1. Baculum overview 2. Baculum operating system environment 2.1 General requirements 2.2 Linux Fedora 2.3 Linux Debian 3. Preparing Baculum files 4. Preparing Apache Web Server 5. Example configuration VirtualHost ========================================= 1. Baculum overview Baculum is Bacula web based interface. It enables Bacula administration functions such as: - Running backup and restore tasks - Monitoring Bacula services by getting status these services - Bacula console available via web interface - Multiple Directors support - Volumes managenment including labeling new volumes - Basic storage daemon operations on volumes (mount, umount, release actions) - Easy in use configuration and restore wizards - other features... Note! This Baculum release does not support Verify kind of jobs. Support for Verify jobs will be implemented in next Baculum release. 2. Baculum operating system environment 2.1 General requirements Environmnent for Baculum installation should have next components: - Web Server - with mod_rewrite module loaded. Baculum has been tested on Apache HTTP Server. - PHP 5.3 or higher - as web server module. PHP CLI interpreter is not needed. PHP should have installed next modules: * PDO PHP support - depending on your catalog database: PDO PostgreSQL, PDO MySQL or PDO SQLite. * BCMath PHP module. * cURL PHP module. * MB String PHP module. * JSON PHP module. - Bconsole - configured Bacula text based console - Access to Bacula catalog database - computer with Baculum installation should be able to connection to Bacula catalog database. There is not need to install Baculum on server with Bacula DB because Baculum can communicate with Bacula database located on remote server. Above requirements are validated during Baculum start. So if in installation environment there lacks some from these components then you will be informed about it. 2.2 Linux Fedora Packages required for run Baculum in Fedora environemnt can be installed by command: # yum install httpd \ php \ php-common \ php-pdo \ php-pgsql \ php-mysqlnd \ php-mbstring \ php-bcmath In Fedora 20 PHP module for cURL support and for JSON support are compiled in PHP. In case of using SELinux functionality in Baculum environment, recommended way is switching "httpd_t" SELinux security doman to permissive domain like below: # semanage permissive -a httpd_t Please be sure that in PHP configuration file (usually located in /etc/php.ini) there is option error_reporting set as below: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT Suggested method for Baculum webGUI access to Bacula Console (bconsole) is using "sudo" functionality for that. In this case there is need to add to /etc/sudoers file two lines according next template: Defaults:apache_user !requiretty apache_user ALL= NOPASSWD: bconsole_path For example for user called "apache" from that HTTP service working with Baculum there is need to add line like below: Defaults:apache !requiretty apache ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bconsole 2.3 Linux Debian Packages required for run Baculum in Debian environemnt can be installed by command: apt-get install apache2 \ libapache2-mod-php5 \ php5 \ php5-pgsql \ php5-mysql \ php5-curl \ php5-json In Debian 7.4.0, PHP modules for BCMath and MultiByte String support are compiled in PHP. There is need to create symbolic link as below, for enable mod_rewrite module in Apache. # ln -s /etc/apache2/mods-available/rewrite.load /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/rewrite.load Please be sure that in PHP configuration file (usually located in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini) there is option error_reporting set as below: error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT Suggested method for Baculum webGUI access to Bacula Console (bconsole) is using "sudo" functionality for that. In this case there is need to add to /etc/sudoers below line according next template: apache_user ALL= NOPASSWD: bconsole_path For example for user called "www-data" from that HTTP service working with Baculum there is need to add line like below: www-data ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/bconsole 3. Preparing Baculum files After downloading and unpacking Baculum sources archive there is need to set write permissions for web server for three below directories: /[files base location]/assets /[files base location]/protected/Data /[files base location]/protected/runtime These directories permissions are validated during Baculum start. If web server will not be able to write data in some from above directries then you will be informed about this fact. 4. Preparing Apache Web Server First there is need to configure authentication to Baculum from web server side. Baculum supports HTTP Basic authentication from web server. In Apache web server this authentication method may be realizing by next directives declaration in Apache configuration file: AuthType Basic AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwords Require valid-user File located in /etc/apache2/passwords is an example file which contains users and passwords. For generating passwords file you may use htpasswd binary file in next way: # htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/passwords someuser You will be asked about inputing password and retype password for user. NOTE! "-c" switcher you should use only for new created passwords file. For existing passwords file "-c" switcher should not be inputed. 5. Example configuration VirtualHost DocumentRoot /var/www/baculum ServerName somehost.example.com AllowOverride All AuthType Basic AuthName MyPrivateFile AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/passwords Require valid-user Above configuration should be writen in a new Apache configuration file. for example, location for that can be put to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/baculum.conf. In this way, configuration file baculum.conf will be loaded automaticly during Apache server start.