined, a small predefined one * or a large one included from 'rgb.inc.php'. * * \param which_color_array If an array, the used as color array. If a string can * be one of 'small' or 'large'. */ function SetRGBArray ($which_color_array) { if ( is_array($which_color_array) ) { // User defined array $this->rgb_array = $which_color_array; return TRUE; } elseif ($which_color_array == 'small') { // Small predefined color array $this->rgb_array = array( 'white' => array(255, 255, 255), 'snow' => array(255, 250, 250), 'PeachPuff' => array(255, 218, 185), 'ivory' => array(255, 255, 240), 'lavender' => array(230, 230, 250), 'black' => array( 0, 0, 0), 'DimGrey' => array(105, 105, 105), 'gray' => array(190, 190, 190), 'grey' => array(190, 190, 190), 'navy' => array( 0, 0, 128), 'SlateBlue' => array(106, 90, 205), 'blue' => array( 0, 0, 255), 'SkyBlue' => array(135, 206, 235), 'cyan' => array( 0, 255, 255), 'DarkGreen' => array( 0, 100, 0), 'green' => array( 0, 255, 0), 'YellowGreen' => array(154, 205, 50), 'yellow' => array(255, 255, 0), 'orange' => array(255, 165, 0), 'gold' => array(255, 215, 0), 'peru' => array(205, 133, 63), 'beige' => array(245, 245, 220), 'wheat' => array(245, 222, 179), 'tan' => array(210, 180, 140), 'brown' => array(165, 42, 42), 'salmon' => array(250, 128, 114), 'red' => array(255, 0, 0), 'pink' => array(255, 192, 203), 'maroon' => array(176, 48, 96), 'magenta' => array(255, 0, 255), 'violet' => array(238, 130, 238), 'plum' => array(221, 160, 221), 'orchid' => array(218, 112, 214), 'purple' => array(160, 32, 240), 'azure1' => array(240, 255, 255), 'aquamarine1' => array(127, 255, 212) ); return TRUE; } elseif ($which_color_array === 'large') { // Large color array include("./rgb.inc.php"); $this->rgb_array = $RGBArray; } else { // Default to black and white only. $this->rgb_array = array('white' => array(255, 255, 255), 'black' => array(0, 0, 0)); } return TRUE; } /*! * Returns an array in R, G, B format 0-255 * * \param color_asked array(R,G,B) or string (named color or '#AABBCC') */ function SetRGBColor($color_asked) { if ($color_asked == '') { $color_asked = array(0, 0, 0); }; if ( count($color_asked) == 3 ) { // already array of 3 rgb $ret_val = $color_asked; } else { // asking for a color by string if(substr($color_asked, 0, 1) == '#') { // asking in #FFFFFF format. $ret_val = array(hexdec(substr($color_asked, 1, 2)), hexdec(substr($color_asked, 3, 2)), hexdec(substr($color_asked, 5, 2))); } else { // asking by color name $ret_val = $this->rgb_array[$color_asked]; } } return $ret_val; } /*! * Sets the colors for the data. */ function SetDataColors($which_data = NULL, $which_border = NULL) { if (is_null($which_data) && is_array($this->data_colors)) { // use already set data_colors } else if (! is_array($which_data)) { $this->data_colors = ($which_data) ? array($which_data) : array('blue', 'red', 'green', 'orange'); } else { $this->data_colors = $which_data; } $i = 0; foreach ($this->data_colors as $col) { $this->ndx_data_colors[$i] = $this->SetIndexColor($col); $this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$i] = $this->SetIndexDarkColor($col); $i++; } // For past compatibility: $this->SetDataBorderColors($which_border); } // function SetDataColors() /*! * */ function SetDataBorderColors($which_br = NULL) { if (is_null($which_br) && is_array($this->data_border_colors)) { // use already set data_border_colors } else if (! is_array($which_br)) { // Create new array with specified color $this->data_border_colors = ($which_br) ? array($which_br) : array('black'); } else { $this->data_border_colors = $which_br; } $i = 0; foreach($this->data_border_colors as $col) { $this->ndx_data_border_colors[$i] = $this->SetIndexColor($col); $i++; } } // function SetDataBorderColors() /*! * Sets the colors for the data error bars. */ function SetErrorBarColors($which_err = NULL) { if (is_null($which_err) && is_array($this->error_bar_colors)) { // use already set error_bar_colors } else if (! is_array($which_err)) { $this->error_bar_colors = ($which_err) ? array($which_err) : array('black'); } else { $this->error_bar_colors = $which_err; } $i = 0; foreach($this->error_bar_colors as $col) { $this->ndx_error_bar_colors[$i] = $this->SetIndexColor($col); $i++; } return TRUE; } // function SetErrorBarColors() /*! * Sets the default dashed style. * \param which_style A string specifying order of colored and transparent dots, * i.e: '4-3' means 4 colored, 3 transparent; * '2-3-1-2' means 2 colored, 3 transparent, 1 colored, 2 transparent. */ function SetDefaultDashedStyle($which_style) { // String: "numcol-numtrans-numcol-numtrans..." $asked = explode('-', $which_style); if (count($asked) < 2) { $this->DrawError("SetDefaultDashedStyle(): Wrong parameter '$which_style'."); return FALSE; } // Build the string to be eval()uated later by SetDashedStyle() $this->default_dashed_style = 'array( '; $t = 0; foreach($asked as $s) { if ($t % 2 == 0) { $this->default_dashed_style .= str_repeat('$which_ndxcol,', $s); } else { $this->default_dashed_style .= str_repeat('IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT,', $s); } $t++; } // Remove trailing comma and add closing parenthesis $this->default_dashed_style = substr($this->default_dashed_style, 0, -1); $this->default_dashed_style .= ')'; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the style before drawing a dashed line. Defaults to $this->default_dashed_style * \param which_ndxcol Color index to be used. */ function SetDashedStyle($which_ndxcol) { // See SetDefaultDashedStyle() to understand this. eval ("\$style = $this->default_dashed_style;"); return imagesetstyle($this->img, $style); } /*! * Sets line widths on a per-line basis. */ function SetLineWidths($which_lw=NULL) { if (is_null($which_lw)) { // Do nothing, use default value. } else if (is_array($which_lw)) { // Did we get an array with line widths? $this->line_widths = $which_lw; } else { $this->line_widths = array($which_lw); } return TRUE; } /*! * */ function SetLineStyles($which_ls=NULL) { if (is_null($which_ls)) { // Do nothing, use default value. } else if (! is_array($which_ls)) { // Did we get an array with line styles? $this->line_styles = $which_ls; } else { $this->line_styles = ($which_ls) ? array($which_ls) : array('solid'); } return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////// FONTS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Sets number of pixels between lines of the same text. */ function SetLineSpacing($which_spc) { $this->line_spacing = $which_spc; } /*! * Enables use of TrueType fonts in the graph. Font initialisation methods * depend on this setting, so when called, SetUseTTF() resets the font * settings */ function SetUseTTF($which_ttf) { $this->use_ttf = $which_ttf; if ($which_ttf) $this->SetDefaultFonts(); return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the directory name to look into for TrueType fonts. */ function SetTTFPath($which_path) { // Maybe someone needs really dynamic config. He'll need this: // clearstatcache(); if (is_dir($which_path) && is_readable($which_path)) { $this->ttf_path = $which_path; return TRUE; } else { $this->PrintError("SetTTFPath(): $which_path is not a valid path."); return FALSE; } } /*! * Sets the default TrueType font and updates all fonts to that. */ function SetDefaultTTFont($which_font) { if (is_file($which_font) && is_readable($which_font)) { $this->default_ttfont = $which_font; return $this->SetDefaultFonts(); } else { $this->PrintError("SetDefaultTTFont(): $which_font is not a valid font file."); return FALSE; } } /*! * Sets fonts to their defaults */ function SetDefaultFonts() { // TTF: if ($this->use_ttf) { //$this->SetTTFPath(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); $this->SetTTFPath(getcwd()); $this->SetFont('generic', $this->default_ttfont, 8); $this->SetFont('title', $this->default_ttfont, 14); $this->SetFont('legend', $this->default_ttfont, 8); $this->SetFont('x_label', $this->default_ttfont, 6); $this->SetFont('y_label', $this->default_ttfont, 6); $this->SetFont('x_title', $this->default_ttfont, 10); $this->SetFont('y_title', $this->default_ttfont, 10); } // Fixed: else { $this->SetFont('generic', 2); $this->SetFont('title', 5); $this->SetFont('legend', 2); $this->SetFont('x_label', 1); $this->SetFont('y_label', 1); $this->SetFont('x_title', 3); $this->SetFont('y_title', 3); } return TRUE; } /*! * Sets Fixed/Truetype font parameters. * \param $which_elem Is the element whose font is to be changed. * It can be one of 'title', 'legend', 'generic', * 'x_label', 'y_label', x_title' or 'y_title' * \param $which_font Can be a number (for fixed font sizes) or * a string with the filename when using TTFonts. * \param $which_size Point size (TTF only) * Calculates and updates internal height and width variables. */ function SetFont($which_elem, $which_font, $which_size = 12) { // TTF: if ($this->use_ttf) { $path = $this->ttf_path.'/'.$which_font; if (! is_file($path) || ! is_readable($path) ) { $this->DrawError("SetFont(): True Type font $path doesn't exist"); return FALSE; } switch ($which_elem) { case 'generic': $this->generic_font['font'] = $path; $this->generic_font['size'] = $which_size; break; case 'title': $this->title_font['font'] = $path; $this->title_font['size'] = $which_size; break; case 'legend': $this->legend_font['font'] = $path; $this->legend_font['size'] = $which_size; break; case 'x_label': $this->x_label_font['font'] = $path; $this->x_label_font['size'] = $which_size; break; case 'y_label': $this->y_label_font['font'] = $path; $this->y_label_font['size'] = $which_size; break; case 'x_title': $this->x_title_font['font'] = $path; $this->x_title_font['size'] = $which_size; break; case 'y_title': $this->y_title_font['font'] = $path; $this->y_title_font['size'] = $which_size; break; default: $this->DrawError("SetFont(): Unknown element '$which_elem' specified."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } // Fixed fonts: if ($which_font > 5 || $which_font < 0) { $this->DrawError('SetFont(): Non-TTF font size must be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5'); return FALSE; } switch ($which_elem) { case 'generic': $this->generic_font['font'] = $which_font; $this->generic_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font); $this->generic_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font); break; case 'title': $this->title_font['font'] = $which_font; $this->title_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font); $this->title_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font); break; case 'legend': $this->legend_font['font'] = $which_font; $this->legend_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font); $this->legend_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font); break; case 'x_label': $this->x_label_font['font'] = $which_font; $this->x_label_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font); $this->x_label_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font); break; case 'y_label': $this->y_label_font['font'] = $which_font; $this->y_label_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font); $this->y_label_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font); break; case 'x_title': $this->x_title_font['font'] = $which_font; $this->x_title_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font); $this->x_title_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font); break; case 'y_title': $this->y_title_font['font'] = $which_font; $this->y_title_font['height'] = ImageFontHeight($which_font); $this->y_title_font['width'] = ImageFontWidth($which_font); break; default: $this->DrawError("SetFont(): Unknown element '$which_elem' specified."); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*! * Returns an array with the size of the bounding box of an * arbitrarily placed (rotated) TrueType text string. */ function TTFBBoxSize($size, $angle, $font, $string) { // First, assume angle < 90 $arr = ImageTTFBBox($size, 0, $font, $string); $flat_width = $arr[2] - $arr[0]; $flat_height = abs($arr[3] - $arr[5]); // Now the bounding box $angle = deg2rad($angle); $width = ceil(abs($flat_width*cos($angle) + $flat_height*sin($angle))); //Must be integer $height = ceil(abs($flat_width*sin($angle) + $flat_height*cos($angle))); //Must be integer return array($width, $height); } /*! * Draws a string of text. Horizontal and vertical alignment are relative to * to the drawing. That is: vertical text (90 deg) gets centered along y-axis * with v_align = 'center', and adjusted to the left of x-axis with h_align = 'right', * * \note Original multiple lines code submitted by Remi Ricard. * \note Original vertical code submitted by Marlin Viss. */ function DrawText($which_font, $which_angle, $which_xpos, $which_ypos, $which_color, $which_text, $which_halign = 'left', $which_valign = 'bottom') { // TTF: if ($this->use_ttf) { $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($which_font['size'], $which_angle, $which_font['font'], $which_text); $rads = deg2rad($which_angle); if ($which_valign == 'center') $which_ypos += $size[1]/2; if ($which_valign == 'bottom') $which_ypos += $size[1]; if ($which_halign == 'center') $which_xpos -= ($size[0]/2) * cos($rads); if ($which_halign == 'left') $which_xpos += $size[0] * sin($rads); if ($which_halign == 'right') $which_xpos -= $size[0] * cos($rads); ImageTTFText($this->img, $which_font['size'], $which_angle, $which_xpos, $which_ypos, $which_color, $which_font['font'], $which_text); } // Fixed fonts: else { // Split the text by its lines, and count them $which_text = ereg_replace("\r", "", $which_text); $str = split("\n", $which_text); $nlines = count($str); $spacing = $this->line_spacing * ($nlines - 1); // Vertical text: // (Remember the alignment convention with vertical text) if ($which_angle == 90) { // The text goes around $which_xpos. if ($which_halign == 'center') $which_xpos -= ($nlines * ($which_font['height'] + $spacing))/2; // Left alignment requires no modification to $xpos... // Right-align it. $which_xpos designated the rightmost x coordinate. else if ($which_halign == 'right') $which_xpos += ($nlines * ($which_font['height'] + $spacing)); $ypos = $which_ypos; for($i = 0; $i < $nlines; $i++) { // Center the text vertically around $which_ypos (each line) if ($which_valign == 'center') $ypos = $which_ypos + (strlen($str[$i]) * $which_font['width']) / 2; // Make the text finish (vertically) at $which_ypos if ($which_valign == 'bottom') $ypos = $which_ypos + strlen($str[$i]) * $which_font['width']; ImageStringUp($this->img, $which_font['font'], $i * ($which_font['height'] + $spacing) + $which_xpos, $ypos, $str[$i], $which_color); } } // Horizontal text: else { // The text goes above $which_ypos if ($which_valign == 'top') $which_ypos -= $nlines * ($which_font['height'] + $spacing); // The text is centered around $which_ypos if ($which_valign == 'center') $which_ypos -= ($nlines * ($which_font['height'] + $spacing))/2; // valign = 'bottom' requires no modification $xpos = $which_xpos; for($i = 0; $i < $nlines; $i++) { // center the text around $which_xpos if ($which_halign == 'center') $xpos = $which_xpos - (strlen($str[$i]) * $which_font['width'])/2; // make the text finish at $which_xpos if ($which_halign == 'right') $xpos = $which_xpos - strlen($str[$i]) * $which_font['width']; ImageString($this->img, $which_font['font'], $xpos, $i * ($which_font['height'] + $spacing) + $which_ypos, $str[$i], $which_color); } } } return TRUE; } // function DrawText() ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// INPUT / OUTPUT CONTROL ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Sets output file format. */ function SetFileFormat($format) { $asked = $this->CheckOption($format, 'jpg, png, gif, wbmp', __FUNCTION__); switch ($asked) { case 'jpg': if (imagetypes() & IMG_JPG) $this->file_format = 'jpg'; return TRUE; break; case 'png': if (imagetypes() & IMG_PNG) $this->file_format = 'png'; return TRUE; break; case 'gif': if (imagetypes() & IMG_GIF) $this->file_format = 'gif'; return TRUE; break; case 'wbmp': if (imagetypes() & IMG_WBMP) $this->file_format = 'wbmp'; return TRUE; break; default: $this->PrintError("SetFileFormat():File format '$format' not supported"); return FALSE; } } /*! * Selects an input file to be used as graph background and scales or tiles this image * to fit the sizes. * \param input_file string Path to the file to be used (jpeg, png and gif accepted) * \param mode string 'centeredtile', 'tile', 'scale' (the image to the graph's size) */ function SetBgImage($input_file, $mode='centeredtile') { $this->bgmode = $this->CheckOption($mode, 'tile, centeredtile, scale', __FUNCTION__); $this->bgimg = $input_file; } /*! * Selects an input file to be used as plot area background and scales or tiles this image * to fit the sizes. * \param input_file string Path to the file to be used (jpeg, png and gif accepted) * \param mode string 'centeredtile', 'tile', 'scale' (the image to the graph's size) */ function SetPlotAreaBgImage($input_file, $mode='tile') { $this->plotbgmode = $this->CheckOption($mode, 'tile, centeredtile, scale', __FUNCTION__); $this->plotbgimg = $input_file; } /*! * Sets the name of the file to be used as output file. */ function SetOutputFile($which_output_file) { $this->output_file = $which_output_file; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the output image as 'inline', that is: no Content-Type headers are sent * to the browser. Needed if you want to embed the images. */ function SetIsInline($which_ii) { $this->is_inline = (bool)$which_ii; return TRUE; } /*! * Performs the actual outputting of the generated graph, and * destroys the image resource. */ function PrintImage() { // Browser cache stuff submitted by Thiemo Nagel if ( (! $this->browser_cache) && (! $this->is_inline)) { header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT'); header('Last-Modified: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . 'GMT'); header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); } switch($this->file_format) { case 'png': if (! $this->is_inline) { Header('Content-type: image/png'); } if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') { ImagePng($this->img, $this->output_file); } else { ImagePng($this->img); } break; case 'jpg': if (! $this->is_inline) { Header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); } if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') { ImageJPEG($this->img, $this->output_file); } else { ImageJPEG($this->img); } break; case 'gif': if (! $this->is_inline) { Header('Content-type: image/gif'); } if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') { ImageGIF($this->img, $this->output_file); } else { ImageGIF($this->img); } break; case 'wbmp': // wireless bitmap, 2 bit. if (! $this->is_inline) { Header('Content-type: image/wbmp'); } if ($this->is_inline && $this->output_file != '') { ImageWBMP($this->img, $this->output_file); } else { ImageWBMP($this->img); } break; default: $this->PrintError('PrintImage(): Please select an image type!'); break; } return TRUE; } /*! * Prints an error message to stdout and dies */ function PrintError($error_message) { echo "

Fatal error: $error_message

"; die; } /*! * Prints an error message inline into the generated image and draws it centered * around the given coordinates (defaults to center of the image) * \param error_message Message to be drawn * \param where_x X coordinate * \param where_y Y coordinate */ function DrawError($error_message, $where_x = NULL, $where_y = NULL) { if (! $this->img) $this->PrintError('_DrawError(): Warning, no image resource allocated. '. 'The message to be written was: '.$error_message); $ypos = (! $where_y) ? $this->image_height/2 : $where_y; $xpos = (! $where_x) ? $this->image_width/2 : $where_x; ImageRectangle($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height, ImageColorAllocate($this->img, 255, 255, 255)); $this->DrawText($this->generic_font, 0, $xpos, $ypos, ImageColorAllocate($this->img, 0, 0, 0), $error_message, 'center', 'center'); $this->PrintImage(); exit; // return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// LABELS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Sets position for X labels following data points. */ function SetXDataLabelPos($which_xdlp) { $this->x_data_label_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_xdlp, 'plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, all, none', __FUNCTION__); if ($which_xdlp != 'none') $this->x_tick_label_pos = 'none'; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets position for Y labels following data points. */ function SetYDataLabelPos($which_ydlp) { $this->y_data_label_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_ydlp, 'plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis, all, none', __FUNCTION__); if ($which_ydlp != 'none') $this->y_tick_label_pos = 'none'; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets position for X labels following ticks (hence grid lines) */ function SetXTickLabelPos($which_xtlp) { $this->x_tick_label_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_xtlp, 'plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, all, none', __FUNCTION__); if ($which_xtlp != 'none') $this->x_data_label_pos = 'none'; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets position for Y labels following ticks (hence grid lines) */ function SetYTickLabelPos($which_ytlp) { $this->y_tick_label_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_ytlp, 'plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis, all, none', __FUNCTION__); if ($which_ytlp != 'none') $this->y_data_label_pos = 'none'; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets type for tick and data labels on X axis. * \note 'title' type left for backwards compatibility. */ function SetXLabelType($which_xlt) { $this->x_label_type = $this->CheckOption($which_xlt, 'data, time, title', __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } /*! * Sets type for tick and data labels on Y axis. */ function SetYLabelType($which_ylt) { $this->y_label_type = $this->CheckOption($which_ylt, 'data, time', __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } function SetXTimeFormat($which_xtf) { $this->x_time_format = $which_xtf; return TRUE; } function SetYTimeFormat($which_ytf) { $this->y_time_format = $which_ytf; return TRUE; } function SetXLabelAngle($which_xla) { $this->x_label_angle = $which_xla; return TRUE; } function SetYLabelAngle($which_yla) { $this->y_label_angle = $which_yla; return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// MISC ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Checks the valididy of an option. * \param which_opt String to check. * \param which_acc String of accepted choices. * \param which_func Name of the calling function, for error messages. * \note If checking everywhere for correctness slows things down, we could provide a * child class overriding every Set...() method which uses CheckOption(). Those new * methods could proceed in the unsafe but faster way. */ function CheckOption($which_opt, $which_acc, $which_func) { $asked = trim($which_opt); // FIXME: this for backward compatibility, as eregi() fails with empty strings. if ($asked == '') return ''; $asked = strtolower($asked); if (@ eregi($asked, $which_acc)) { return $asked; } else { $this->DrawError("$which_func(): '$which_opt' not in available choices: '$which_acc'."); return NULL; } } /*! * \note Submitted by Thiemo Nagel */ function SetBrowserCache($which_browser_cache) { $this->browser_cache = $which_browser_cache; return TRUE; } /*! * Whether to show the final image or not */ function SetPrintImage($which_pi) { $this->print_image = $which_pi; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the graph's legend. If argument is not an array, appends it to the legend. */ function SetLegend($which_leg) { if (is_array($which_leg)) { // use array $this->legend = $which_leg; return TRUE; } else if (! is_null($which_leg)) { // append string $this->legend[] = $which_leg; return TRUE; } else { $this->DrawError("SetLegend(): argument must not be null."); return FALSE; } } /*! * Specifies the absolute (relative to image's up/left corner) position * of the legend's upper/leftmost corner. * $which_type not yet used (TODO) */ function SetLegendPixels($which_x, $which_y, $which_type=NULL) { $this->legend_x_pos = $which_x; $this->legend_y_pos = $which_y; return TRUE; } /*! * Specifies the relative (to graph's origin) position of the legend's * upper/leftmost corner. MUST be called after scales are set up. * $which_type not yet used (TODO) */ function SetLegendWorld($which_x, $which_y, $which_type=NULL) { if (! isset($this->scale_is_set)) $this->CalcTranslation(); $this->legend_x_pos = $this->xtr($which_x); $this->legend_y_pos = $this->ytr($which_y); return TRUE; } /*! * Accepted values are: left, sides, none, full */ function SetPlotBorderType($pbt) { $this->plot_border_type = $this->CheckOption($pbt, 'left, sides, none, full', __FUNCTION__); } /*! * Accepted values are: raised, plain */ function SetImageBorderType($sibt) { $this->image_border_type = $this->CheckOption($sibt, 'raised, plain', __FUNCTION__); } /*! * \param dpab bool */ function SetDrawPlotAreaBackground($dpab) { $this->draw_plot_area_background = (bool)$dpab; } /*! * \param dyg bool */ function SetDrawYGrid($dyg) { $this->draw_y_grid = (bool)$dyg; return TRUE; } /*! * \param dxg bool */ function SetDrawXGrid($dxg) { $this->draw_x_grid = (bool)$dxg; return TRUE; } /*! * \param ddg bool */ function SetDrawDashedGrid($ddg) { $this->dashed_grid = (bool)$ddg; return TRUE; } /*! * \param dxdl bool */ function SetDrawXDataLabelLines($dxdl) { $this->draw_x_data_label_lines = (bool)$dxdl; return TRUE; } /*! * TODO: draw_y_data_label_lines not implemented. * \param dydl bool */ function SetDrawYDataLabelLines($dydl) { $this->draw_y_data_label_lines = $dydl; return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the graph's title. * TODO: add parameter to choose title placement: left, right, centered= */ function SetTitle($which_title) { $this->title_txt = $which_title; if ($which_title == '') { $this->title_height = 0; return TRUE; } $str = split("\n", $which_title); $lines = count($str); $spacing = $this->line_spacing * ($lines - 1); if ($this->use_ttf) { $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->title_font['size'], 0, $this->title_font['font'], $which_title); $this->title_height = $size[1] * $lines; } else { $this->title_height = ($this->title_font['height'] + $spacing) * $lines; } return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the X axis title and position. */ function SetXTitle($which_xtitle, $which_xpos = 'plotdown') { if ($which_xtitle == '') $which_xpos = 'none'; $this->x_title_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_xpos, 'plotdown, plotup, both, none', __FUNCTION__); $this->x_title_txt = $which_xtitle; $str = split("\n", $which_xtitle); $lines = count($str); $spacing = $this->line_spacing * ($lines - 1); if ($this->use_ttf) { $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->x_title_font['size'], 0, $this->x_title_font['font'], $which_xtitle); $this->x_title_height = $size[1] * $lines; } else { $this->x_title_height = ($this->y_title_font['height'] + $spacing) * $lines; } return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the Y axis title and position. */ function SetYTitle($which_ytitle, $which_ypos = 'plotleft') { if ($which_ytitle == '') $which_ypos = 'none'; $this->y_title_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_ypos, 'plotleft, plotright, both, none', __FUNCTION__); $this->y_title_txt = $which_ytitle; $str = split("\n", $which_ytitle); $lines = count($str); $spacing = $this->line_spacing * ($lines - 1); if ($this->use_ttf) { $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->y_title_font['size'], 90, $this->y_title_font['font'], $which_ytitle); $this->y_title_width = $size[0] * $lines; } else { $this->y_title_width = ($this->y_title_font['height'] + $spacing) * $lines; } return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the size of the drop shadow for bar and pie charts. * \param which_s int Size in pixels. */ function SetShading($which_s) { $this->shading = (int)$which_s; return TRUE; } function SetPlotType($which_pt) { $this->plot_type = $this->CheckOption($which_pt, 'bars, stackedbars, lines, linepoints, area, points, pie, thinbarline, squared', __FUNCTION__); } /*! * Sets the position of Y axis. * \param pos int Position in world coordinates. */ function SetYAxisPosition($pos) { $this->y_axis_position = (int)$pos; if (isset($this->scale_is_set)) { $this->CalcTranslation(); } return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the position of X axis. * \param pos int Position in world coordinates. */ function SetXAxisPosition($pos) { $this->x_axis_position = (int)$pos; if (isset($this->scale_is_set)) { $this->CalcTranslation(); } return TRUE; } function SetXScaleType($which_xst) { $this->xscale_type = $this->CheckOption($which_xst, 'linear, log', __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } function SetYScaleType($which_yst) { $this->yscale_type = $this->CheckOption($which_yst, 'linear, log', __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } function SetPrecisionX($which_prec) { $this->x_precision = $which_prec; $this->SetXLabelType('data'); return TRUE; } function SetPrecisionY($which_prec) { $this->y_precision = $which_prec; $this->SetYLabelType('data'); return TRUE; } function SetErrorBarLineWidth($which_seblw) { $this->error_bar_line_width = $which_seblw; return TRUE; } function SetLabelScalePosition($which_blp) { //0 to 1 $this->label_scale_position = $which_blp; return TRUE; } function SetErrorBarSize($which_ebs) { //in pixels $this->error_bar_size = $which_ebs; return TRUE; } /*! * Can be one of: 'tee', 'line' */ function SetErrorBarShape($which_ebs) { $this->error_bar_shape = $this->CheckOption($which_ebs, 'tee, line', __FUNCTION__); } /*! * Sets point shape for each data set via an array. * Shape can be one of: 'halfline', 'line', 'plus', 'cross', 'rect', 'circle', 'dot', * 'diamond', 'triangle', 'trianglemid' */ function SetPointShapes($which_pt) { if (is_null($which_pt)) { // Do nothing, use default value. } else if (is_array($which_pt)) { // Did we get an array with point shapes? $this->point_shapes = $which_pt; } else { // Single value into array $this->point_shapes = array($which_pt); } foreach ($this->point_shapes as $shape) { // TODO, better check, per element rectification $this->CheckOption($shape, 'halfline, line, plus, cross, rect, circle, dot, diamond, triangle, trianglemid', __FUNCTION__); } // Make both point_shapes and point_sizes same size. $ps = count($this->point_sizes); $pt = count($this->point_shapes); if ($ps < $pt) { array_pad_array($this->point_sizes, $pt); } else if ($pt > $ps) { array_pad_array($this->point_shapes, $ps); } return TRUE; } /*! * Sets the point size for point plots. * \param ps int Size in pixels. * \note Test this more extensively */ function SetPointSizes($which_ps) { if (is_null($which_ps)) { // Do nothing, use default value. } else if (is_array($which_ps)) { // Did we get an array with point sizes? $this->point_sizes = $which_ps; } else { // Single value into array $this->point_sizes = array($which_ps); } // Make both point_shapes and point_sizes same size. $ps = count($this->point_sizes); $pt = count($this->point_shapes); if ($ps < $pt) { array_pad_array($this->point_sizes, $pt); } else if ($pt > $ps) { array_pad_array($this->point_shapes, $ps); } // Fix odd point sizes for point shapes which need it for ($i = 0; $i < $pt; $i++) { if ($this->point_shapes[$i] == 'diamond' or $this->point_shapes[$i] == 'triangle') { if ($this->point_sizes[$i] % 2 != 0) { $this->point_sizes[$i]++; } } } return TRUE; } /*! * Tells not to draw lines for missing Y data. Only works with 'lines' and 'squared' plots. * \param bl bool */ function SetDrawBrokenLines($bl) { $this->draw_broken_lines = (bool)$bl; } /*! * text-data: ('label', y1, y2, y3, ...) * text-data-single: ('label', data), for some pie charts. * data-data: ('label', x, y1, y2, y3, ...) * data-data-error: ('label', x1, y1, e1+, e2-, y2, e2+, e2-, y3, e3+, e3-, ...) */ function SetDataType($which_dt) { //The next four lines are for past compatibility. if ($which_dt == 'text-linear') { $which_dt = 'text-data'; }; if ($which_dt == 'linear-linear') { $which_dt = 'data-data'; }; if ($which_dt == 'linear-linear-error') { $which_dt = 'data-data-error'; }; if ($which_dt == 'text-data-pie') { $which_dt = 'text-data-single'; } $this->data_type = $this->CheckOption($which_dt, 'text-data, text-data-single, '. 'data-data, data-data-error', __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } /*! * Copy the array passed as data values. We convert to numerical indexes, for its * use for (or while) loops, which sometimes are faster. Performance improvements * vary from 28% in DrawLines() to 49% in DrawArea() for plot drawing functions. */ function SetDataValues(&$which_dv) { unset ($this->data_limits_done); // Reset this for every new data_set $this->num_data_rows = count($which_dv); $this->total_records = 0; // Perform some useful calculations. $this->records_per_group = 1; for ($i = 0, $recs = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) { // Copy $this->data[$i] = array_values($which_dv[$i]); // convert to numerical indices. // Compute some values $recs = count($this->data[$i]); $this->total_records += $recs; if ($recs > $this->records_per_group) $this->records_per_group = $recs; $this->num_recs[$i] = $recs; } } /*! * Pad styles arrays for later use by plot drawing functions: * This removes the need for $max_data_colors, etc. and $color_index = $color_index % $max_data_colors * in DrawBars(), DrawLines(), etc. */ function PadArrays() { array_pad_array($this->line_widths, $this->records_per_group); array_pad_array($this->line_styles, $this->records_per_group); array_pad_array($this->data_colors, $this->records_per_group); array_pad_array($this->data_border_colors, $this->records_per_group); array_pad_array($this->error_bar_colors, $this->records_per_group); $this->SetDataColors(); $this->SetDataBorderColors(); $this->SetErrorBarColors(); return TRUE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////// DATA ANALYSIS, SCALING AND TRANSLATION ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Analizes data and sets up internal maxima and minima * Needed by: CalcMargins(), ... * Text-Data is different than data-data graphs. For them what * we have, instead of X values, is # of records equally spaced on data. * text-data is passed in as $data[] = (title, y1, y2, y3, y4, ...) * data-data is passed in as $data[] = (title, x, y1, y2, y3, y4, ...) */ function FindDataLimits() { // Set some default min and max values before running through the data switch ($this->data_type) { case 'text-data': $minx = 0; $maxx = $this->num_data_rows - 1 ; $miny = $this->data[0][1]; $maxy = $miny; break; default: //Everything else: data-data, etc, take first value $minx = $this->data[0][1]; $maxx = $minx; $miny = $this->data[0][2]; $maxy = $miny; break; } $mine = 0; // Maximum value for the -error bar (assume error bars always > 0) $maxe = 0; // Maximum value for the +error bar (assume error bars always > 0) $maxt = 0; // Maximum number of characters in text labels $minminy = $miny; $maxmaxy = $maxy; if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') { $maxmaxy = $minminy = 0; } // Process each row of data for ($i=0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) { $j=0; // Extract maximum text label length $val = @ strlen($this->data[$i][$j++]); $maxt = ($val > $maxt) ? $val : $maxt; if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') { $maxy = $miny = 0; } switch ($this->data_type) { case 'text-data': // Data is passed in as (title, y1, y2, y3, ...) case 'text-data-single': // This one is for some pie charts // $numrecs = @ count($this->data[$i]); $miny = $maxy = (double)$this->data[$i][$j]; for (; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) { $val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j]; if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') { $maxy += abs($val); // only positive values for the moment } else { $maxy = ($val > $maxy) ? $val : $maxy; $miny = ($val < $miny) ? $val : $miny; } } break; case 'data-data': // Data is passed in as (title, x, y, y2, y3, ...) // X value: $val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++]; $maxx = ($val > $maxx) ? $val : $maxx; $minx = ($val < $minx) ? $val : $minx; $miny = $maxy = (double)$this->data[$i][$j]; // $numrecs = @ count($this->data[$i]); for (; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) { $val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j]; $maxy = ($val > $maxy) ? $val : $maxy; $miny = ($val < $miny) ? $val : $miny; } break; case 'data-data-error': // Data is passed in as (title, x, y, err+, err-, y2, err2+, err2-,...) // X value: $val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++]; $maxx = ($val > $maxx) ? $val : $maxx; $minx = ($val < $minx) ? $val : $minx; $miny = $maxy = (double)$this->data[$i][$j]; // $numrecs = @ count($this->data[$i]); for (; $j < $this->num_recs[$i];) { // Y value: $val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++]; $maxy = ($val > $maxy) ? $val : $maxy; $miny = ($val < $miny) ? $val : $miny; // Error +: $val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++]; $maxe = ($val > $maxe) ? $val : $maxe; // Error -: $val = (double)$this->data[$i][$j++]; $mine = ($val > $mine) ? $val : $mine; } $maxy = $maxy + $maxe; $miny = $miny - $mine; // assume error bars are always > 0 break; default: $this->PrintError("FindDataLimits(): Unknown data type '$data_type'."); break; } $this->data[$i][MINY] = $miny; // This row's min Y, for DrawXDataLine() $this->data[$i][MAXY] = $maxy; // This row's max Y, for DrawXDataLine() $minminy = ($miny < $minminy) ? $miny : $minminy; // global min $maxmaxy = ($maxy > $maxmaxy) ? $maxy : $maxmaxy; // global max } $this->min_x = $minx; $this->max_x = $maxx; $this->min_y = $minminy; $this->max_y = $maxmaxy; $this->max_t = $maxt; $this->data_limits_done = TRUE; return TRUE; } /*! * Calculates image margins on the fly from title positions and sizes, * and tick labels positions and sizes. * * FIXME: fix x_data_label_pos behaviour. Now we are leaving room for it AND x_tick_label_pos * maybe it shouldn't be so... * * FIXME: y_data_label_pos is not yet used... * * TODO: add x_tick_label_width and y_tick_label_height and use them to calculate * max_x_labels and max_y_labels, to be used by drawing functions to avoid overlapping. */ function CalcMargins() { // Temporary variables for label size calculation $xlab = $this->FormatLabel('x', $this->max_x); $ylab = $this->FormatLabel('y', $this->max_y); // dirty fix: // max_t is the maximum data label length (from column 0 of each data row). if ($this->max_t > strlen ($xlab)) $xlab = sprintf ("%{$this->max_t}s","_"); //////// Calculate maximum X/Y axis label height and width: // TTFonts: if ($this->use_ttf) { // Maximum X axis label height $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->x_label_font['size'], $this->x_label_angle, $this->x_label_font['font'], $xlab); $this->x_tick_label_height = $size[1]; // Maximum Y axis label width $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->y_label_font['size'], $this->y_label_angle, $this->y_label_font['font'], $ylab); $this->y_tick_label_width = $size[0]; } // Fixed fonts: else { // Maximum X axis label height if ($this->x_label_angle == 90) $this->x_tick_label_height = strlen($xlab) * $this->x_label_font['width']; else $this->x_tick_label_height = $this->x_label_font['height']; // Maximum Y axis label width $this->y_tick_label_width = strlen($ylab) * $this->y_label_font['width']; } ///////// Calculate margins: // Upper title, ticks and tick labels, and data labels: $this->y_top_margin = $this->title_height + $this->safe_margin * 2; if ($this->x_title_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_title_pos == 'both') $this->y_top_margin += $this->x_title_height + $this->safe_margin; if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_tick_label_pos == 'both') $this->y_top_margin += $this->x_tick_label_height; if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_tick_pos == 'both') $this->y_top_margin += $this->x_tick_length * 2; if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_data_label_pos == 'both') $this->y_top_margin += $this->x_tick_label_height; // Lower title, ticks and tick labels, and data labels: $this->y_bot_margin = $this->safe_margin * 2; if ($this->x_title_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_title_pos == 'both') $this->y_bot_margin += $this->x_title_height; if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_tick_pos == 'both') $this->y_bot_margin += $this->x_tick_length * 