; ; Atari XL startup system check ; ; This routine gets loaded prior to the main part of the executable ; and checks if the system is compatible to run the program. ; It checks whether the system is an XL type one and that enough ; memory is installed (which isn't the case for a 600XL). ; If the system doesn't qualify, the loading of the main program ; is aborted by jumping to DOSVEC. ; ; Christian Groessler, chris@groessler.org, 2013 ; DEBUG = 1 .if .defined(__ATARIXL__) .export syschk .import __SYSCHK_LOAD__ .import __STARTADDRESS__ ; needed by xlmemchk.inc .include "zeropage.inc" .include "atari.inc" .macro print_string text .local start, cont jmp cont start: .byte text, ATEOL cont: ldx #0 ; channel 0 lda #start sta ICBAH,x lda #<(cont - start) sta ICBLL,x ; length lda #>(cont - start) sta ICBLH,x lda #PUTCHR sta ICCOM,x jsr CIOV_org .endmacro .macro print_string2 addr, len ldx #0 ; channel 0 lda #addr sta ICBAH,x lda #len sta ICBLH,x lda #PUTCHR sta ICCOM,x jsr CIOV_org .endmacro ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Chunk header .segment "SYSCHKHDR" .word __SYSCHK_LOAD__ .word end - 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Actual code .segment "SYSCHK" ; no XL machine no_xl: print_string "This program needs an XL machine." jmp fail ; entry point syschk: lda $fcd8 ; from ostype.s cmp #$a2 beq no_xl ; we have an XL machine, now check memory lda RAMSIZ cmp #$80 bcs sys_ok ; not enough memory print_string "Not enough memory." fail: jsr delay jmp (DOSVEC) sys_ok: .include "xlmemchk.inc" ; calculate lowest address we will use when we move the screen buffer down sec lda MEMLO sbc lowadr lda MEMLO+1 sbc lowadr+1 bcc memlo_ok ; load address was too low print_string2 lmemerr_txt, lmemerr_txt_len jsr delay ; long text takes longer to read, give user additional time jmp fail ; all is well(tm), launch the application memlo_ok: .ifdef DEBUG print_string "Stage #1 OK" jsr delay .endif rts lmemerr_txt: .byte "Not enough memory to move screen", ATEOL .byte "memory to low memory. Consider using", ATEOL .byte "a higher load address.", ATEOL lmemerr_txt_len = * - lmemerr_txt ; short delay .proc delay lda #10 l: jsr delay1 clc sbc #0 bne l rts delay1: ldx #0 ldy #0 loop: dey bne loop dex bne loop rts .endproc end: ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Chunk "trailer" - sets INITAD .segment "SYSCHKTRL" .word INITAD .word INITAD+1 .word syschk .endif ; .if .defined(__ATARIXL__)