################################################################ # INSTALL NOTES # ################################################################ Bweb works well with 1.39 release or later. 1) install perl lib 2) copy your files 3) intialise your configuration file 4) do some sql stuff (for postgresql users) 5) use the -n option on bconsole so that it works with Expect 6) get bacula log more useful 7) bweb limitation 8) using sudo with autochanger 9) using bfileview.pl 10) accessing to bweb ################ FILE COPY ##################################### # you must get bweb cvs files cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@bacula.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bacula login cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@bacula.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/bacula co -P gui cd gui # or get them from the released tar files or from the apt or rpms. # first, copy the bweb perl library into your PERL5 INC path install -m 644 -o root -g root bweb/lib/*.pm /usr/share/perl5 # copy the bweb perl program to your cgi location mkdir -m 755 /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bweb install -m 755 -o root -g root bweb/cgi/*.pl /usr/lib/cgi-bin/bweb # get a config file mkdir -m 755 /etc/bacula chown root:bacula /etc/bacula echo '$VAR1 = { template_dir => "/usr/share/bweb/tpl" };' > /etc/bacula/bweb.conf chown www-data /etc/bacula/bweb.conf # copy the bweb template file mkdir -p /usr/share/bweb/tpl install -m 644 -o root -g root bweb/tpl/*.tpl /usr/share/bweb/tpl # copy the bweb graphics elements (bweb elements must reside in /bweb) mkdir /var/www/bweb install -m 644 -o root -g root bweb/html/*.{js,png,css,gif,ico} /var/www/bweb # done ! WARNING : Your www-data user must be able to execute bconsole and able to read the bconsole.conf file! You can create an bconsole group for that. ################ USE FRENCH VERSION ############################ Simply use lang/fr/tpl/*.tpl files instead of tpl/*.tpl ################ INSTALL PERL LIBRARY ########################## - perl modules - DBI (with mysql or postgresql support DBD::Pg and DBD::mysql) - Gd::Graph - Gd - HTML::Template - CGI - Expect - Time::ParseDate You can install perl modules with CPAN perl -e shell -MCPAN > install Expect Or use your distribution apt-get install libgd-graph-perl libhtml-template-perl libexpect-perl apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl libdbd-pg-perl libdbi-perl libtime-modules-perl ################ APACHE CONFIGURATION ########################## It could be a good idea to protect your bweb installation. Put this in your httpd.conf, and add user with htpasswd Options ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch AuthType Basic AuthName MyPrivateFile AuthUserFile /etc/apache/htpasswd AllowOverride None Require valid-user ################ CONFIGURATION ################################# /etc/bacula/bweb.conf looks like : (you can edit it inside bweb) $VAR1 = bless( { 'graph_font' => '/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf', 'name' => undef, 'config_file' => '/etc/bacula/bweb.conf', 'bconsole' => '/usr/sbin/bconsole -n -c /etc/bacula/bconsole.conf', 'ach_list' => { 'S1_L80' => bless( { 'info' => { 'drive' => 0, 'io' => 0, 'slot' => 0 }, 'name' => 'S1_L80', 'bweb' => undef, 'device' => '/dev/changer', 'drive' => [], 'debug' => 0, 'label' => {}, 'precmd' => 'sudo', 'io' => [], 'mtxcmd' => '/usr/sbin/mtx', 'drive_name' => [ 'S1_L80_SDLT0', 'S1_L80_SDLT1' ], 'slot' => [] }, 'Bweb::Autochanger' ) }, 'password' => 'xxx', 'template_dir' => '/usr/share/bweb/tpl', 'dbi' => 'DBI:mysql:database=bacula', 'error' => '', 'debug' => 0, 'user' => 'bacula', 'email_media' => 'eric@localhost' }, 'Bweb::Config' ); ################ BRESTORE ###################################### If you want to use brestore with bweb, you must associate a mime type text/brestore with your brestore.pl. ################ POSTGRESQL NOTES ############################## If you want to use PostgreSQL instead of MySQL, you must add a function to the PostgreSQL Bacula database to get Bweb to work. psql -u bacula bacula < script/bweb-postgresql.sql ################ BCONSOLE NOTES ################################ You must use bconsole without conio/readline support. For that, use the bconsole -n option. ################ BACULA LOG #################################### To use Bweb log engine you MUST use catalog message type. Messages { Name = Standard operator = root@localhost = mount console = all, !skipped, !saved append = "/tmp/bacula/var/bacula/working/log" = all, !skipped catalog = all, !skipped, !saved } ################ BWEB LIMITATION ############################### To get bweb working, you must follow these rules - Media, Storage and Pool must have [A-Za-z_0-9\.-]+ (no space) - AutoChanger name must be same as Device and Location name in bacula ################ SUDO CONFIGURATION ############################ If you use sudo, put this on you /etc/sudoers www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer transfer * www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer status www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer load * www-data ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/mtx -f /dev/changer unload * ################ BFILEVIEW SETUP ############################### At this time, bfileview works only with PostgreSQL. Alias /bweb/fv /var/spool/bweb Options None AllowOverride AuthConfig Order allow,deny Allow from all mkdir /var/spool/bweb chmod 700 /var/spool/bweb chown www-data /var/spool/bweb You have to remove "" from tpl/display_job_zoom.tpl. You must use brestore.pl -b to initialise the database, and you can use bfileview.pl mode=batch jobid=xxx where=/ to compute tree size. At this time, it's a good idea to schedule brestore.pl -b after your BackupCatalog job. Job { Name = "BackupCatalog" ... # This creates an ASCII copy of the catalog RunBeforeJob = "/opt/bacula/etc/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula Pei0ahm9" # This deletes the copy of the catalog RunAfterJob = "/opt/bacula/etc/delete_catalog_backup" RunAfterJob = "/usr/local/bin/brestore.pl -b" } To upgrade from an old installation, you can use : ALTER TABLE brestore_pathvisibility ADD Size int8; ALTER TABLE brestore_pathvisibility ADD Files int4; ################ ACCESSING TO BWEB ############################### Now, you are able to launch firefox/mozilla and go on http://your-server/bweb Enjoy !