.export Start, _exit .import initlib, donelib, callmain .import push0, _main, zerobss, copydata ; Linker generated symbols .import __RAM_START__, __RAM_SIZE__ .include "zeropage.inc" .include "gamate.inc" Start: ; setup the CPU and System-IRQ ; Initialize CPU sei cld ldx #0 stx ZP_IRQ_CTRL ; disable calling cartridge IRQ/NMI handler ; Setup stack and memory mapping ;ldx #$FF ; Stack top ($01FF) dex txs ; Clear the BSS data jsr zerobss ; Copy the .data segment to RAM jsr copydata ; setup the stack lda #<(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__) sta sp lda #>(__RAM_START__+__RAM_SIZE__) sta sp + 1 ; Call module constructors jsr initlib lda #1 sta ZP_IRQ_CTRL ; enable calling cartridge IRQ/NMI handler cli ; allow IRQ only after constructors have run ; Pass an empty command line jsr push0 ; argc jsr push0 ; argv ldy #4 ; Argument size jsr _main ; call the users code ; Call module destructors. This is also the _exit entry. _exit: jsr donelib ; Run module destructors ; reset (start over) jmp Start .export initmainargs initmainargs: rts