*/ $lang['ldapab'] = 'The LDAP address book'; $lang['name'] = 'Last Name'; $lang['givenname'] = 'First Name'; $lang['title'] = 'Title'; $lang['organization'] = 'Company'; $lang['office'] = 'Office'; $lang['street'] = 'Street No.'; $lang['zip'] = 'Postal Code'; $lang['location'] = 'City'; $lang['state'] = 'State'; $lang['phone'] = 'Phone'; $lang['switchboard'] = 'Switchboard'; $lang['fax'] = 'FAX'; $lang['mobile'] = 'Mobile'; $lang['pager'] = 'Pager'; $lang['homephone'] = 'Phone (priv.)'; $lang['homestreet'] = 'Address (priv.)'; $lang['photo'] = 'Picture'; $lang['url'] = 'Website'; $lang['note'] = 'Notes'; $lang['mail'] = 'E-Mail'; $lang['manager'] = 'Key Account'; $lang['anniversary'] = 'Anniversary'; $lang['marker'] = 'Tags'; $lang['tagcloud'] = 'All used tags, sorted alphabetically. Frequently used tags are shown bigger.'; $lang['business'] = 'Business'; $lang['private'] = 'Private'; $lang['extended'] = 'Additional Information'; $lang['communication'] = 'Communication'; $lang['delphoto'] = 'Delete existing photo'; $lang['notloggedin'] = 'Not logged in'; $lang['loggedinas'] = 'Logged in as'; $lang['login'] = 'Log in'; $lang['logout'] = 'Log out'; $lang['edit'] = 'Edit'; $lang['show'] = 'Show'; $lang['new'] = 'New'; $lang['delete'] = 'Delete'; $lang['copy'] = 'Copy'; $lang['csvexport'] = 'CSV'; $lang['vcfexport'] = 'VCard'; $lang['vcfimport'] = 'Import'; $lang['search'] = 'Search'; $lang['submit'] = 'Send'; $lang['help'] = 'Help'; $lang['select'] = 'Select'; $lang['orgs'] = 'Companies'; $lang['upload'] = 'Upload'; $lang['publicbook'] = 'Public Addressbook'; $lang['privatebook'] = 'Private Addressbook'; $lang['username'] = 'Username'; $lang['password'] = 'Password'; $lang['remember'] = 'Stay logged in on this computer'; $lang['msg_login'] = 'Please log in!'; $lang['msg_loginfail'] = 'Log in failed!'; $lang['msg_reallydel'] = 'Really delete entry?'; $lang['msg_addto'] = 'Select address book to which the entry should be added:'; $lang['msg_jpegonly'] = 'JPEG only'; $lang['msg_dateformat'] = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; $lang['msg_uploadvcf'] = 'Upload VCard File'; $lang['msg_tagsep'] = 'Comma separated'; $lang['err_noentries'] = 'No entries'; $lang['err_ldap'] = 'The LDAP server returned the following errors'; $lang['openxchange'] = 'Xchange Information'; $lang['moreopenxchange'] = 'Xchange Information Cont\'d'; $lang['instantmessenger'] = 'Inst Msg'; $lang['categories'] = 'Categories'; $lang['birthday'] = 'Birthday'; $lang['domain'] = 'Mail Domain'; $lang['country'] = 'Country'; $lang['certificate'] = 'x.509 Cert'; $lang['timezone'] = 'Time Zone'; $lang['position'] = 'Position'; $lang['department'] = 'Department'; $lang['ipphone'] = 'IP Phone'; $lang['spouse'] = 'Spouse'; ?>