; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 07.08.1998 ; ; unsigned DbgDisAsm (char* buf, unsigned addr); ; unsigned DbgDisAsm (unsigned addr); ; ; ; Part of this code is taken from the Plus/4 machine language monitor ; (TEDMon). ; .import utsta0, popax .import __hextab, OffsetTab, AdrFlagTab .import SymbolTab1, SymbolTab2, MnemoTab1, MnemoTab2 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Equates for better readability .importzp sreg, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, ptr1, ptr2, ptr3 BufIndex = tmp1 ; Index into output buffer OperandLen = tmp2 ; Length of operand BufLen = tmp3 ; Length of output buffer AdrFlagBuf = tmp4 ; Flag for addressing mode YSave = sreg ; Temp storage XSave = sreg+1 ; Dito BufPtr = ptr1 ; Pointer to output buffer MemPtr = ptr2 ; Pointer to memory to disassemble MnemoBuf = ptr3 ; Buffer for decoding mnemonic ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Main entries .export _DbgDisAsm, _DbgDisAsmLen .proc _DbgDisAsm sta BufLen ; Save the buffer length jsr popax ; Get the buffer pointer sta BufPtr stx BufPtr+1 jsr popax ; Get the address sta MemPtr stx MemPtr+1 lda #0 sta BufIndex ; Initialize index into buffer jsr DisAssLine ; Disassemble one line into the buffer lda BufLen ; Get requested length sec sbc BufIndex beq L2 tax ; Count into X ldy BufIndex lda #$20 ; Get a space L1: sta (BufPtr),y iny dex bne L1 L2: lda #0 ; Add C string terminator sta (BufPtr),y beq disassret .endproc _DbgDisAsmLen: sta MemPtr ; Save address stx MemPtr+1 ldy #$00 lda (MemPtr),y ; Get the opcode from memory... jsr AnalyzeOPCode ; ...and analyze it disassret: ldx OperandLen ; Get length of operand inx ; Adjust for opcode byte txa jmp utsta0 ; Set condition codes ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Helper functions Put3Spaces: jsr PutSpace Put2Spaces: jsr PutSpace PutSpace: lda #$20 PutChar: sty YSave ; Save Y ldy BufIndex ; Get current line pointer cpy BufLen ; Be sure not to overflow the buffer bcs PC9 sta (BufPtr),y ; store character iny ; bump index sty BufIndex PC9: ldy YSave ; get old value rts ; Print the 16 bit hex value in X/Y PutHex16: txa jsr PutHex8 tya ; Print 8 bit value in A, save X and Y PutHex8: stx XSave sty YSave ldy BufIndex pha lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a tax lda __hextab,x sta (BufPtr),y iny pla and #$0F tax lda __hextab,x sta (BufPtr),y iny sty BufIndex ldy YSave ldx XSave rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Eine Zeile disassemblieren DisAssLine: ldy MemPtr ldx MemPtr+1 jsr PutHex16 ; Print the address jsr Put2Spaces ; Add some space ldy #$00 lda (MemPtr),y ; Get the opcode from memory... jsr AnalyzeOPCode ; ...and analyze it pha ; Save mnemonic ldx OperandLen ; Number of bytes ; Print the bytes that make up the instruction inx L2083: dex bpl L208C ; Print the instruction bytes jsr Put3Spaces ; If none left, print spaces instead jmp L2094 L208C: lda (MemPtr),y ; Get a byte from memory jsr PutHex8 ; ...and print it jsr PutSpace ; Add some space L2094: iny ; Next one... cpy #$03 ; Maximum is three bcc L2083 ; jsr Put2Spaces ; Add some space after bytes ; Print the assembler mnemonic pla ; Get mnemonic code ldx #$03 jsr PutMnemo ; Print the mnemonic ldx #$06 ; Print the operand L20A4: cpx #$03 bne L20BA ldy OperandLen beq L20BA L20AC: lda AdrFlagBuf cmp #$E8 ; Branch? lda (MemPtr),y ; Get branch offset bcs GetBranchAdr ; If branch: Calculate address jsr PutHex8 ; Otherwise print 8bit value dey bne L20AC L20BA: asl AdrFlagBuf bcc L20CC lda SymbolTab1-1,x jsr PutChar lda SymbolTab2-1,x beq L20CC jsr PutChar L20CC: dex bne L20A4 rts ; If the instruction is a branch, calculate the absolute address of the ; branch target and print it. GetBranchAdr: jsr L20DD clc adc #$01 bne L20D9 inx ; Bump high byte L20D9: tay jmp PutHex16 ; Output address L20DD: ldx MemPtr+1 tay bpl L20E3 dex L20E3: adc MemPtr bcc L20E8 inx ; Bump high byte L20E8: rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Subroutine to analyze an opcode byte in A. Will return a byte that ; encodes the mnemonic, and will set the number of bytes needed for this ; instruction in OperandLen AnalyzeOPCode: tay lsr a bcc L20F8 lsr a bcs L2107 cmp #$22 beq L2107 and #$07 ora #$80 L20F8: lsr a tax lda OffsetTab,x bcs L2103 lsr a lsr a lsr a lsr a L2103: and #$0F bne L210B L2107: ldy #$80 lda #$00 L210B: tax lda AdrFlagTab,x sta AdrFlagBuf and #$03 sta OperandLen tya and #$8F tax tya ldy #$03 cpx #$8A beq L212B L2120: lsr a bcc L212B lsr a L2124: lsr a ora #$20 dey bne L2124 iny L212B: dey bne L2120 rts ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print the mnemonic with code in A (that code was returned by ; AnalyzeOpcode). PutMnemo: tay lda MnemoTab1,y sta MnemoBuf lda MnemoTab2,y sta MnemoBuf+1 L213A: lda #$00 ldy #$05 ; 3*5 bits in two bytes L213E: asl MnemoBuf+1 rol MnemoBuf rol a dey bne L213E adc #$3F jsr PutChar dex bne L213A jmp PutSpace