2; if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'xaxis' && ($this->x_axis_position == '' || $this->x_axis_position == 0)) $this->y_bot_margin += $this->x_tick_length * 2; if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_tick_label_pos == 'both') $this->y_bot_margin += $this->x_tick_label_height; if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'xaxis' && ($this->x_axis_position == '' || $this->x_axis_position == 0)) $this->y_bot_margin += $this->x_tick_label_height; if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_data_label_pos == 'both') $this->y_bot_margin += $this->x_tick_label_height; // Left title, ticks and tick labels: $this->x_left_margin = $this->safe_margin * 2; if ($this->y_title_pos == 'plotleft' || $this->y_title_pos == 'both') $this->x_left_margin += $this->y_title_width + $this->safe_margin; if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'plotleft' || $this->y_tick_label_pos == 'both') $this->x_left_margin += $this->y_tick_label_width; if ($this->y_tick_pos == 'plotleft' || $this->y_tick_pos == 'both') $this->x_left_margin += $this->y_tick_length * 2 ; // Right title, ticks and tick labels: $this->x_right_margin = $this->safe_margin * 2; if ($this->y_title_pos == 'plotright' || $this->y_title_pos == 'both') $this->x_right_margin += $this->y_title_width + $this->safe_margin; if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'plotright' || $this->y_tick_label_pos == 'both') $this->x_right_margin += $this->y_tick_label_width; if ($this->y_tick_pos == 'plotright' || $this->y_tick_pos == 'both') $this->x_right_margin += $this->y_tick_length * 2; $this->x_tot_margin = $this->x_left_margin + $this->x_right_margin; $this->y_tot_margin = $this->y_top_margin + $this->y_bot_margin; return; } /*! * Set the margins in pixels (left, right, top, bottom) */ function SetMarginsPixels($which_lm, $which_rm, $which_tm, $which_bm) { $this->x_left_margin = $which_lm; $this->x_right_margin = $which_rm; $this->x_tot_margin = $which_lm + $which_rm; $this->y_top_margin = $which_tm; $this->y_bot_margin = $which_bm; $this->y_tot_margin = $which_tm + $which_bm; $this->SetPlotAreaPixels(); return; } /*! * Sets the limits for the plot area. If no arguments are supplied, uses * values calculated from CalcMargins(); * Like in GD, (0,0) is upper left * * This resets the scale if SetPlotAreaWorld() was already called */ function SetPlotAreaPixels($x1=NULL, $y1=NULL, $x2=NULL, $y2=NULL) { if ($x2 && $y2) { $this->plot_area = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); } else { if (! isset($this->x_tot_margin)) $this->CalcMargins(); $this->plot_area = array($this->x_left_margin, $this->y_top_margin, $this->image_width - $this->x_right_margin, $this->image_height - $this->y_bot_margin); } $this->plot_area_width = $this->plot_area[2] - $this->plot_area[0]; $this->plot_area_height = $this->plot_area[3] - $this->plot_area[1]; // Reset the scale with the new plot area. if (isset($this->plot_max_x)) $this->CalcTranslation(); return TRUE; } /*! * Sets minimum and maximum x and y values in the plot using FindDataLimits() * or from the supplied parameters, if any. * * This resets the scale if SetPlotAreaPixels() was already called */ function SetPlotAreaWorld($xmin=NULL, $ymin=NULL, $xmax=NULL, $ymax=NULL) { if (! isset($this->data_limits_done)) { // For automatic setting of data we need data limits $this->FindDataLimits() ; } if ($xmin === NULL || $xmin === '') { if ($this->data_type == 'text-data') // Valid for data without X values only. $xmin = 0; else $xmin = $this->min_x; } if ($xmax === NULL || $xmax === '') { if ($this->data_type == 'text-data') // Valid for data without X values only. $xmax = $this->max_x + 1; else $xmax = $this->max_x; } // Leave room above and below the highest and lowest data points. if ($ymin === NULL || $ymin === '') { if ($this->min_y < 0) $ymin = ceil($this->min_y * 1.1); else $ymin = floor($this->min_y * 0.9); } if ($ymax === NULL || $ymax === '') { if ($this->max_y < 0) $ymax = floor($this->max_y * 0.9); else $ymax = ceil($this->max_y * 1.1); } // Error checking if ($ymin == $ymax) // Minimum height $ymax += 1; if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') { if ($ymin <= 0) { $ymin = 1; } if ($ymax <= 0) { $this->PrintError('SetPlotAreaWorld(): Log plots need data greater than 0'); return FALSE; } } if ($ymax <= $ymin) { $this->DrawError('SetPlotAreaWorld(): Error in data - max not greater than min'); return FALSE; } // Reset (if it was already set) the scale with the new maxs and mins $this->plot_min_x = $xmin; $this->plot_max_x = $xmax; $this->plot_min_y = $ymin; $this->plot_max_y = $ymax; if (isset($this->plot_area_width)) { $this->CalcTranslation(); } return TRUE; } //function SetPlotAreaWorld /*! * For bar plots, which have equally spaced x variables. */ function CalcBarWidths() { $group_width = ($this->plot_area[2] - $this->plot_area[0]) / $this->num_data_rows * $this->group_frac_width; if ($this->plot_type == 'bars') { $this->record_bar_width = $group_width / $this->records_per_group; } else if ($this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') { $this->record_bar_width = $group_width; } $this->data_group_space = $group_width / 2; return TRUE; } /*! * Calculates scaling stuff... */ function CalcTranslation() { if ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x == 0) { // Check for div by 0 $this->xscale = 0; } else { if ($this->xscale_type == 'log') { $this->xscale = ($this->plot_area_width)/(log10($this->plot_max_x) - log10($this->plot_min_x)); } else { $this->xscale = ($this->plot_area_width)/($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x); } } if ($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y == 0) { // Check for div by 0 $this->yscale = 0; } else { if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') { $this->yscale = ($this->plot_area_height)/(log10($this->plot_max_y) - log10($this->plot_min_y)); } else { $this->yscale = ($this->plot_area_height)/($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y); } } // GD defines x = 0 at left and y = 0 at TOP so -/+ respectively if ($this->xscale_type == 'log') { $this->plot_origin_x = $this->plot_area[0] - ($this->xscale * log10($this->plot_min_x) ); } else { $this->plot_origin_x = $this->plot_area[0] - ($this->xscale * $this->plot_min_x); } if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') { $this->plot_origin_y = $this->plot_area[3] + ($this->yscale * log10($this->plot_min_y)); } else { $this->plot_origin_y = $this->plot_area[3] + ($this->yscale * $this->plot_min_y); } $this->scale_is_set = TRUE; /************** FIXME?? *************/ // There should be a better place for this. // User provided y axis position? if ($this->y_axis_position != '') { // Make sure we draw our axis inside the plot $this->y_axis_position = ($this->y_axis_position < $this->plot_min_x) ? $this->plot_min_x : $this->y_axis_position; $this->y_axis_position = ($this->y_axis_position > $this->plot_max_x) ? $this->plot_max_x : $this->y_axis_position; $this->y_axis_x_pixels = $this->xtr($this->y_axis_position); } else { // Default to left axis $this->y_axis_x_pixels = $this->xtr($this->plot_min_x); } // User provided x axis position? if ($this->x_axis_position != '') { // Make sure we draw our axis inside the plot $this->x_axis_position = ($this->x_axis_position < $this->plot_min_y) ? $this->plot_min_y : $this->x_axis_position; $this->x_axis_position = ($this->x_axis_position > $this->plot_max_y) ? $this->plot_max_y : $this->x_axis_position; $this->x_axis_y_pixels = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position); } else { if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') $this->x_axis_y_pixels = $this->ytr(1); else // Default to axis at 0 or plot_min_y (should be 0 anyway, from SetPlotAreaWorld()) $this->x_axis_y_pixels = ($this->plot_min_y <= 0) && (0 <= $this->plot_max_y) ? $this->ytr(0) : $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y); } } // function CalcTranslation() /*! * Translate X world coordinate into pixel coordinate * Needs values calculated by _CalcTranslation() */ function xtr($x_world) { //$x_pixels = $this->x_left_margin + ($this->image_width - $this->x_tot_margin)* // (($x_world - $this->plot_min_x) / ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x)) ; //which with a little bit of math reduces to ... if ($this->xscale_type == 'log') { $x_pixels = $this->plot_origin_x + log10($x_world) * $this->xscale ; } else { $x_pixels = $this->plot_origin_x + $x_world * $this->xscale ; } return round($x_pixels); } /*! * Translate Y world coordinate into pixel coordinate. * Needs values calculated by _CalcTranslation() */ function ytr($y_world) { if ($this->yscale_type == 'log') { //minus because GD defines y = 0 at top. doh! $y_pixels = $this->plot_origin_y - log10($y_world) * $this->yscale ; } else { $y_pixels = $this->plot_origin_y - $y_world * $this->yscale ; } return round($y_pixels); } /*! * Formats a tick or data label. * * \note Time formatting suggested by Marlin Viss */ function FormatLabel($which_pos, $which_lab) { switch ($which_pos) { case 'x': case 'plotx': switch ($this->x_label_type) { case 'title': $lab = @ $this->data[$which_lab][0]; break; case 'data': $lab = number_format($which_lab, $this->x_precision, '.', ',').$this->data_units_text; break; case 'time': $lab = strftime($this->x_time_format, $which_lab); break; default: // Unchanged from whatever format it is passed in $lab = $which_lab; break; } break; case 'y': case 'ploty': switch ($this->y_label_type) { case 'data': $lab = number_format($which_lab, $this->y_precision, '.', ',').$this->data_units_text; break; case 'time': $lab = strftime($this->y_time_format, $which_lab); break; default: // Unchanged from whatever format it is passed in $lab = $which_lab; break; } break; default: $this->PrintError("FormatLabel(): Unknown label type $which_type"); return NULL; } return $lab; } //function FormatLabel ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////// TICKS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Use either this or SetNumXTicks() to set where to place x tick marks */ function SetXTickIncrement($which_ti=NULL) { if ($which_ti) { $this->x_tick_inc = $which_ti; //world coordinates } else { if (! isset($this->data_limits_done)) { $this->FindDataLimits(); //Get maxima and minima for scaling } $this->x_tick_inc = ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x )/10; } $this->num_x_ticks = ''; //either use num_y_ticks or y_tick_inc, not both return TRUE; } /*! * Use either this or SetNumYTicks() to set where to place y tick marks */ function SetYTickIncrement($which_ti=NULL) { if ($which_ti) { $this->y_tick_inc = $which_ti; //world coordinates } else { if (! isset($this->data_limits_done)) { $this->FindDataLimits(); //Get maxima and minima for scaling } if (! isset($this->plot_max_y)) $this->SetPlotAreaWorld(); $this->y_tick_inc = ($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y )/10; } $this->num_y_ticks = ''; //either use num_y_ticks or y_tick_inc, not both return TRUE; } function SetNumXTicks($which_nt) { $this->num_x_ticks = $which_nt; $this->x_tick_inc = ''; //either use num_x_ticks or x_tick_inc, not both return TRUE; } function SetNumYTicks($which_nt) { $this->num_y_ticks = $which_nt; $this->y_tick_inc = ''; //either use num_y_ticks or y_tick_inc, not both return TRUE; } /*! * */ function SetYTickPos($which_tp) { $this->y_tick_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_tp, 'plotleft, plotright, both, yaxis, none', __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } /*! * */ function SetXTickPos($which_tp) { $this->x_tick_pos = $this->CheckOption($which_tp, 'plotdown, plotup, both, xaxis, none', __FUNCTION__); return TRUE; } /*! * \param skip bool */ function SetSkipTopTick($skip) { $this->skip_top_tick = (bool)$skip; return TRUE; } /*! * \param skip bool */ function SetSkipBottomTick($skip) { $this->skip_bottom_tick = (bool)$skip; return TRUE; } /*! * \param skip bool */ function SetSkipLeftTick($skip) { $this->skip_left_tick = (bool)$skip; return TRUE; } /*! * \param skip bool */ function SetSkipRightTick($skip) { $this->skip_right_tick = (bool)$skip; return TRUE; } function SetXTickLength($which_xln) { $this->x_tick_length = $which_xln; return TRUE; } function SetYTickLength($which_yln) { $this->y_tick_length = $which_yln; return TRUE; } function SetXTickCrossing($which_xc) { $this->x_tick_cross = $which_xc; return TRUE; } function SetYTickCrossing($which_yc) { $this->y_tick_cross = $which_yc; return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// GENERIC DRAWING ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Fills the background. */ function DrawBackground() { // Don't draw this twice if drawing two plots on one image if (! $this->background_done) { if (isset($this->bgimg)) { // If bgimg is defined, use it $this->tile_img($this->bgimg, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height, $this->bgmode); } else { // Else use solid color ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width, $this->image_height, $this->ndx_bg_color); } $this->background_done = TRUE; return TRUE; // Done } return FALSE; // Nothing done } /*! * Fills the plot area background. */ function DrawPlotAreaBackground() { if (isset($this->plotbgimg)) { $this->tile_img($this->plotbgimg, $this->plot_area[0], $this->plot_area[1], $this->plot_area_width, $this->plot_area_height, $this->plotbgmode); } else { if ($this->draw_plot_area_background) { ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->plot_area[1], $this->plot_area[2], $this->plot_area[3], $this->ndx_plot_bg_color); } } return