; ; Default mouse callbacks for the Apple II ; ; Oliver Schmidt, 22.09.2005 ; ; All functions in this module should be interrupt safe, because they may ; be called from an interrupt handler ; .export _mouse_def_callbacks .include "apple2.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .bss backup: .res 1 visible:.res 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .rodata ; Callback structure _mouse_def_callbacks: .addr hide .addr show .addr draw .addr move .addr movex .addr movey ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .data .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__ cursor = 'B' ; MouseText character .else cursor = '+' | $40 ; Flashing crosshair .endif getcursor: .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__ bit RD80VID ; In 80 column mode? bpl column ; No, skip bank switching switch: bit LOWSCR ; Patched at runtime .endif column: ldx #$00 ; Patched at runtime getscr: lda $0400,x ; Patched at runtime cmp #cursor rts setcursor: lda #cursor setscr: sta $0400,x ; Patched at runtime .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__ bit LOWSCR ; Doesn't hurt in 40 column mode .endif rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .code done: .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__ bit LOWSCR ; Doesn't hurt in 40 column mode .endif return: rts ; Hide the mouse cursor. hide: dec visible ; Fall through ; Prepare to move the mouse cursor. move: jsr getcursor ; Cursor visible at current position? bne done ; No, we're done lda backup ; Get character at cursor position jmp setscr ; Draw character ; Show the mouse cursor. show: inc visible ; Fall through ; Draw the mouse cursor. draw: lda visible beq return jsr getcursor ; Cursor visible at current position? beq done ; Yes, we're done sta backup ; Save character at cursor position jmp setcursor ; Draw cursor ; Move the mouse cursor x position to the value in A/X. movex: dex ; Is position [256..279]? bmi :+ ; No, start with column 0 clc adc #$0100 .MOD 7 ; Bias position ldx #$0100 / 7 - 1 ; Bias column : sec : sbc #7 ; 280 positions / 40 columns inx bcs :- stx column+1 .ifdef __APPLE2ENH__ adc #7 / 2 ; Left or right half of 40-col column? ldx #$0400 ; 000001CD sta getscr+2 sta setscr+2 txa ; ABCDExxx ror ; EABCDExx and #%11100000 ; EAB00000 ora getscr+1 ; EABABCDE and #%11111000 ; EABAB000 sta getscr+1 sta setscr+1 rts