Baculum - Bacula web interface Features description: 1. Customized and restricted consoles 2. Baculum users configuration file ================================================================================ === 1. Customized and restricted consoles === Baculum supports customized and restricted consoles for each logged in user. Before using customized and restricted consoles please check location for bconsole configuration files for each user. For do it, there is need to run on Baculum webGUI configuration wizard and there is need to go to "Console" wizard step (fourth step). In "Console" wizard step there is field defined as: Bconsole custom config file path: __________________ In this field there is required to define location for restricted consoles. In defined path exists one keyword {user}. It will be replaced into current logged in username. For example, if logged is user named "john", keyword {user} will be replaced into "john". Example: "Bconsole custom config file path" is defined as: /usr/local/bacula/etc/bconsole-{user}.conf After log in user "john" to Baculum webGUI, for each bconsole request will be used file: /usr/local/bacula/etc/bconsole-john.conf It makes available to define some specific console access (or restricted access) for each Baculum user. For user named "willy" in above configured path according bconsole configuration file will be: /usr/local/bacula/etc/bconsole-willy.conf etc... NOTE! In configuration wizard step "Console" there is also field: "Bconsole admin config file path:": ___________________ Config file defined in this field will be used by administrator only. For this reason the best parctice is define here console configuration file that gives full access for administrator. Administrator user and password will be defined in next configuration wizard step named "Authorization" (fifth step). Baculum users are defined on web server level as described in instriction in attached to Baculum INSTALL file. Example: For creating users "john" and "willy" as Baculum HTTP Basic authorization users there is need to create this users for example by: # htpasswd /some/location/htpasswd/file john # htpasswd /some/location/htpasswd/file willy For case using other HTTP Basic authorization backends (for example LDAP) there is need to define these users in this specific service. Example of content custom consoles configuration file is below: Console { Name = "BaculaRestrictedUser" Password = "XXXXXXXXX" CommandACL = show,.client,.jobs,.fileset,.pool,.storage,.jobs,.bvfs_update, .bvfs_lsdirs,.bvfs_lsfiles,.bvfs_versions,.bvfs_get_jobids,.bvfs_restore,restore CatalogACL = *all* ClientACL = user-fd JobACL = somejob1,userjob PoolACL = Full-Pool StorageACL = VTL FileSetACL = somejob1-fileset,userjobFileSet3 WhereACL = *all* } After defining these ACL there is also need to define the console access to Director service in Bacula Director configuration file as Console{} resource. NOTE! Please note that in above example in CommandACL are shown the most essential commands necessary for proper working of Baculum webGUI and possibility do to restore action (all .bvfs_* command and "restore" command) Below are the same necessary commands broke one per line: show .client .jobs .fileset .pool .storage .jobs .bvfs_update .bvfs_lsdirs .bvfs_lsfiles .bvfs_versions .bvfs_get_jobids .bvfs_restore restore Catalog Database restriction Because Baculum in few parts of interface uses data from Bacula Catalog Database, for each user who IS NOT administrator there has beed disabled EVERY write to Bacula Catalog database by Baculum webGUI. Modification Bacula Catalog Database tables is possible ONLY for Baculum administrator. Additionally because of Console ACL functionality does not support restriction on media/volumes level, access to media/volumes has been disabled for all users except administrator. Configuration wizard restriction For security reason there has been disabled access to Configuration Wizard function for all users except administrator. ================================================================================ === 2. Baculum users configuration file for Lighttpd === There is possible to manage Baculum administrator login and password directly in configuration wizard step titled "Step 5 - authorization params to Baculum". It means that Baculum administrator may change administrator auth params by configuration wizard. So far in Step 5 configuration wizard there were need to input admin auth params the same as in pre-defined file by "htpasswd" program. For getting possibility to change admin login and password on wizard level there is need to run Baculum on Lighttpd web server and create admin password file locatied in: protected/Data/baculum.users where syntax is: someuser:somepassword myser123:password3213 ...etc. NOTE! Login and password are stored as plain text. Next in Lighttpd web server configuration file is need to define above file as authfile for access to Baculum, for example: auth.backend = "plain" auth.backend.plain.userfile = "/var/www/baculum/protected/Data/baculum.users" auth.require = ( "/" => ( "method" => "basic", "realm" => "Baculum Auth", "require" => "valid-user" )) Sample with whole Lighttpd configuration file you can find in directory: examples/baculum.lighttpd.conf NOTE! Due to Apache web server can use plain text password only for Windows, BEOS and Netware systems, described admin auth modification is not supported for Apache. NOTE! Functionality has been tested with Lighttpd. It has not been tested with other web servers that supports plain text stored password.