'ok.png', false => 'error.png' ); // Checks list $check_list = array( array( 'check_cmd' => 'php-gettext', 'check_label' => 'PHP - Gettext support', 'check_descr' => 'If you want Bacula-web in your language, please compile PHP with Gettext support' ), array( 'check_cmd' => 'pear-db', 'check_label' => 'PEAR DB module', 'check_descr' => 'PEAR DB support not found, please read the Bacula-web installation document'), array( 'check_cmd' => 'php-gd', 'check_label' => 'PHP - GD support', 'check_descr' => 'This is required by phplot, please compile php with GD support'), array( 'check_cmd' => 'php-mysql', 'check_label' => 'PHP - MySQL support', 'check_descr' => 'PHP MySQL support must be installed in order to run bacula-web with MySQL bacula catalog'), array( 'check_cmd' => 'php-postgres', 'check_label' => 'PHP - PostgreSQL support', 'check_descr' => 'PHP PostgreSQL support must be installed in order to run bacula-web with PostgreSQL bacula catalog'), array( 'check_cmd' => 'smarty-cache', 'check_label' => 'Smarty cache folder write permission', 'check_descr' => 'Smarty template engine need write permissions to templates_c folder'), array( 'check_cmd' => 'php-version', 'check_label' => 'PHP version', 'check_descr' => 'PHP version must be at least 5.0.0 (current = ' . PHP_VERSION . ')' ) ); // Doing all checks foreach( $check_list as &$check ) { switch( $check['check_cmd'] ) { case 'php-gettext': $check['check_result'] = $icon_result[ function_exists( 'gettext' ) ]; break; case 'php-gd': $check['check_result'] = $icon_result[ function_exists( 'gd_info') ]; break; case 'pear-db': $check['check_result'] = $icon_result[ class_exists('DB') ]; break; case 'php-mysql': $check['check_result'] = $icon_result[ function_exists('mysql_connect') ]; break; case 'php-postgres': $check['check_result'] = $icon_result[ function_exists('pg_connect') ]; break; case 'smarty-cache': $check['check_result'] = $icon_result[ is_writable( "./templates_c" ) ]; break; case 'php-version': $check['check_result'] = $icon_result[ version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', '>=' ) ]; break; } } // Generate test graph $data = array( array('test', 100, 100, 200, 100), array('test1', 150, 100, 150, 100 ) ); $graph = new CGraph( "graph3.png" ); $graph->SetColors( array('green', 'red' ) ); $graph->SetData( $data, 'pie', 'text-data-single' ); $graph->SetGraphSize( 400, 230 ); $graph->Render(); // Parse to template $bw->tpl->assign( 'checks', $check_list ); $bw->tpl->assign('graph_test', $graph->Get_Image_file() ); $bw->tpl->display('test.tpl'); ?>