.TH MDB_COPY 1 "2012/12/12" "LMDB 0.9.5" .\" Copyright 2012 Howard Chu, Symas Corp. All Rights Reserved. .\" Copying restrictions apply. See COPYRIGHT/LICENSE. .SH NAME mdb_copy \- LMDB environment copy tool .SH SYNOPSIS .B mdb_copy .I srcpath\ [dstpath] .SH DESCRIPTION The .B mdb_copy utility copies an LMDB environment. The environment can be copied regardless of whether it is currently in use. No lockfile is created, since it gets recreated at need. If .I dstpath is specified it must be the path of an empty directory for storing the backup. Otherwise, the backup will be written to stdout. .SH DIAGNOSTICS Exit status is zero if no errors occur. Errors result in a non-zero exit status and a diagnostic message being written to standard error. .SH CAVEATS This utility can trigger significant file size growth if run in parallel with write transactions, because pages which they free during copying cannot be reused until the copy is done. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR mdb_stat (1) .SH AUTHOR Howard Chu of Symas Corporation