# This configuration uses Mod1 and Mod3. Make sure they are mapped properly using xev(1) # and xmodmap(1). Usually, Mod1 is Alt (Alt_L) and Mod3 is Windows (Super_L) # ISO 10646 = Unicode font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 # Use Mouse+Mod1 to drag floating windows to their wanted position floating_modifier Mod1 # Fullscreen (Mod1+f) bind Mod1+41 f # Stacking (Mod1+h) bind Mod1+43 s # Tabbed (Mod1+w) bind Mod1+25 T # Default (Mod1+e) bind Mod1+26 d # Toggle tiling/floating of the current window (Mod1+Shift+Space) bind Mod1+Shift+65 t # Go into the tiling layer / floating layer, depending on whether # the current window is tiling / floating (Mod1+t) bind Mod1+28 focus ft # Focus (Mod1+j/k/l/;) bind Mod1+44 h bind Mod1+45 j bind Mod1+46 k bind Mod1+47 l # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:) bindsym Mod1+Left h bindsym Mod1+Down j bindsym Mod1+Up k bindsym Mod1+Right l # Focus Container (Mod3+j/k/l/;) bind Mod3+44 wch bind Mod3+45 wcj bind Mod3+46 wck bind Mod3+47 wcl # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:) bindsym Mod3+Left wch bindsym Mod3+Down wcj bindsym Mod3+Up wck bindsym Mod3+Right wcl # Snap (Mod1+Control+j/k/l/;) bind Mod1+Control+44 sh bind Mod1+Control+45 sj bind Mod1+Control+46 sk bind Mod1+Control+47 sl # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:) bindsym Mod1+Control+Left sh bindsym Mod1+Control+Down sj bindsym Mod1+Control+Up sk bindsym Mod1+Control+Right sl # Move (Mod1+Shift+j/k/l/;) bind Mod1+Shift+44 mh bind Mod1+Shift+45 mj bind Mod1+Shift+46 mk bind Mod1+Shift+47 ml # (alternatively, you can use the cursor keys:) bindsym Mod1+Shift+Left mh bindsym Mod1+Shift+Down mj bindsym Mod1+Shift+Up mk bindsym Mod1+Shift+Right ml # Move Container (Mod3+Shift+j/k/l/;) bind Mod3+Shift+44 wcmh bind Mod3+Shift+45 wcmj bind Mod3+Shift+46 wcmk bind Mod3+Shift+47 wcml # Workspaces (Mod1+1/2/…) bind Mod1+10 1 bind Mod1+11 2 bind Mod1+12 3 bind Mod1+13 4 bind Mod1+14 5 bind Mod1+15 6 bind Mod1+16 7 bind Mod1+17 8 bind Mod1+18 9 bind Mod1+19 10 # Move to Workspaces bind Mod1+Shift+10 m1 bind Mod1+Shift+11 m2 bind Mod1+Shift+12 m3 bind Mod1+Shift+13 m4 bind Mod1+Shift+14 m5 bind Mod1+Shift+15 m6 bind Mod1+Shift+16 m7 bind Mod1+Shift+17 m8 bind Mod1+Shift+18 m9 bind Mod1+Shift+19 m10 # Mod1+Enter starts a new terminal bind Mod1+36 exec /usr/bin/urxvt # Mod1+Shift+q kills the current client bind Mod1+Shift+24 kill # Mod1+v starts dmenu and launches the selected application # for now, we don’t have a launcher of our own. bind Mod1+55 exec /usr/bin/dmenu_run # Mod1+Shift+e exits i3 bind Mod1+Shift+26 exit # Mod1+Shift+r restarts i3 inplace bind Mod1+Shift+27 restart ############################################################# # DELETE THE FOLLOWING LINES TO DISABLE THE WELCOME MESSAGE # ############################################################# exec xmessage -file /etc/i3/welcome