'Backup', 'M' => 'Migrated', 'V' => 'Verify', 'R' => 'Restore', 'I' => 'Internal', 'D' => 'Admin', 'A' => 'Archive', 'C' => 'Copy', 'c' => 'Copy Job', 'g' => 'Migration' ); private $jobLevels = array( 'F' => 'Full', 'I' => 'Incremental', 'D' => 'Differential', 'B' => 'Base', 'f' => 'VirtualFull', 'V' => 'InitCatalog', 'C' => 'Catalog', 'O' => 'VolumeToCatalog', 'd' => 'DiskToCatalog' ); private $jobStates = array( 'C' => array('value' => 'Created', 'description' =>'Created but not yet running'), 'R' => array('value' => 'Running', 'description' => 'Running'), 'B' => array('value' => 'Blocked', 'description' => 'Blocked'), 'T' => array('value' => 'Terminated', 'description' =>'Terminated normally'), 'W' => array('value' => 'Terminated', 'description' =>'Terminated normally with warnings'), 'E' => array('value' => 'Error', 'description' =>'Terminated in Error'), 'e' => array('value' => 'Non-fatal error', 'description' =>'Non-fatal error'), 'f' => array('value' => 'Fatal error', 'description' =>'Fatal error'), 'D' => array('value' => 'Verify Diff.', 'description' =>'Verify Differences'), 'A' => array('value' => 'Canceled', 'description' =>'Canceled by the user'), 'I' => array('value' => 'Incomplete', 'description' =>'Incomplete Job'), 'F' => array('value' => 'Waiting on FD', 'description' =>'Waiting on the File daemon'), 'S' => array('value' => 'Waiting on SD', 'description' =>'Waiting on the Storage daemon'), 'm' => array('value' => 'Waiting for new vol.', 'description' =>'Waiting for a new Volume to be mounted'), 'M' => array('value' => 'Waiting for mount', 'description' =>'Waiting for a Mount'), 's' => array('value' => 'Waiting for storage', 'description' =>'Waiting for Storage resource'), 'j' => array('value' => 'Waiting for job', 'description' =>'Waiting for Job resource'), 'c' => array('value' => 'Waiting for client', 'description' =>'Waiting for Client resource'), 'd' => array('value' => 'Waiting for Max. jobs', 'description' =>'Wating for Maximum jobs'), 't' => array('value' => 'Waiting for start', 'description' =>'Waiting for Start Time'), 'p' => array('value' => 'Waiting for higher priority', 'description' =>'Waiting for higher priority job to finish'), 'i' => array('value' => 'Batch insert', 'description' =>'Doing batch insert file records'), 'a' => array('value' => 'Despooling attributes', 'description' =>'SD despooling attributes'), 'l' => array('value' => 'Data despooling', 'description' =>'Doing data despooling'), 'L' => array('value' => 'Commiting data', 'description' =>'Committing data (last despool)') ); private $jobStatesOK = array('T', 'D'); private $jobStatesWarning = array('W'); private $jobStatesError = array('E', 'e', 'f', 'I'); private $jobStatesCancel = array('A'); private $jobStatesRunning = array('C', 'R', 'B', 'F', 'S', 'm', 'M', 's', 'j', 'c', 'd','t', 'p', 'i', 'a', 'l', 'L'); private $runningJobStates = array('C', 'R'); private $components = array( 'dir' => array('full_name' => 'Director', 'main_resource' => 'Director'), 'sd' => array('full_name' => 'Storage Daemon', 'main_resource' => 'Storage'), 'fd' => array('full_name' => 'File Daemon', 'main_resource' => 'FileDaemon'), 'bcons' => array('full_name' => 'Console', 'main_resource' => 'Director') ); /** * Getting the licence from file. * * @access public * @return string licence text */ public function getLicence() { return nl2br(htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents(self::LICENCE_FILE))); } public function getJobLevels() { return $this->jobLevels; } public function getJobState($jobStateLetter = null) { $state; if(is_null($jobStateLetter)) { $state = $this->jobStates; } else { $state = array_key_exists($jobStateLetter, $this->jobStates) ? $this->jobStates[$jobStateLetter] : null; } return $state; } public function getRunningJobStates() { return $this->runningJobStates; } public function getComponents() { $components = array_keys($this->components); } public function getMainComponentResource($type) { $resource = null; if (array_key_exists($type, $this->components)) { $resource = $this->components[$type]['main_resource']; } return $resource; } public function getComponentFullName($type) { $name = ''; if (array_key_exists($type, $this->components)) { $name = $this->components[$type]['full_name']; } return $name; } public function getJobType($jobTypeLetter = null) { $type; if(is_null($jobTypeLetter)) { $type = $this->jobTypes; } else { $type = array_key_exists($jobTypeLetter, $this->jobTypes) ? $this->jobTypes[$jobTypeLetter] : null; } return $type; } public function getJobStatesByType($type) { $statesByType = array(); $states = array(); switch($type) { case 'ok': $states = $this->jobStatesOK; break; case 'warning': $states = $this->jobStatesWarning; break; case 'error': $states = $this->jobStatesError; break; case 'cancel': $states = $this->jobStatesCancel; break; case 'running': $states = $this->jobStatesRunning; break; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($states); $i++) { $statesByType[$states[$i]] = $this->getJobState($states[$i]); } return $statesByType; } public function isValidJobLevel($jobLevel) { return array_key_exists($jobLevel, $this->getJobLevels()); } public function isValidName($name) { return (preg_match('/^[\w:\.\-\s]{1,127}$/', $name) === 1); } /** * Writing INI-style configuration file. * * Functions has been got from StackOverflow.com service (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4082626/save-ini-file-with-comments). * * @access public * @param string $file file localization * @param array $options structure of config file params * @return mixed if success then returns the number of bytes that were written to the file as the integer type, if failure then returns false */ public function writeINIFile($file, array $options){ $tmp = ''; foreach($options as $section => $values){ $tmp .