'dn', // don't touch! 'name' => 'sn', 'displayname' => 'cn', 'givenname' => 'givenName', 'title' => 'title', 'organization' => 'o', // aka. company 'office' => 'physicalDeliveryOfficeName', 'street' => 'postalAddress', 'zip' => 'postalCode', 'location' => 'l', // aka. city '_phone' => 'telephoneNumber', 'fax' => 'facsimileTelephoneNumber', 'mobile' => 'mobile', // aka. cell phone 'pager' => 'pager', '_homephone' => 'homePhone', 'homestreet' => 'homePostalAddress', 'photo' => 'jpegPhoto', 'url' => 'labeledURI', 'note' => 'description', 'manager' => 'manager', // aka. key account '_mail' => 'mail', ); /** * If the provided "extended" schema is used the following fields * and object classes are added */ $OCLASSES[] = 'contactPerson'; $FIELDS['anniversary'] = 'anniversary'; $FIELDS['_marker'] = 'marker'; // aka. tags $FIELDS['country'] = 'c'; /** * If the open exchange schema is used the following fields * and object classes are added */ /* comment in if you want to use it $OCLASSES[] = 'OXUserObject'; $FIELDS['country'] = 'userCountry'; $FIELDS['birthday'] = 'birthDay'; $FIELDS['ipphone'] = 'IPPhone'; $FIELDS['_marker'] = 'OXUserCategories'; $FIELDS['instantmessenger'] = 'OXUserInstantMessenger'; $FIELDS['timezone'] = 'OXTimeZone'; $FIELDS['position'] = 'OXUserPosition'; $FIELDS['certificate'] = 'relClientCert'; $FIELDS['domain'] = 'domain'; */ /** * If the Evolution schema is used the following fields * and object classes are added */ /* comment in if you want to use it $OCLASSES[] = 'evolutionPerson'; $OCLASSES[] = 'officePerson'; $FIELDS['department'] = 'ou'; $FIELDS['state'] = 'st'; $FIELDS['country'] = 'c'; $FIELDS['phone'] = 'primaryPhone'; $FIELDS['switchboard'] = 'companyPhone'; $FIELDS['note'] = 'note'; $FIELDS['manager'] = 'seeAlso'; $FIELDS['birthday'] = 'birthDate'; $FIELDS['spouse'] = 'spouseName'; */ /** * Flip the array */ $RFIELDS = array_flip($FIELDS);