################################################################ # brestore -- a bacula perl interface # ################################################################ As we felt a need for a restoration GUI for bacula, we developed a simple Perl/GTK GUI. It has the following features : * Direct SQL access to the database for good performance * Fast Time Navigation (switch almost instantaneously between the different versions of a directory, by changing the date from a list) * Possibility to choose a selected file, then browse all its available versions, and see directly if these versions are online in a library or not * Simple restoration by the generation of a BSR file * Works with either PostgreSQL or MySQL We have a working (if a bit unpolished) version ready, and think it is time for us to publish it and have user and Kern feedback. What's missing : * We want to add some other features such as : the user has selected a FD and a date, we want to display the list of media requested and their availability. * Plenty of features. As we don't have lots of imagination. Don't hesitate to suggest us your ideas ... * We want use Bacula to generate bsr files, at this time, you can't restore files across different Storage (Full on tape, Incr on Disk for example) For the moment, we want to concentrate on having a restoration interface. We don't care about seeing the restoration progress, or anything else. brestore is also available within Bweb.