TRUE; } /*! * Tiles an image at some given coordinates. * * \param $file string Filename of the picture to be used as tile. * \param $xorig int X coordinate of the plot where the tile is to begin. * \param $yorig int Y coordinate of the plot where the tile is to begin. * \param $width int Width of the area to be tiled. * \param $height int Height of the area to be tiled. * \param $mode string One of 'centeredtile', 'tile', 'scale'. */ function tile_img($file, $xorig, $yorig, $width, $height, $mode) { $size = getimagesize($file); $input_format = $size[2]; switch($input_format) { case 1: $im = @ imagecreatefromGIF ($file); if (! $im) { $this->PrintError("tile_img:() Unable to open $file as a GIF."); return FALSE; } break; case 2: $im = @ imagecreatefromJPEG ($file); if (! $im) { $this->PrintError("tile_img(): Unable to open $file as a JPG."); return FALSE; } break; case 3: $im = @ imagecreatefromPNG ($file); if (! $im) { $this->PrintError("tile_img(): Unable to open $file as a PNG."); return FALSE; } break; default: $this->PrintError('tile_img(): Please select a gif, jpg, or png image.'); return FALSE; break; } if ($mode == 'scale') { imagecopyresized($this->img, $im, $xorig, $yorig, 0, 0, $width, $height, $size[0],$size[1]); return TRUE; } else if ($mode == 'centeredtile') { $x0 = - floor($size[0]/2); // Make the tile look better $y0 = - floor($size[1]/2); } else if ($mode = 'tile') { $x0 = 0; $y0 = 0; } // Actually draw the tile // But first on a temporal image. $tmp = ImageCreate($width, $height); if (! $tmp) $this->PrintError('tile_img(): Could not create image resource.'); for ($x = $x0; $x < $width; $x += $size[0]) for ($y = $y0; $y < $height; $y += $size[1]) imagecopy($tmp, $im, $x, $y, 0, 0, $size[0], $size[1]); // Copy the temporal image onto the final one. imagecopy($this->img, $tmp, $xorig, $yorig, 0,0, $width, $height); // Free resources imagedestroy($tmp); imagedestroy($im); return TRUE; } // function tile_img /*! * Draws a border around the final image. */ function DrawImageBorder() { switch ($this->image_border_type) { case 'raised': ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width-1, 0, $this->ndx_i_border); ImageLine($this->img, 1, 1, $this->image_width-2, 1, $this->ndx_i_border); ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border); ImageLine($this->img, 1, 1, 1, $this->image_height-2, $this->ndx_i_border); ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-1, 0, $this->image_width-1, $this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); ImageLine($this->img, 0, $this->image_height-1, $this->image_width-1, $this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-2, 1, $this->image_width-2, $this->image_height-2, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); ImageLine($this->img, 1, $this->image_height-2, $this->image_width-2, $this->image_height-2, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); break; case 'plain': ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, $this->image_width, 0, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-1, 0, $this->image_width-1, $this->image_height, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); ImageLine($this->img, $this->image_width-1, $this->image_height-1, 0, $this->image_height-1, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); ImageLine($this->img, 0, 0, 0, $this->image_height, $this->ndx_i_border_dark); break; case 'none': break; default: $this->DrawError("DrawImageBorder(): unknown image_border_type: '$this->image_border_type'"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /*! * Adds the title to the graph. */ function DrawTitle() { // Center of the plot area //$xpos = ($this->plot_area[0] + $this->plot_area_width )/ 2; // Center of the image: $xpos = $this->image_width / 2; // Place it at almost at the top $ypos = $this->safe_margin; $this->DrawText($this->title_font, $this->title_angle, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color, $this->title_txt, 'center', 'bottom'); return TRUE; } /*! * Draws the X-Axis Title */ function DrawXTitle() { if ($this->x_title_pos == 'none') return; // Center of the plot $xpos = ($this->plot_area[2] + $this->plot_area[0]) / 2; // Upper title if ($this->x_title_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_title_pos == 'both') { $ypos = $this->safe_margin + $this->title_height + $this->safe_margin; $this->DrawText($this->x_title_font, $this->x_title_angle, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color, $this->x_title_txt, 'center'); } // Lower title if ($this->x_title_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_title_pos == 'both') { $ypos = $this->image_height - $this->x_title_height - $this->safe_margin; $this->DrawText($this->x_title_font, $this->x_title_angle, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color, $this->x_title_txt, 'center'); } return TRUE; } /*! * Draws the Y-Axis Title */ function DrawYTitle() { if ($this->y_title_pos == 'none') return; // Center the title vertically to the plot $ypos = ($this->plot_area[3] + $this->plot_area[1]) / 2; if ($this->y_title_pos == 'plotleft' || $this->y_title_pos == 'both') { $xpos = $this->safe_margin; $this->DrawText($this->y_title_font, 90, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color, $this->y_title_txt, 'left', 'center'); } if ($this->y_title_pos == 'plotright' || $this->y_title_pos == 'both') { $xpos = $this->image_width - $this->safe_margin - $this->y_title_width - $this->safe_margin; $this->DrawText($this->y_title_font, 90, $xpos, $ypos, $this->ndx_title_color, $this->y_title_txt, 'left', 'center'); } return TRUE; } /* * \note Horizontal grid lines overwrite horizontal axis with y=0, so call this first, then DrawXAxis() */ function DrawYAxis() { // Draw ticks, labels and grid, if any $this->DrawYTicks(); // Draw Y axis at X = y_axis_x_pixels ImageLine($this->img, $this->y_axis_x_pixels, $this->plot_area[1], $this->y_axis_x_pixels, $this->plot_area[3], $this->ndx_grid_color); return TRUE; } /* * */ function DrawXAxis() { // Draw ticks, labels and grid $this->DrawXTicks(); /* This tick and label tend to overlap with regular Y Axis labels, * as Mike Pullen pointed out. * //Draw Tick and Label for X axis if (! $this->skip_bottom_tick) { $ylab =$this->FormatLabel('y', $this->x_axis_position); $this->DrawYTick($ylab, $this->x_axis_y_pixels); } */ //Draw X Axis at Y = x_axis_y_pixels ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0]+1, $this->x_axis_y_pixels, $this->plot_area[2]-1, $this->x_axis_y_pixels, $this->ndx_grid_color); return TRUE; } /*! * Draw Just one Tick, called from DrawYTicks() and DrawXAxis() * TODO? Move this inside DrawYTicks() and Modify DrawXAxis() ? */ function DrawYTick($which_ylab, $which_ypix) { // Ticks on Y axis if ($this->y_tick_pos == 'yaxis') { ImageLine($this->img, $this->y_axis_x_pixels - $this->y_tick_length, $which_ypix, $this->y_axis_x_pixels + $this->y_tick_cross, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_tick_color); } // Labels on Y axis if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'yaxis') { $this->DrawText($this->y_label_font, $this->y_label_angle, $this->y_axis_x_pixels - $this->y_tick_length * 1.5, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_text_color, $which_ylab, 'right', 'center'); } // Ticks to the left of the Plot Area if (($this->y_tick_pos == 'plotleft') || ($this->y_tick_pos == 'both') ) { ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0] - $this->y_tick_length, $which_ypix, $this->plot_area[0] + $this->y_tick_cross, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_tick_color); } // Ticks to the right of the Plot Area if (($this->y_tick_pos == 'plotright') || ($this->y_tick_pos == 'both') ) { ImageLine($this->img, ($this->plot_area[2] + $this->y_tick_length), $which_ypix, $this->plot_area[2] - $this->y_tick_cross, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_tick_color); } // Labels to the left of the plot area if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'plotleft' || $this->y_tick_label_pos == 'both') { $this->DrawText($this->y_label_font, $this->y_label_angle, $this->plot_area[0] - $this->y_tick_length * 1.5, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_text_color, $which_ylab, 'right', 'center'); } // Labels to the right of the plot area if ($this->y_tick_label_pos == 'plotright' || $this->y_tick_label_pos == 'both') { $this->DrawText($this->y_label_font, $this->y_label_angle, $this->plot_area[2] + $this->y_tick_length * 1.5, $which_ypix, $this->ndx_text_color, $which_ylab, 'left', 'center'); } } // Function DrawYTick() /*! * Draws Grid, Ticks and Tick Labels along Y-Axis * Ticks and ticklabels can be left of plot only, right of plot only, * both on the left and right of plot, or crossing a user defined Y-axis * TODO: marks at whole numbers (-10, 10, 20, 30 ...) no matter where the plot begins (-3, 4.7, etc.) */ function DrawYTicks() { // Sets the line style for IMG_COLOR_STYLED lines (grid) if ($this->dashed_grid) { $this->SetDashedStyle($this->ndx_light_grid_color); $style = IMG_COLOR_STYLED; } else { $style = $this->ndx_light_grid_color; } // maxy is always > miny so delta_y is always positive if ($this->y_tick_inc) { $delta_y = $this->y_tick_inc; } elseif ($this->num_y_ticks) { $delta_y = ($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y) / $this->num_y_ticks; } else { $delta_y = ($this->plot_max_y - $this->plot_min_y) / 10 ; } // NOTE: When working with floats, because of approximations when adding $delta_y, // $y_tmp never equals $y_end at the for loop, so one spurious line would get drawn where // not for the substraction to $y_end here. $y_tmp = (double)$this->plot_min_y; $y_end = (double)$this->plot_max_y - ($delta_y/2); if ($this->skip_bottom_tick) $y_tmp += $delta_y; if ($this->skip_top_tick) $y_end -= $delta_y; for (;$y_tmp < $y_end; $y_tmp += $delta_y) { $ylab = $this->FormatLabel('y', $y_tmp); $y_pixels = $this->ytr($y_tmp); // Horizontal grid line if ($this->draw_y_grid) { ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0]+1, $y_pixels, $this->plot_area[2]-1, $y_pixels, $style); } // Draw ticks $this->DrawYTick($ylab, $y_pixels); } return TRUE; } // function DrawYTicks /*! * Draws Grid, Ticks and Tick Labels along X-Axis * Ticks and tick labels can be down of plot only, up of plot only, * both on up and down of plot, or crossing a user defined X-axis * * \note Original vertical code submitted by Marlin Viss */ function DrawXTicks() { // Sets the line style for IMG_COLOR_STYLED lines (grid) if ($this->dashed_grid) { $this->SetDashedStyle($this->ndx_light_grid_color); $style = IMG_COLOR_STYLED; } else { $style = $this->ndx_light_grid_color; } // Calculate x increment between ticks if ($this->x_tick_inc) { $delta_x = $this->x_tick_inc; } elseif ($this->num_x_ticks) { $delta_x = ($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x) / $this->num_x_ticks; } else { $delta_x =($this->plot_max_x - $this->plot_min_x) / 10 ; } // NOTE: When working with decimals, because of approximations when adding $delta_x, // $x_tmp never equals $x_end at the for loop, so one spurious line would get drawn where // not for the substraction to $x_end here. $x_tmp = (double)$this->plot_min_x; $x_end = (double)$this->plot_max_x - ($delta_x/2); // Should the leftmost tick be drawn? if ($this->skip_left_tick) $x_tmp += $delta_x; // And the rightmost? if (! $this->skip_right_tick) $x_end += $delta_x; for (;$x_tmp < $x_end; $x_tmp += $delta_x) { $xlab = $this->FormatLabel('x', $x_tmp); $x_pixels = $this->xtr($x_tmp); // Vertical grid lines if ($this->draw_x_grid) { ImageLine($this->img, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[1], $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[3], $style); } // Tick on X Axis if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'xaxis') { ImageLine($this->img, $x_pixels, $this->x_axis_y_pixels - $this->x_tick_cross, $x_pixels, $this->x_axis_y_pixels + $this->x_tick_length, $this->ndx_tick_color); } // Label on X axis if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'xaxis') { $this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle, $x_pixels, $this->x_axis_y_pixels + $this->x_tick_length*1.5, $this->ndx_text_color, $xlab, 'center', 'bottom'); } // Top of the plot area tick if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_tick_pos == 'both') { ImageLine($this->img, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[1] - $this->x_tick_length, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[1] + $this->x_tick_cross, $this->ndx_tick_color); } // Bottom of the plot area tick if ($this->x_tick_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_tick_pos == 'both') { ImageLine($this->img, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[3] + $this->x_tick_length, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[3] - $this->x_tick_cross, $this->ndx_tick_color); } // Top of the plot area tick label if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_tick_label_pos == 'both') { $this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[1] - $this->x_tick_length*1.5, $this->ndx_text_color, $xlab, 'center', 'top'); } // Bottom of the plot area tick label if ($this->x_tick_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_tick_label_pos == 'both') { $this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle, $x_pixels, $this->plot_area[3] + $this->x_tick_length*1.5, $this->ndx_text_color, $xlab, 'center', 'bottom'); } } return; } // function DrawXTicks /*! * */ function DrawPlotBorder() { switch ($this->plot_border_type) { case 'left': // for past compatibility case 'plotleft': ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y), $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color); break; case 'right': case 'plotright': ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y), $this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color); break; case 'both': case 'sides': ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y), $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color); ImageLine($this->img, $this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y), $this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color); break; case 'none': //Draw No Border break; case 'full': default: ImageRectangle($this->img, $this->plot_area[0], $this->ytr($this->plot_min_y), $this->plot_area[2], $this->ytr($this->plot_max_y), $this->ndx_grid_color); break; } return TRUE; } /*! * Draws the data label associated with a point in the plot. * This is different from x_labels drawn by DrawXTicks() and care * should be taken not to draw both, as they'd probably overlap. * Calling of this function in DrawLines(), etc is decided after x_data_label_pos value. * Leave the last parameter out, to avoid the drawing of vertical lines, no matter * what the setting is (for plots that need it, like DrawSquared()) */ function DrawXDataLabel($xlab, $xpos, $row=FALSE) { // FIXME!! not working... if (($this->_x_label_cnt++ % $this->x_label_inc) != 0) return; $xlab = $this->FormatLabel('x', $xlab); // Labels below the plot area if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotdown' || $this->x_data_label_pos == 'both') $this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle, $xpos, $this->plot_area[3] + $this->x_tick_length, $this->ndx_text_color, $xlab, 'center', 'bottom'); // Labels above the plot area if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotup' || $this->x_data_label_pos == 'both') $this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle, $xpos, $this->plot_area[1] - $this->x_tick_length , $this->ndx_text_color, $xlab, 'center', 'top'); if ($row && $this->draw_x_data_label_lines) $this->DrawXDataLine($xpos, $row); } /*! * Draws Vertical lines from data points up and down. * Which lines are drawn depends on the value of x_data_label_pos, * and whether this is at all done or not, on draw_x_data_label_lines * * \param xpos int position in pixels of the line. * \param row int index of the data row being drawn. */ function DrawXDataLine($xpos, $row) { // Sets the line style for IMG_COLOR_STYLED lines (grid) if($this->dashed_grid) { $this->SetDashedStyle($this->ndx_light_grid_color); $style = IMG_COLOR_STYLED; } else { $style = $this->ndx_light_grid_color; } // Lines from the bottom up if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'both') { ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $this->plot_area[3], $xpos, $this->plot_area[1], $style); } // Lines coming from the bottom of the plot else if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotdown') { // See FindDataLimits() to see why 'MAXY' index. $ypos = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][MAXY]); ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $ypos, $xpos, $this->plot_area[3], $style); } // Lines coming from the top of the plot else if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plotup') { // See FindDataLimits() to see why 'MINY' index. $ypos = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][MINY]); ImageLine($this->img, $xpos, $this->plot_area[1], $xpos, $ypos, $style); } } /* function DrawPlotLabel($xlab, $xpos, $ypos) { $this->DrawText($this->x_label_font, $this->x_label_angle, $xpos, $this */ /*! * Draws the graph legend * * \note Base code submitted by Marlin Viss * FIXME: maximum label length should be calculated more accurately for TT fonts * Performing a BBox calculation for every legend element, for example. */ function DrawLegend($which_x1, $which_y1, $which_boxtype) { // Find maximum legend label length $max_len = 0; foreach ($this->legend as $leg) { $len = strlen($leg); $max_len = ($len > $max_len) ? $len : $max_len; } $max_len += 5; // Leave room for the boxes and margins /////// Calculate legend labels sizes: FIXME - dirty hack - FIXME // TTF: if ($this->use_ttf) { $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->legend_font['size'], 0, $this->legend_font['font'], '_'); $char_w = $size[0]; $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->legend_font['size'], 0, $this->legend_font['font'], '|'); $char_h = $size[1]; } // Fixed fonts: else { $char_w = $this->legend_font['width']; $char_h = $this->legend_font['height']; } $v_margin = $char_h/2; // Between vertical borders and labels $dot_height = $char_h + $this->line_spacing; // Height of the small colored boxes $width = $char_w * $max_len; //////// Calculate box size // upper Left if ( (! $which_x1) || (! $which_y1) ) { $box_start_x = $this->plot_area[2] - $width; $box_start_y = $this->plot_area[1] + 5; } else { $box_start_x = $which_x1; $box_start_y = $which_y1; } // Lower right corner $box_end_y = $box_start_y + $dot_height*(count($this->legend)) + 2*$v_margin; $box_end_x = $box_start_x + $width - 5; // Draw outer box ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $box_start_x, $box_start_y, $box_end_x, $box_end_y, $this->ndx_bg_color); ImageRectangle($this->img, $box_start_x, $box_start_y, $box_end_x, $box_end_y, $this->ndx_grid_color); $color_index = 0; $max_color_index = count($this->ndx_data_colors) - 1; $dot_left_x = $box_end_x - $char_w * 2; $dot_right_x = $box_end_x - $char_w; $y_pos = $box_start_y + $v_margin; foreach ($this->legend as $leg) { // Text right aligned to the little box $this->DrawText($this->legend_font, 0, $dot_left_x - $char_w, $y_pos, $this->ndx_text_color, $leg, 'right'); // Draw a box in the data color ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y_pos + 1, $dot_right_x, $y_pos + $dot_height-1, $this->ndx_data_colors[$color_index]); // Draw a rectangle around the box ImageRectangle($this->img, $dot_left_x, $y_pos + 1, $dot_right_x, $y_pos + $dot_height-1, $this->ndx_text_color); $y_pos += $char_h + $this->line_spacing; $color_index++; if ($color_index > $max_color_index) $color_index = 0; } } // Function DrawLegend() /*! * TODO Draws a legend over (or below) an axis of the plot. */ function DrawAxisLegend() { // Calculate available room // Calculate length of all items (boxes included) // Calculate number of lines and room it would take. FIXME: this should be known in CalcMargins() // Draw. } ///////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// PLOT DRAWING ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Draws a pie chart. Data has to be 'text-data' type. * * This can work in two ways: the classical, with a column for each sector * (computes the column totals and draws the pie with that) * OR * Takes each row as a sector and uses it's first value. This has the added * advantage of using the labels provided, which is not the case with the * former method. This might prove useful for pie charts from GROUP BY sql queries */ function DrawPieChart() { $xpos = $this->plot_area[0] + $this->plot_area_width/2; $ypos = $this->plot_area[1] + $this->plot_area_height/2; $diameter = min($this->plot_area_width, $this->plot_area_height); $radius = $diameter/2; // Get sum of each column? One pie slice per column if ($this->data_type === 'text-data') { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) { for ($j = 1; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) { // Label ($row[0]) unused in these pie charts @ $sumarr[$j] += abs($this->data[$i][$j]); // NOTE! sum > 0 to make pie charts } } } // Or only one column per row, one pie slice per row? else if ($this->data_type == 'text-data-single') { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) { $legend[$i] = $this->data[$i][0]; // Set the legend to column labels $sumarr[$i] = $this->data[$i][1]; } } else if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') { for ($i = 0; $i < $this->num_data_rows; $i++) { for ($j = 2; $j < $this->num_recs[$i]; $j++) { @ $sumarr[$j] += abs($this->data[$i][$j]); } } } else { $this->DrawError("DrawPieChart(): Data type '$this->data_type' not supported."); return FALSE; } $total = array_sum($sumarr); if ($total == 0) { $this->DrawError('DrawPieChart(): Empty data set'); return FALSE; } if ($this->shading) { $diam2 = $diameter / 2; } else { $diam2 = $diameter; } $max_data_colors = count ($this->data_colors); for ($h = $this->shading; $h >= 0; $h--) { $color_index = 0; $start_angle = 0; $end_angle = 0; foreach ($sumarr as $val) { // For shaded pies: the last one (at the top of the "stack") has a brighter color: if ($h == 0) $slicecol = $this->ndx_data_colors[$color_index]; else $slicecol = $this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$color_index]; $label_txt = number_format(($val / $total * 100), $this->y_precision, '.', ', ') . '%'; $val = 360 * ($val / $total); // NOTE that imagefilledarc measures angles CLOCKWISE (go figure why), // so the pie chart would start clockwise from 3 o'clock, would it not be // for the reversal of start and end angles in imagefilledarc() $start_angle = $end_angle; $end_angle += $val; $mid_angle = deg2rad($end_angle - ($val / 2)); // Draw the slice ImageFilledArc($this->img, $xpos, $ypos+$h, $diameter, $diam2, 360-$end_angle, 360-$start_angle, $slicecol, IMG_ARC_PIE); // Draw the labels only once if ($h == 0) { // Draw the outline if (! $this->shading) ImageFilledArc($this->img, $xpos, $ypos+$h, $diameter, $diam2, 360-$end_angle, 360-$start_angle, $this->ndx_grid_color, IMG_ARC_PIE | IMG_ARC_EDGED |IMG_ARC_NOFILL); // The '* 1.2' trick is to get labels out of the pie chart so there are more // chances they can be seen in small sectors. $label_x = $xpos + ($diameter * 1.2 * cos($mid_angle)) * $this->label_scale_position; $label_y = $ypos+$h - ($diam2 * 1.2 * sin($mid_angle)) * $this->label_scale_position; $this->DrawText($this->generic_font, 0, $label_x, $label_y, $this->ndx_grid_color, $label_txt, 'center', 'center'); } $color_index++; $color_index = $color_index % $max_data_colors; } // end for } // end for } /*! * Supported data formats: data-data-error, text-data-error (doesn't exist yet) * ( data comes in as array("title", x, y, error+, error-, y2, error2+, error2-, ...) ) */ function DrawDotsError() { $this->CheckOption($this->data_type, 'data-data-error', __FUNCTION__); for($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $record = 1; // Skip record #0 (title) // Do we have a value for X? if ($this->data_type == 'data-data-error') $x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read it, advance record index else $x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... // Draw X Data labels? if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row); while ($record < $this->num_recs[$row]) { // Y: $y_now = $this->data[$row][$record]; $this->DrawDot($x_now, $y_now, $record, $this->ndx_data_colors[$record++]); // Error + $val = $this->data[$row][$record]; $this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, $val, $this->error_bar_shape, $this->ndx_error_bar_colors[$record++]); // Error - $val = $this->data[$row][$record]; $this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, -$val, $this->error_bar_shape, $this->ndx_error_bar_colors[$record++]); } } } // function DrawDotsError() /* * Supported data types: * - data-data ("title", x, y1, y2, y3, ...) * - text-data ("title", y1, y2, y3, ...) */ function DrawDots() { $this->CheckOption($this->data_type, 'text-data, data-data', __FUNCTION__); for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $rec = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) // Do we have a value for X? if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') $x_now = $this->data[$row][$rec++]; // Read it, advance record index else $x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Draw X Data labels? if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row); // Proceed with Y values for($idx = 0;$rec < $this->num_recs[$row]; $rec++, $idx++) { if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$rec])) { // Allow for missing Y data $this->DrawDot($x_now, $this->data[$row][$rec], $rec, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); } } } } //function DrawDots /*! * A clean, fast routine for when you just want charts like stock volume charts */ function DrawThinBarLines() { $this->CheckOption($this->data_type, 'text-data, data-data', __FUNCTION__); for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $rec = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) // Do we have a value for X? if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') $x_now = $this->data[$row][$rec++]; // Read it, advance record index else $x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Draw X Data labels? if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels); // Proceed with Y values for($idx = 0;$rec < $this->num_recs[$row]; $rec++, $idx++) { if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$rec])) { // Allow for missing Y data ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]); // Draws a line from user defined x axis position up to ytr($val) ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $this->x_axis_y_pixels, $x_now_pixels, $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$rec]), $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); } } } ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1); } //function DrawThinBarLines /*! * */ function DrawYErrorBar($x_world, $y_world, $error_height, $error_bar_type, $color) { /* // TODO: add a parameter to show datalabels next to error bars? // something like this: if ($this->x_data_label_pos == 'plot') { $this->DrawText($this->error_font, 90, $x1, $y2, $color, $label, 'center', 'top'); */ $x1 = $this->xtr($x_world); $y1 = $this->ytr($y_world); $y2 = $this->ytr($y_world+$error_height) ; ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->error_bar_line_width); ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y1 , $x1, $y2, $color); switch ($error_bar_type) { case 'line': break; case 'tee': ImageLine($this->img, $x1-$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $x1+$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $color); break; default: ImageLine($this->img, $x1-$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $x1+$this->error_bar_size, $y2, $color); break; } ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1); return TRUE; } /*! * Draws a styled dot. Uses world coordinates. * Supported types: 'halfline', 'line', 'plus', 'cross', 'rect', 'circle', 'dot', * 'diamond', 'triangle', 'trianglemid' */ function DrawDot($x_world, $y_world, $record, $color) { // TODO: optimize, avoid counting every time we are called. $record = $record % count ($this->point_shapes); $half_point = $this->point_sizes[$record] / 2; $x_mid = $this->xtr($x_world); $y_mid = $this->ytr($y_world); $x1 = $x_mid - $half_point; $x2 = $x_mid + $half_point; $y1 = $y_mid - $half_point; $y2 = $y_mid + $half_point; switch ($this->point_shapes[$record]) { case 'halfline': ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y_mid, $color); break; case 'line': ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $color); break; case 'plus': ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $color); ImageLine($this->img, $x_mid, $y1, $x_mid, $y2, $color); break; case 'cross': ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y2, $x2, $y1, $color); break; case 'rect': ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); break; case 'circle': ImageArc($this->img, $x_mid, $y_mid, $this->point_sizes[$record], $this->point_sizes[$record], 0, 360, $color); break; case 'dot': ImageFilledArc($this->img, $x_mid, $y_mid, $this->point_sizes[$record], $this->point_sizes[$record], 0, 360, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE); break; case 'diamond': $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y1, $x2, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y2); ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 4, $color); break; case 'triangle': $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y_mid, $x2, $y_mid, $x_mid, $y2); ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color); break; case 'trianglemid': $arrpoints = array( $x1, $y1, $x2, $y1, $x_mid, $y_mid); ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $arrpoints, 3, $color); break; default: ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color); break; } return TRUE; } /*! * Draw an area plot. Supported data types: * 'text-data' * 'data-data' * NOTE: This function used to add first and last data values even on incomplete * sets. That is not the behaviour now. As for missing data in between, * there are two posibilities: replace the point with one on the X axis (previous * way), or forget about it and use the preceding and following ones to draw the polygon. * There is the possibility to use both, we just need to add the method to set * it. Something like SetMissingDataBehaviour(), for example. */ function DrawArea() { $incomplete_data_defaults_to_x_axis = FALSE; // TODO: make this configurable for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $rec = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') // Do we have a value for X? $x_now = $this->data[$row][$rec++]; // Read it, advance record index else $x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels? $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels); // Proceed with Y values // Create array of points for imagefilledpolygon() for($idx = 0; $rec < $this->num_recs[$row]; $rec++, $idx++) { if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$rec])) { // Allow for missing Y data $y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$rec]); $posarr[$idx][] = $x_now_pixels; $posarr[$idx][] = $y_now_pixels; $num_points[$idx] = isset($num_points[$idx]) ? $num_points[$idx]+1 : 1; } // If there's missing data... else { if (isset ($incomplete_data_defaults_to_x_axis)) { $posarr[$idx][] = $x_now_pixels; $posarr[$idx][] = $this->x_axis_y_pixels; $num_points[$idx] = isset($num_points[$idx]) ? $num_points[$idx]+1 : 1; } } } } // end for $end = count($posarr); for ($i = 0; $i < $end; $i++) { // Prepend initial points. X = first point's X, Y = x_axis_y_pixels $x = $posarr[$i][0]; array_unshift($posarr[$i], $x, $this->x_axis_y_pixels); // Append final points. X = last point's X, Y = x_axis_y_pixels $x = $posarr[$i][count($posarr[$i])-2]; array_push($posarr[$i], $x, $this->x_axis_y_pixels); $num_points[$i] += 2; // Draw the poligon ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, $posarr[$i], $num_points[$i], $this->ndx_data_colors[$i]); } } // function DrawArea() /*! * Draw Lines. Supported data-types: * 'data-data', * 'text-data' * NOTE: Please see the note regarding incomplete data sets on DrawArea() */ function DrawLines() { // This will tell us if lines have already begun to be drawn. // It is an array to keep separate information for every line, with a single // variable we would sometimes get "undefined offset" errors and no plot... $start_lines = array_fill(0, $this->records_per_group, FALSE); if ($this->data_type == 'text-data') { $lastx[0] = $this->xtr(0); $lasty[0] = $this->xtr(0); } for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') // Do we have a value for X? $x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read it, advance record index else $x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels? $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row); for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) { if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { //Allow for missing Y data $y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]); if ($start_lines[$idx] == TRUE) { // Set line width, revert it to normal at the end ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]); if ($this->line_styles[$idx] == 'dashed') { $this->SetDashedStyle($this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } else { ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); } } $lasty[$idx] = $y_now_pixels; $lastx[$idx] = $x_now_pixels; $start_lines[$idx] = TRUE; } // Y data missing... should we leave a blank or not? else if ($this->draw_broken_lines) { $start_lines[$idx] = FALSE; } } // end for } // end for ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1); // Revert to original state for lines to be drawn later. } // function DrawLines() /*! * Draw lines with error bars - data comes in as * array("label", x, y, error+, error-, y2, error2+, error2-, ...); */ function DrawLinesError() { if ($this->data_type != 'data-data-error') { $this->DrawError("DrawLinesError(): Data type '$this->data_type' not supported."); return FALSE; } $start_lines = array_fill(0, $this->records_per_group, FALSE); for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) $x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read X value, advance record index $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates. if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels? $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels, $row); // Now go for Y, E+, E- for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $idx++) { // Y $y_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; $y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($y_now); if ($start_lines[$idx] == TRUE) { ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]); if ($this->line_styles[$idx] == 'dashed') { $this->SetDashedStyle($this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } else { ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); } } // Error+ $val = $this->data[$row][$record++]; $this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, $val, $this->error_bar_shape, $this->ndx_error_bar_colors[$idx]); // Error- $val = $this->data[$row][$record++]; $this->DrawYErrorBar($x_now, $y_now, -$val, $this->error_bar_shape, $this->ndx_error_bar_colors[$idx]); // Update indexes: $start_lines[$idx] = TRUE; // Tells us if we already drew the first column of points, // thus having $lastx and $lasty ready for the next column. $lastx[$idx] = $x_now_pixels; $lasty[$idx] = $y_now_pixels; } // end while } // end for ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1); // Revert to original state for lines to be drawn later. } // function DrawLinesError() /*! * This is a mere copy of DrawLines() with one more line drawn for each point */ function DrawSquared() { // This will tell us if lines have already begun to be drawn. // It is an array to keep separate information for every line, for with a single // variable we could sometimes get "undefined offset" errors and no plot... $start_lines = array_fill(0, $this->records_per_group, FALSE); if ($this->data_type == 'text-data') { $lastx[0] = $this->xtr(0); $lasty[0] = $this->xtr(0); } for ($row = 0, $cnt = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) if ($this->data_type == 'data-data') // Do we have a value for X? $x_now = $this->data[$row][$record++]; // Read it, advance record index else $x_now = 0.5 + $cnt++; // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr($x_now); // Absolute coordinates if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels? $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels); // notice there is no last param. // Draw Lines for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) { if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { // Allow for missing Y data $y_now_pixels = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]); if ($start_lines[$idx] == TRUE) { // Set line width, revert it to normal at the end ImageSetThickness($this->img, $this->line_widths[$idx]); if ($this->line_styles[$idx] == 'dashed') { $this->SetDashedStyle($this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); ImageLine($this->img, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx], IMG_COLOR_STYLED); ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } else { ImageLine($this->img, $lastx[$idx], $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx], $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); ImageLine($this->img, $x_now_pixels, $lasty[$idx], $x_now_pixels, $y_now_pixels, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); } } $lastx[$idx] = $x_now_pixels; $lasty[$idx] = $y_now_pixels; $start_lines[$idx] = TRUE; } // Y data missing... should we leave a blank or not? else if ($this->draw_broken_lines) { $start_lines[$idx] = FALSE; } } } // end while ImageSetThickness($this->img, 1); } // function DrawSquared() /*! * Data comes in as array("title", x, y, y2, y3, ...) */ function DrawBars() { if ($this->data_type != 'text-data') { $this->DrawError('DrawBars(): Bar plots must be text-data: use function SetDataType("text-data")'); return FALSE; } for ($row = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr(0.5 + $row); // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels? TODO:labels on top of bars. $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels); // Draw the bar for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) { if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { // Allow for missing Y data $x1 = $x_now_pixels - $this->data_group_space + ($idx * $this->record_bar_width); $x2 = $x1 + ($this->bar_width_adjust * $this->record_bar_width); if ($this->data[$row][$record] < $this->x_axis_position) { $y1 = $this->x_axis_y_pixels; $y2 = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]); } else { $y1 = $this->ytr($this->data[$row][$record]); $y2 = $this->x_axis_y_pixels; } if ($this->shading) { // Draw the shade? ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, array($x1, $y1, $x1 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading, $x2 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading, $x2 + $this->shading, $y2 - $this->shading, $x2, $y2, $x2, $y1), 6, $this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$idx]); } // Or draw a border? else { ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2,$y2, $this->ndx_data_border_colors[$idx]); } // Draw the bar ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); } } // end for } // end for } //function DrawBars /*! * Data comes in as array("title", x, y, y2, y3, ...) * \note Original stacked bars idea by Laurent Kruk < lolok at users.sourceforge.net > */ function DrawStackedBars() { if ($this->data_type != 'text-data') { $this->DrawError('DrawStackedBars(): Bar plots must be text-data: use SetDataType("text-data")'); return FALSE; } for ($row = 0; $row < $this->num_data_rows; $row++) { $record = 1; // Skip record #0 (data label) $x_now_pixels = $this->xtr(0.5 + $row); // Place text-data at X = 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, etc... if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') // Draw X Data labels? $this->DrawXDataLabel($this->data[$row][0], $x_now_pixels); // Draw the bars $oldv = 0; for ($idx = 0; $record < $this->num_recs[$row]; $record++, $idx++) { if (is_numeric($this->data[$row][$record])) { // Allow for missing Y data $x1 = $x_now_pixels - $this->data_group_space; $x2 = $x_now_pixels + $this->data_group_space; $y1 = $this->ytr(abs($this->data[$row][$record]) + $oldv); $y2 = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position + $oldv); $oldv += abs($this->data[$row][$record]); if ($this->shading) { // Draw the shade? ImageFilledPolygon($this->img, array($x1, $y1, $x1 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading, $x2 + $this->shading, $y1 - $this->shading, $x2 + $this->shading, $y2 - $this->shading, $x2, $y2, $x2, $y1), 6, $this->ndx_data_dark_colors[$idx]); } // Or draw a border? else { ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2,$y2, $this->ndx_data_border_colors[$idx]); } // Draw the bar ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $this->ndx_data_colors[$idx]); } } // end for } // end for } //function DrawStackedBars /*! * */ function DrawGraph() { if (! $this->img) { $this->DrawError('DrawGraph(): No image resource allocated'); return FALSE; } if (! is_array($this->data)) { $this->DrawError("DrawGraph(): No array of data in \$data"); return FALSE; } if (! isset($this->data_limits_done)) $this->FindDataLimits(); // Get maxima and minima for scaling if ($this->total_records == 0) { // Check for empty data sets $this->DrawError('Empty data set'); return FALSE; } $this->CalcMargins(); // Calculate margins if (! isset($this->plot_area_width)) // Set plot area pixel values (plot_area[]) $this->SetPlotAreaPixels(); if (! isset($this->plot_max_y)) // Set plot area world values (plot_max_x, etc.) $this->SetPlotAreaWorld(); if ($this->plot_type == 'bars' || $this->plot_type == 'stackedbars') // Calculate bar widths $this->CalcBarWidths(); /* FIXME!! this sort of thing should not be done without user's consent if ($this->x_data_label_pos != 'none') { // Default: do not draw tick stuff if $this->x_tick_label_pos = 'none'; // there are data labels. $this->x_tick_pos = 'none'; } */ $this->PadArrays(); // Pad color and style arrays to fit records per group. $this->DrawBackground(); $this->DrawImageBorder(); $this->DrawPlotAreaBackground(); $this->DrawTitle(); $this->DrawXTitle(); $this->DrawYTitle(); // Pie charts are drawn differently, handle them first if ($this->plot_type == 'pie') { // Pie charts can maximize image space usage. $this->SetPlotAreaPixels($this->safe_margin, $this->title_height, $this->image_width - $this->safe_margin, $this->image_height - $this->safe_margin); $this->DrawPieChart(); if ($this->legend) $this->DrawLegend($this->legend_x_pos, $this->legend_y_pos, ''); if ($this->print_image) $this->PrintImage(); return; } ////// All other chart types: if (! $this->grid_at_foreground) { // Usually one wants grids to go back, but... $this->DrawYAxis(); // Y axis must be drawn before X axis (see DrawYAxis()) $this->DrawXAxis(); } switch ($this->plot_type) { case 'thinbarline': $this->DrawThinBarLines(); break; case 'area': $this->DrawArea(); break; case 'squared': $this->DrawSquared(); break; case 'lines': if ( $this->data_type == 'data-data-error') { $this->DrawLinesError(); } else { $this->DrawLines(); } break; case 'linepoints': // FIXME !!! DrawXDataLabel gets called in DrawLines() and DrawDots() if ( $this->data_type == 'data-data-error') { $this->DrawLinesError(); $this->DrawDotsError(); } else { $this->DrawLines(); $this->DrawDots(); } break; case 'points'; if ( $this->data_type == 'data-data-error') { $this->DrawDotsError(); } else { $this->DrawDots(); } break; case 'stackedbars': $this->DrawStackedBars(); break; case 'bars': $this->DrawBars(); break; default: $this->plot_type = 'bars'; // Set it if it wasn't already set. $this->DrawBars(); break; } // end switch if ($this->grid_at_foreground) { // Usually one wants grids to go back, but... $this->DrawYAxis(); // Y axis must be drawn before X axis (see DrawYAxis()) $this->DrawXAxis(); } $this->DrawPlotBorder(); if ($this->legend) $this->DrawLegend($this->legend_x_pos, $this->legend_y_pos, ''); if ($this->print_image) $this->PrintImage(); } //function DrawGraph() ///////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////// DEPRECATED METHODS ///////////////////////////////////////////// /*! * Deprecated, use SetYTickPos() */ function SetDrawVertTicks($which_dvt) { if ($which_dvt != 1) $this->SetYTickPos('none'); return TRUE; } /*! * Deprecated, use SetXTickPos() */ function SetDrawHorizTicks($which_dht) { if ($which_dht != 1) $this->SetXTickPos('none'); return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Use SetNumXTicks() */ function SetNumHorizTicks($n) { return $this->SetNumXTicks($n); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetNumYTicks() */ function SetNumVertTicks($n) { return $this->SetNumYTicks($n); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXTickIncrement() */ function SetHorizTickIncrement($inc) { return $this->SetXTickIncrement($inc); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetYTickIncrement() */ function SetVertTickIncrement($inc) { return $this->SetYTickIncrement($inc); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetYTickPos() */ function SetVertTickPosition($which_tp) { return $this->SetYTickPos($which_tp); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXTickPos() */ function SetHorizTickPosition($which_tp) { return $this->SetXTickPos($which_tp); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetFont() */ function SetTitleFontSize($which_size) { return $this->SetFont('title', $which_size); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetFont() */ function SetAxisFontSize($which_size) { $this->SetFont('x_label', $which_size); $this->SetFont('y_label', $whic_size); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetFont() */ function SetSmallFontSize($which_size) { return $this->SetFont('generic', $which_size); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetFont() */ function SetXLabelFontSize($which_size) { return $this->SetFont('x_title', $which_size); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetFont() */ function SetYLabelFontSize($which_size) { return $this->SetFont('y_title', $which_size); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXTitle() */ function SetXLabel($which_xlab) { return $this->SetXTitle($which_xlab); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetYTitle() */ function SetYLabel($which_ylab) { return $this->SetYTitle($which_ylab); } /*! * \deprecated This is now an Internal function - please set width and * height via PHPlot() upon object construction */ function SetImageArea($which_iw, $which_ih) { $this->image_width = $which_iw; $this->image_height = $which_ih; return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXTickLength() and SetYTickLength() instead. */ function SetTickLength($which_tl) { $this->SetXTickLength($which_tl); $this->SetYTickLength($which_tl); return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Use SetYLabelType() */ function SetYGridLabelType($which_yglt) { return $this->SetYLabelType($which_yglt); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXLabelType() */ function SetXGridLabelType($which_xglt) { return $this->SetXLabelType($which_xglt); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetYTickLabelPos() */ function SetYGridLabelPos($which_yglp) { return $this->SetYTickLabelPos($which_yglp); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXTickLabelPos() */ function SetXGridLabelPos($which_xglp) { return $this->SetXTickLabelPos($which_xglp); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXtitle() */ function SetXTitlePos($xpos) { $this->x_title_pos = $xpos; return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Use SetYTitle() */ function SetYTitlePos($xpos) { $this->y_title_pos = $xpos; return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Use DrawDots() */ function DrawDotSeries() { $this->DrawDots(); } /*! * \deprecated Use SetXLabelAngle() */ function SetXDataLabelAngle($which_xdla) { return $this->SetXLabelAngle($which_xdla); } /*! * Draw Labels (not grid labels) on X Axis, following data points. Default position is * down of plot. Care must be taken not to draw these and x_tick_labels as they'd probably overlap. * * \deprecated Use SetXDataLabelPos() */ function SetDrawXDataLabels($which_dxdl) { if ($which_dxdl == '1' ) $this->SetXDataLabelPos('plotdown'); else $this->SetXDataLabelPos('none'); } /*! * \deprecated This method was intended to improve performance by being specially * written for 'data-data'. However, the improvement didn't pay. Use DrawLines() instead */ function DrawLineSeries() { return $this->DrawLines(); } /*! * \deprecated Calculates maximum X-Axis label height. Now inside CalcMargins() */ function CalcXHeights() { // TTF if ($this->use_ttf) { $xstr = str_repeat('.', $this->max_t); $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->x_label_font['size'], $this->x_label_angle, $this->x_label_font['font'], $xstr); $this->x_tick_label_height = $size[1]; } // Fixed font else { // For Non-TTF fonts we can have only angles 0 or 90 if ($this->x_label_angle == 90) $this->x_tick_label_height = $this->max_t * $this->x_label_font['width']; else $this->x_tick_label_height = $this->x_label_font['height']; } return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Calculates Maximum Y-Axis tick label width. Now inside CalcMargins() */ function CalcYWidths() { //the "." is for space. It isn't actually printed $ylab = number_format($this->max_y, $this->y_precision, '.', ', ') . $this->data_units_text . '.'; // TTF if ($this->use_ttf) { // Maximum Y tick label width $size = $this->TTFBBoxSize($this->y_label_font['size'], 0, $this->y_label_font['font'], $ylab); $this->y_tick_label_width = $size[0]; } // Fixed font else { // Y axis title width $this->y_tick_label_width = strlen($ylab) * $this->y_label_font['width']; } return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Superfluous. */ function DrawLabels() { $this->DrawTitle(); $this->DrawXTitle(); $this->DrawYTitle(); } /*! * Set up the image resource 'img' * \deprecated The constructor should init 'img' */ function InitImage() { $this->img = ImageCreate($this->image_width, $this->image_height); if (! $this->img) $this->PrintError('InitImage(): Could not create image resource'); return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated */ function SetNewPlotAreaPixels($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { //Like in GD 0, 0 is upper left set via pixel Coordinates $this->plot_area = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); $this->plot_area_width = $this->plot_area[2] - $this->plot_area[0]; $this->plot_area_height = $this->plot_area[3] - $this->plot_area[1]; $this->y_top_margin = $this->plot_area[1]; if (isset($this->plot_max_x)) $this->CalcTranslation(); return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated Use _SetRGBColor() */ function SetColor($which_color) { $this->SetRGBColor($which_color); return TRUE; } /* * \deprecated Use SetLineWidths(). */ function SetLineWidth($which_lw) { $this->SetLineWidths($which_lw); if (!$this->error_bar_line_width) { $this->SetErrorBarLineWidth($which_lw); } return TRUE; } /*! * \deprecated */ function DrawDashedLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2 , $dash_length, $dash_space, $color) { if ($dash_length) $dashes = array_fill(0, $dash_length, $color); else $dashes = array(); if ($dash_space) $spaces = array_fill(0, $dash_space, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT); else $spaces = array(); $style = array_merge($dashes, $spaces); ImageSetStyle($this->img, $style); ImageLine($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } /*! * \deprecated Selects an input file to be used as background for the whole graph. * This resizes the graph to the image's size. */ function SetInputFile($which_input_file) { $size = GetImageSize($which_input_file); $input_type = $size[2]; switch($input_type) { case 1: $im = @ ImageCreateFromGIF ($which_input_file); if (!$im) { // See if it failed $this->PrintError("Unable to open $which_input_file as a GIF"); return FALSE; } break; case 3: $im = @ ImageCreateFromPNG ($which_input_file); if (!$im) { // See if it failed $this->PrintError("Unable to open $which_input_file as a PNG"); return FALSE; } break; case 2: $im = @ ImageCreateFromJPEG ($which_input_file); if (!$im) { // See if it failed $this->PrintError("Unable to open $which_input_file as a JPG"); return FALSE; } break; default: $this->PrintError('SetInputFile(): Please select gif, jpg, or png for image type!'); return FALSE; break; } // Set Width and Height of Image $this->image_width = $size[0]; $this->image_height = $size[1]; // Deallocate any resources previously allocated if ($this->img) imagedestroy($this->img); $this->img = $im; return TRUE; } /* * \deprecated Use SetPointShapes(). */ function SetPointShape($which_pt) { $this->SetPointShapes($which_pt); return TRUE; } /* * \deprecated Use SetPointSizes(). */ function SetPointSize($which_ps) { $this->SetPointSizes($which_ps); return TRUE; } } // class PHPlot //////////////////////// /*! * Pads an array with another or with itself. * \param arr array Original array (reference) * \param size int Size of the resulting array. * \param arr2 array If specified, array to use for padding. If unspecified, pad with $arr. */ function array_pad_array(&$arr, $size, $arr2=NULL) { if (! is_array($arr2)) { $arr2 = $arr; // copy the original array } while (count($arr) < $size) $arr = array_merge_php4($arr, $arr2); // append until done } /*! * Fixes problem with array_merge() in PHP5. * \note I simply copied this from a bug report. I am not running php5 yet, so * I cannot reproduce it, which is why I trust the reporter. */ function array_merge_php4($array1,$array2) { $return=array(); foreach(func_get_args() as $arg){ if(!is_array($arg)){ $arg=array($arg); } foreach($arg as $key=>$val){ if(!is_int($key)){ $return[$key]=$val; }else{ $return[]=$val; } } } return $return; } ?>