################################################################ # brestore -- a bacula perl interface # ################################################################ As we felt a need for a restoration GUI for bacula, we developed a simple Perl/GTK GUI. It has the following features : * Direct SQL access to the database for good performance * Fast Time Navigation (switch almost instantaneously between the different versions of a directory, by changing the date from a list) * Possibility to choose a selected file, then browse all its available versions, and see directly if these versions are online in a library or not * Simple restoration by the generation of a BSR file * Works indifferently with postgresql and mysql We have a working (if a bit unpolished) version ready, and think it is time for us to publish it and have user and Kern feedback. What's missing : * We want to add some other features such as : the user has selected a FD and a date, we want to display the list of media requested and their availability. * Plenty of features. As we don't have lots of imagination. Don't hesitate to suggest us your ideas ... For the moment, we want to concentrate on having a restoration interface. We don't care about seeing the restoration progress, or anything else. These tools are available with Bweb. ################ INSTALL ####################################### # you can put glade file on /usr/share/brestore or /usr/local/share/brestore mkdir -p /usr/share/brestore install -m 644 -o root -g root brestore.glade /usr/share/brestore install -m 755 -o root -g root brestore.pl /usr/bin # you must get Bconsole.pm from bweb modules (bweb/lib/Bconsole.pm) install -m 644 -o root -g root Bconsole.pm /usr/share/perl5 ################ INSTALL MODULES ############################### Perl Modules The Debian Way apt-get install libgtk2-gladexml-perl apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl apt-get install libexpect-perl The Red Hat way Please contribute, neither of us have a Red Hat to test on :) Other distros/Unices Please contribute ... The generic Way, if those modules aren't packaged by your distro perl -MCPAN -e shell install Gtk2 install Expect install Gtk2::GladeXML install DBD::mysql or install DBD::Pg ################ BCONSOLE WITHOUT CONIO ######################## You must use bconsole without conio support. For that, use bconsole -n option. WARNING : You must be able to execute bconsole and able to read bconsole.conf ! ################ CONFIGURATION ################################# You can make configuration from brestore himself (if brestore can find his glade file). Example : $parameters = { 'mozilla' => 'mozilla', 'bconsole' => '/usr/local/bin/bconsole.noconio -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf', 'bweb' => 'http://localhost/cgi-bin/bweb/bweb.pl', 'connection_string' => 'DBI:mysql:database=bacula;host=;port=3306', 'username' => 'bacula', 'password' => 'xxxx', 'bsr_dest' => 'file://var/tmp', 'debug' => 0, 'use_ok_bkp_only' => 1, 'default_restore_job' => 'restore' };