; ; Mouse driver for ST & Amiga mouses and Atari trakball. ; ; Original access routines: 05/07/2000 Freddy Offenga ; Converted to driver: Christian Groessler, 2014-01-04 ; ; Defines: ; AMIGA_MOUSE - builds Amiga mouse version ; TRAK_MOUSE - builds trakball version ; If none of these defines are active, the ST mouse version ; is being built. ; .include "zeropage.inc" .include "mouse-kernel.inc" .include "atari.inc" .macpack generic .if .not ( .defined (AMIGA_MOUSE) .or .defined (TRAK_MOUSE)) ST_MOUSE = 1 .endif ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Header. Includes jump table .segment "JUMPTABLE" HEADER: ; Driver signature .byte $6d, $6f, $75 ; "mou" .byte MOUSE_API_VERSION ; Mouse driver API version number ; Library reference libref: .addr $0000 ; Jump table .addr INSTALL .addr UNINSTALL .addr HIDE .addr SHOW .addr SETBOX .addr GETBOX .addr MOVE .addr BUTTONS .addr POS .addr INFO .addr IOCTL .addr IRQ ; Mouse driver flags .byte MOUSE_FLAG_LATE_IRQ ; Callback table, set by the kernel before INSTALL is called CHIDE: jmp $0000 ; Hide the cursor CSHOW: jmp $0000 ; Show the cursor CPREP: jmp $0000 ; Prepare to move the cursor CDRAW: jmp $0000 ; Draw the cursor CMOVEX: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to X coord CMOVEY: jmp $0000 ; Move the cursor to Y coord ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Constants SCREEN_HEIGHT = 191 SCREEN_WIDTH = 319 .enum JOY UP = $01 DOWN = $02 LEFT = $04 RIGHT = $08 .endenum ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Global variables. The bounding box values are sorted so that they can be ; written with the least effort in the SETBOX and GETBOX routines, so don't ; reorder them. .bss Vars: YPos: .res 2 ; Current mouse position, Y XPos: .res 2 ; Current mouse position, X XMin: .res 2 ; X1 value of bounding box YMin: .res 2 ; Y1 value of bounding box XMax: .res 2 ; X2 value of bounding box YMax: .res 2 ; Y2 value of bounding box Buttons: .res 1 ; Button mask XPosWrk: .res 2 YPosWrk: .res 2 .if .defined (AMIGA_MOUSE) .or .defined (ST_MOUSE) dumx: .res 1 dumy: .res 1 .endif .ifdef TRAK_MOUSE oldval: .res 1 .endif .ifndef __ATARIXL__ OldT1: .res 2 .else .data set_VTIMR1_handler: .byte $4C, 0, 0 .endif .rodata ; Default values for some of the above variables ; (We use ".proc" because we want to define both a label and a scope.) .proc DefVars .word (SCREEN_HEIGHT+1)/2 ; YPos .word (SCREEN_WIDTH+1)/2 ; XPos .word 0 ; XMin .word 0 ; YMin .word SCREEN_WIDTH ; XMax .word SCREEN_HEIGHT ; YMax .byte 0 ; Buttons .endproc .ifdef ST_MOUSE ; ST mouse lookup table STTab: .byte $FF,$01,$00,$01 .byte $00,$FF,$00,$01 .byte $01,$00,$FF,$00 .byte $01,$00,$01,$FF .endif .ifdef AMIGA_MOUSE ; Amiga mouse lookup table AmiTab: .byte $FF,$01,$00,$FF .byte $00,$FF,$FF,$01 .byte $01,$FF,$FF,$00 .byte $FF,$00,$01,$FF .endif .code ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INSTALL routine. Is called after the driver is loaded into memory. If ; possible, check if the hardware is present. ; Must return an MOUSE_ERR_xx code in a/x. INSTALL: ; Initialize variables. Just copy the default stuff over ldx #.sizeof(DefVars)-1 @L1: lda DefVars,x sta Vars,x dex bpl @L1 ; Make sure the mouse cursor is at the default location. lda XPos sta XPosWrk ldx XPos+1 stx XPosWrk+1 jsr CMOVEX lda YPos sta YPosWrk ldx YPos+1 stx YPosWrk+1 jsr CMOVEY ; Install timer irq routine to poll mouse. .ifdef __ATARIXL__ ; Setup pointer to wrapper install/deinstall function. lda libref sta set_VTIMR1_handler+1 lda libref+1 sta set_VTIMR1_handler+2 ; Install my handler. sec lda #T1Han jsr set_VTIMR1_handler .else lda VTIMR1 sta OldT1 lda VTIMR1+1 sta OldT1+1 php sei lda #T1Han sta VTIMR1+1 plp .endif lda #%00000001 sta AUDCTL lda #0 sta AUDC1 lda #15 sta AUDF1 sta STIMER lda POKMSK ora #%00000001 ; timer 1 enable sta POKMSK sta IRQEN ; Done, return zero (= MOUSE_ERR_OK) ldx #$00 txa rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; UNINSTALL routine. Is called before the driver is removed from memory. ; No return code required (the driver is removed from memory on return). UNINSTALL: ; uninstall timer irq routine lda POKMSK and #%11111110 ; timer 1 disable sta IRQEN sta POKMSK .ifdef __ATARIXL__ clc jsr set_VTIMR1_handler .else php sei lda OldT1 sta VTIMR1 lda OldT1+1 sta VTIMR1+1 plp .endif ; fall thru... ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; HIDE routine. Is called to hide the mouse pointer. The mouse kernel manages ; a counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called ; if the mouse is currently visible and should get hidden. For most drivers, ; no special action is required besides hiding the mouse cursor. ; No return code required. HIDE: php sei jsr CHIDE plp rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SHOW routine. Is called to show the mouse pointer. The mouse kernel manages ; a counter for calls to show/hide, and the driver entry point is only called ; if the mouse is currently hidden and should become visible. For most drivers, ; no special action is required besides enabling the mouse cursor. ; No return code required. SHOW: php sei jsr CSHOW plp rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; SETBOX: Set the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they come ; from the C program, that is, a pointer to a mouse_box struct in a/x. ; No checks are done if the mouse is currently inside the box, this is the job ; of the caller. It is not necessary to validate the parameters, trust the ; caller and save some code here. No return code required. SETBOX: sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ; Save data pointer ldy #.sizeof (MOUSE_BOX)-1 php sei @L1: lda (ptr1),y sta XMin,y dey bpl @L1 plp rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; GETBOX: Return the mouse bounding box. The parameters are passed as they ; come from the C program, that is, a pointer to a mouse_box struct in a/x. GETBOX: sta ptr1 stx ptr1+1 ; Save data pointer ldy #.sizeof (MOUSE_BOX)-1 php sei @L1: lda XMin,y sta (ptr1),y dey bpl @L1 plp rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MOVE: Move the mouse to a new position. The position is passed as it comes ; from the C program, that is: X on the stack and Y in a/x. The C wrapper will ; remove the parameter from the stack on return. ; No checks are done if the new position is valid (within the bounding box or ; the screen). No return code required. ; MOVE: php sei ; No interrupts pha txa pha jsr CPREP pla tax pla sta YPos sta YPosWrk stx YPos+1 ; New Y position stx YPosWrk+1 jsr CMOVEY ; Set it ldy #$01 lda (sp),y sta XPos+1 sta XPosWrk+1 tax dey lda (sp),y sta XPos ; New X position sta XPosWrk jsr CMOVEX ; Move the cursor jsr CDRAW plp ; Restore interrupt flag rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; BUTTONS: Return the button mask in a/x. BUTTONS: lda Buttons ldx #$00 rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; POS: Return the mouse position in the MOUSE_POS struct pointed to by ptr1. ; No return code required. POS: ldy #MOUSE_POS::XCOORD ; Structure offset php sei ; Disable interrupts lda XPos ; Transfer the position sta (ptr1),y lda XPos+1 iny sta (ptr1),y lda YPos iny sta (ptr1),y lda YPos+1 plp ; Restore interrupt flag iny sta (ptr1),y ; Store last byte rts ; Done ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; INFO: Returns mouse position and current button mask in the MOUSE_INFO ; struct pointed to by ptr1. No return code required. ; ; We're cheating here to keep the code smaller: The first fields of the ; mouse_info