; ; Startup code for cc65 (ATARI version) ; ; Contributing authors: ; Mark Keates ; Freddy Offenga ; Christian Groessler ; Stefan Haubenthal ; .export __STARTUP__ : absolute = 1 ; Mark as startup .export _exit, start, excexit, SP_save .import initlib, donelib .import callmain, zerobss .import __RESERVED_MEMORY__ .import __MAIN_START__, __MAIN_SIZE__ .import __LOWCODE_RUN__, __LOWCODE_SIZE__ .ifdef __ATARIXL__ .import __STACKSIZE__ .import sram_init .import scrdev .import findfreeiocb .forceimport sramprep ; force inclusion of the "shadow RAM preparation" load chunk .include "save_area.inc" .endif .include "zeropage.inc" .include "atari.inc" ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .segment "STARTUP" rts ; fix for SpartaDOS / OS/A+ ; They first call the entry point from AUTOSTRT; and ; then, the load address (this rts here). ; We point AUTOSTRT directly after the rts. ; Real entry point: start: .ifdef __ATARIXL__ jsr sram_init .endif ; Clear the BSS data. jsr zerobss ; Set up the stack. tsx stx SP_save .ifdef __ATARIXL__ lda #<(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__ + __STACKSIZE__) ldx #>(__MAIN_START__ + __MAIN_SIZE__ + __STACKSIZE__) sta sp stx sp+1 .else ; Report the memory usage. lda APPMHI ldx APPMHI+1 sta APPMHI_save ; remember old APPMHI value stx APPMHI_save+1 sec lda MEMTOP sbc #<__RESERVED_MEMORY__ sta APPMHI ; initialize our APPMHI value sta sp ; set up runtime stack part 1 lda MEMTOP+1 sbc #>__RESERVED_MEMORY__ sta APPMHI+1 sta sp+1 ; set up runtime stack part 2 .endif ; Call the module constructors. jsr initlib ; Set the left margin to 0. lda LMARGN sta LMARGN_save ldy #0 sty LMARGN ; Set the keyboard to upper-/lower-case mode. ldx SHFLOK stx SHFLOK_save sty SHFLOK ; Initialize the conio stuff. dey ; Set Y to $FF sty CH ; remove keypress which might be in the input buffer ; Push the command-line arguments; and, call main(). jsr callmain ; Call the module destructors. This is also the exit() entry. _exit: ldx SP_save txs ; Restore stack pointer ; Restore the system stuff. excexit:jsr donelib ; Run module destructors; 'excexit' is called from the exec routine ; Restore the left margin. lda LMARGN_save sta LMARGN ; Restore the kb mode. lda SHFLOK_save sta SHFLOK ; Restore APPMHI. lda APPMHI_save ldx APPMHI_save+1 sta APPMHI stx APPMHI+1 .ifdef __ATARIXL__ ; Atari XL target stuff... lda PORTB_save sta PORTB lda RAMTOP_save sta RAMTOP lda MEMTOP_save ldx MEMTOP_save+1 sta MEMTOP stx MEMTOP+1 ; Issue a GRAPHICS 0 call (copied'n'pasted from the TGI drivers), in ; order to restore screen memory to its default location just ; before the ROM. jsr findfreeiocb ; Reopen it in Graphics 0 lda #OPEN sta ICCOM,x lda #OPNIN | OPNOT sta ICAX1,x lda #0 sta ICAX2,x lda #scrdev sta ICBAH,x lda #3 sta ICBLL,x lda #0 sta ICBLH,x jsr CIOV_org ; No error checking here, shouldn't happen(TM); and, no way to ; recover anyway. lda #CLOSE sta ICCOM,x jsr CIOV_org .endif ; Turn on the cursor. ldx #0 stx CRSINH ; Back to DOS. rts ; *** end of main startup code ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .bss SP_save: .res 1 SHFLOK_save: .res 1 LMARGN_save: .res 1 .ifndef __ATARIXL__ APPMHI_save: .res 2 .endif ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ .segment "LOWCODE" ; have at least one (empty) segment of LOWCODE, so that the next line works even if the program doesn't make use of this segment .assert (__LOWCODE_RUN__ + __LOWCODE_SIZE__ <= $4000 || __LOWCODE_RUN__ > $7FFF || __LOWCODE_SIZE__ = 0), warning, "'lowcode area' reaches into $4000..$7FFF bank memory window" ; check for LOWBSS_SIZE = 0 not needed since the only file which uses LOWBSS (irq.s) also uses LOWCODE ; check for LOWCODE_RUN > $7FFF is mostly for cartridges, where this segment is loaded high (into cart ROM) ; there is a small chance that if the user loads the program really high, LOWCODE is above $7FFF, but LOWBSS is below -- no warning emitted in this case