rpath : null; $fileset = null; if (property_exists($params, 'fileset') && $this->getModule('misc')->isValidName($params->fileset)) { $fileset = $params->fileset; } $client = null; if (property_exists($params, 'clientid')) { $clientid = intval($params->clientid); $client_row = $this->getModule('client')->getClientById($clientid); $client = is_object($client_row) ? $client_row->name : null; } elseif (property_exists($params, 'client') && $this->getModule('misc')->isValidName($params->client)) { $client = $params->client; } $priority = property_exists($params, 'priority') ? intval($params->priority) : 10; // default priority is set to 10 $where = property_exists($params, 'where') ? $params->where : null; $replace = property_exists($params, 'replace') ? $params->replace : null; $restorejob = null; if (property_exists($params, 'restorejob') && $this->getModule('misc')->isValidName($params->restorejob)) { $restorejob = $params->restorejob; } $misc = $this->getModule('misc'); if(!is_null($fileset)) { if(!is_null($client)) { if(preg_match($misc::RPATH_PATTERN, $rfile) === 1) { if(!is_null($where)) { if(!is_null($replace)) { $command = array('restore', 'file="?' . $rfile . '"', 'client="' . $client . '"', 'where="' . $where . '"', 'replace="' . $replace . '"', 'fileset="' . $fileset . '"', 'priority="' . $priority . '"' ); if (!is_null($restorejob)) { $command[] = 'restorejob="' . $restorejob . '"'; } $command[] = 'yes'; $restore = $this->getModule('bconsole')->bconsoleCommand($this->director, $command, $this->user); $this->removeTmpRestoreTable($rfile); $this->output = $restore->output; $this->error = (integer)$restore->exitcode; } else { $this->output = JobError::MSG_ERROR_INVALID_REPLACE_OPTION; $this->error = JobError::ERROR_INVALID_REPLACE_OPTION; } } else { $this->output = JobError::MSG_ERROR_INVALID_WHERE_OPTION; $this->error = JobError::ERROR_INVALID_WHERE_OPTION; } } else { $this->output = JobError::MSG_ERROR_INVALID_RPATH; $this->error = JobError::ERROR_INVALID_RPATH; } } else { $this->output = JobError::MSG_ERROR_CLIENT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS; $this->error = JobError::ERROR_CLIENT_DOES_NOT_EXISTS; } } else { $this->output = JobError::MSG_ERROR_FILESET_DOES_NOT_EXISTS; $this->error = JobError::ERROR_FILESET_DOES_NOT_EXISTS; } } private function removeTmpRestoreTable($tableName) { $misc = $this->getModule('misc'); if (preg_match($misc::RPATH_PATTERN, $tableName) === 1) { // @TODO: Move it to API module. It shouldn't look like here. $db_params = $this->getModule('api_config')->getConfig('db'); $connection = APIDbModule::getAPIDbConnection($db_params); $connection->setActive(true); $sql = "DROP TABLE $tableName"; $pdo = $connection->getPdoInstance(); try { $pdo->exec($sql); } catch(PDOException $e) { $emsg = 'Problem during delete temporary Bvfs table. ' . $e->getMessage(); $this->getModule('logging')->log( __FUNCTION__, $emsg, Logging::CATEGORY_APPLICATION, __FILE__, __LINE__ ); } $pdo = null; } } } ?>