struct are identical to the mouse_pos struct, so we will just ; call _mouse_pos to initialize the struct pointer and fill the position ; fields. INFO: jsr POS ; Fill in the button state lda Buttons ldy #MOUSE_INFO::BUTTONS sta (ptr1),y rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IOCTL: Driver defined entry point. The wrapper will pass a pointer to ioctl ; specific data in ptr1, and the ioctl code in A. ; Must return an error code in a/x. ; IOCTL: lda #MOUSE_ERR_INV_IOCTL rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; IRQ: Irq handler entry point. Called as a subroutine but in IRQ context ; (so be careful). The routine MUST return carry set if the interrupt has been ; 'handled' - which means that the interrupt source is gone. Otherwise it ; MUST return carry clear. ; IRQ: ; Turn mouse polling IRQ back on in case it disabled itself due to CRITIC ; flag being set. lda POKMSK ora #%00000001 ; timer 1 enable sta POKMSK sta IRQEN ; Check for a pressed button and place the result into Buttons ldx #0 lda TRIG0 ; joystick #0 trigger bne @L0 ; not pressed ldx #MOUSE_BTN_LEFT @L0: stx Buttons jsr CPREP ; Limit the X coordinate to the bounding box lda XPosWrk+1 ldy XPosWrk tax cpy XMin sbc XMin+1 bpl @L2 ldy XMin ldx XMin+1 jmp @L3 @L2: txa cpy XMax sbc XMax+1 bmi @L3 ldy XMax ldx XMax+1 @L3: sty XPos stx XPos+1 tya jsr CMOVEX ; Limit the Y coordinate to the bounding box lda YPosWrk+1 ldy YPosWrk tax cpy YMin sbc YMin+1 bpl @L4 ldy YMin ldx YMin+1 jmp @L5 @L4: txa cpy YMax sbc YMax+1 bmi @L5 ldy YMax ldx YMax+1 @L5: sty YPos stx YPos+1 tya jsr CMOVEY jsr CDRAW clc rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; T1Han: Local IRQ routine to poll mouse ; T1Han: lda CRITIC ; if CRITIC flag is set, disable the bne disable_me ; high frequency polling IRQ, in order ; not to interfere with SIO I/O (e.g. ; floppy access) tya pha txa pha .ifdef DEBUG lda RANDOM sta COLBK .endif lda PORTA tay .ifdef ST_MOUSE ; ST mouse version and #%00000011 ora dumx tax lda STTab,x bmi nxst beq xist dec XPosWrk lda XPosWrk cmp #255 bne nxst dec XPosWrk+1 jmp nxst xist: inc XPosWrk bne nxst inc XPosWrk+1 nxst: tya and #%00001100 ora dumy tax lda STTab,x bmi nyst bne yst dec YPosWrk lda YPosWrk cmp #255 bne nyst dec YPosWrk+1 jmp nyst yst: inc YPosWrk bne nyst inc YPosWrk+1 ; store old readings nyst: tya and #%00000011 asl asl sta dumx tya and #%00001100 lsr lsr sta dumy .elseif .defined (AMIGA_MOUSE) ; Amiga mouse version lsr and #%00000101 ora dumx tax lda AmiTab,x bmi nxami bne xiami dec XPosWrk lda XPosWrk cmp #255 bne nxami dec XPosWrk+1 jmp nxami xiami: inc XPosWrk bne nxami inc XPosWrk+1 nxami: tya and #%00000101 ora dumy tax lda AmiTab,x bmi nyami bne yiami dec YPosWrk lda YPosWrk cmp #255 bne nyami dec YPosWrk+1 jmp nyami yiami: inc YPosWrk bne nyami inc YPosWrk+1 ; store old readings nyami: tya and #%00001010 sta dumx tya and #%00000101 asl sta dumy .elseif .defined (TRAK_MOUSE) ; trakball version eor oldval and #%00001000 beq horiz tya and #%00000100 beq mmup inc YPosWrk bne horiz inc YPosWrk+1 bne horiz mmup: dec YPosWrk lda YPosWrk cmp #255 bne horiz dec YPosWrk+1 horiz: tya eor oldval and #%00000010 beq mmexit tya and #%00000001 beq mmleft inc XPosWrk bne mmexit inc XPosWrk+1 bne mmexit mmleft: dec XPosWrk lda XPosWrk cmp #255 bne mmexit dec XPosWrk+1 mmexit: sty oldval .endif pla tax pla tay .ifdef __ATARIXL__ rts .else pla rti .endif ; Disable the interrupt source which caused us to be called. ; The interrupt will be enabled again by the "IRQ" routine. ; The "IRQ" routine, despite its name, is called from the ; vertical blank NMI interrupt *only* if the CRITIC flag has ; been cleared. disable_me: lda POKMSK and #%11111110 ; timer 1 disable sta IRQEN sta POKMSK .ifdef __ATARIXL__ rts .else pla rti .endif