; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 2004-11-06 ; ; zeropage locations for exclusive use by the library ; .include "extzp.inc" .segment "EXTZP" : zeropage ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; mikey and suzy shadow registers __iodat: .res 1 __iodir: .res 1 __viddma: .res 1 __sprsys: .res 1 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; sound effect pointers for multitimbral Lynx music hardware _abc_score_ptr0: .res 2 _abc_score_ptr1: .res 2 _abc_score_ptr2: .res 2 _abc_score_ptr3: .res 2 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Filesystem variables needed for reading stuff from the Lynx cart _FileEntry: ; The file directory entry is 8 bytes _FileStartBlock: .res 1 _FileBlockOffset: .res 2 _FileExecFlag: .res 1 _FileDestAddr: .res 2 _FileFileLen: .res 2 _FileCurrBlock: .res 1 _FileBlockByte: .res 2 _FileDestPtr: .res 2