; ; Christian Groessler, Apr-2000 ; ; void clrscr (void); ; .export _clrscr .include "atari.inc" .importzp ptr1 .import setcursor SCRSIZE = 960 ; 40x24: size of default atari screen _clrscr:lda SAVMSC ; screen memory sta ptr1 lda SAVMSC+1 clc adc #>(SCRSIZE-1) sta ptr1+1 lda #0 ; screen code of space char sta OLDCHR ldy #<(SCRSIZE-1) ldx #>(SCRSIZE-1) _clr1: sta (ptr1),y dey bne _clr1 sta (ptr1),y dex bmi done dec ptr1+1 dey jmp _clr1 done: sta COLCRS sta ROWCRS jmp setcursor