= "[$section]\n"; foreach($values as $key => $val){ if(is_array($val)){ foreach($val as $k => $v) { $v = $this->escapeINIVal($v); $tmp .= "{$key}[$k] = \"$v\"\n"; } } else { $val = $this->escapeINIVal($val); $tmp .= "$key = \"$val\"\n"; } } $tmp .= "\n"; } $old_umask = umask(0); umask(0077); $result = file_put_contents($file, $tmp); umask($old_umask); return $result; } /** * Escape text written to INI-style file. * * @access private * @param string $value text to escape * @return string escaped text */ private function escapeINIVal($value) { $esc_value = str_replace('"', '\"', $value); return $esc_value; } /** * Parse INI-style configuration file. * * @access public * @param string $file file localization * @return array data of configuration file */ public static function parseINIFile($file) { $content = array(); if (file_exists($file)) { $content = parse_ini_file($file, true); if (!is_array($content)) { $content = array(); } } return $content; } /** * This method is copied from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4345554/convert-php-object-to-associative-array */ public function objectToArray($data) { if (is_array($data) || is_object($data)) { $result = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { $result[$key] = $this->objectToArray($value); } return $result; } return $data; } public function decode_bacula_lstat($lstat) { $base64 = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'; $lstat = trim($lstat); $lstat_fields = explode(' ', $lstat); if(count($lstat_fields) !== 16) { die('Błąd! Niepoprawna ilość pól wartości LStat. Proszę upewnić się, że podany ciąg znaków jest poprawną wartością LStat'); } list($dev, $inode, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $blocksize, $blocks, $atime, $mtime, $ctime, $linkfi, $flags, $data) = $lstat_fields; $encoded_values = array('dev' => $dev, 'inode' => $inode, 'mode' => $mode, 'nlink' => $nlink, 'uid' => $uid, 'gid' => $gid, 'rdev' => $rdev, 'size' => $size, 'blocksize' => $blocksize, 'blocks' => $blocks, 'atime' => $atime, 'mtime' => $mtime, 'ctime' => $ctime, 'linkfi' => $linkfi, 'flags' => $flags, 'data' => $data); $ret = array(); foreach($encoded_values as $key => $val) { $result = 0; $is_minus = false; $start = 0; if(substr($val, 0, 1) === '-') { $is_minus = true; $start++; } for($i = $start; $i < strlen($val); $i++) { $result = bcmul($result, bcpow(2,6)); $result += strpos($base64, substr($val, $i , 1)); } $ret[$key] = ($is_minus === true) ? -$result : $result; } return $ret; } public function parseBvfsList($list) { $elements = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { if(preg_match('/^(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P[a-zA-z0-9\+\/\ ]+)\t(?P.*)\/$/', $list[$i], $match) == 1 || preg_match('/^(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P[a-zA-z0-9\+\/\ ]+)\t(?P\.{2})$/', $list[$i], $match) == 1) { if($match['name'] == '.') { continue; } elseif($match['name'] != '..') { $match['name'] .= '/'; } $elements[] = array('pathid' => $match['pathid'], 'filenameid' => $match['filenameid'], 'fileid' => $match['fileid'], 'jobid' => $match['jobid'], 'lstat' => $match['lstat'], 'name' => $match['name'], 'type' => 'dir'); } elseif(preg_match('/^(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P[a-zA-z0-9\+\/\ ]+)\t(?P[^\/]+)$/', $list[$i], $match) == 1) { if($match['name'] == '.') { continue; } $elements[] = array('pathid' => $match['pathid'], 'filenameid' => $match['filenameid'], 'fileid' => $match['fileid'], 'jobid' => $match['jobid'], 'lstat' => $match['lstat'], 'name' => $match['name'], 'type' => 'file'); } } usort($elements, 'sortFilesListByName'); return $elements; } public function parseFileVersions($filename, $list) { $elements = array(); for($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++) { if(preg_match('/^(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P\d+)\t(?P[a-zA-z0-9\+\/\ ]+)\t(?P.+)\t(?P.+)\t(?P\d+)$/', $list[$i], $match) == 1) { $elements[$match['fileid']] = array('name' => $filename, 'pathid' => $match['pathid'], 'filenameid' => $match['filenameid'], 'fileid' => $match['fileid'], 'jobid' => $match['jobid'], 'lstat' => $this->decode_bacula_lstat($match['lstat']), 'md5' => $match['md5'], 'volname' => $match['volname'], 'inchanger' => $match['inchanger'], 'type' => 'file'); } } return $elements; } public function findJobIdStartedJob($output) { $jobid = null; $output = array_reverse($output); // jobid is ussually at the end of output for ($i = 0; $i < count($output); $i++) { if (preg_match('/^Job queued\.\sJobId=(?P\d+)$/', $output[$i], $match) === 1) { $jobid = $match['jobid']; break; } } return $jobid; } /** * Get (pseudo)random string. * * Useful for log out user from HTTP Basic auth by providing random password. * * @access public * @return string random 62 characters string from range [a-zA-Z0-9] */ public function getRandomString($length = null) { $characters = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $rand_string = str_shuffle($characters); if (is_int($length) && $length <= 62) { $rand_string = substr($rand_string, 0, $length); } return $rand_string; } /** * Get encrypted password to use in HTTP Basic auth. * * @access public * @param string $password plain text password * @return string encrypted password */ public function getCryptedPassword($password) { $enc_pwd = crypt($password, base64_encode($password)); return $enc_pwd; } } ?>