; ; Ullrich von Bassewitz, 21.06.2002 ; ; Common functions of the tgi graphics kernel. ; .include "tgi-kernel.inc" .include "tgi-error.inc" .export _tgi_setup .importzp ptr1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Variables .bss _tgi_drv: .res 2 ; Pointer to driver _tgi_error: .res 1 ; Last error code _tgi_mode: .res 1 ; Graphics mode or zero _tgi_curx: .res 2 ; Current drawing cursor X _tgi_cury: .res 2 ; Current drawing cursor Y _tgi_color: .res 1 ; Current drawing color _tgi_textdir: .res 1 ; Current text direction _tgi_textmagx: .res 1 ; Text magnification in X dir _tgi_textmagy: .res 1 ; Text magnification in Y dir ; The following variables are copied from the driver header for faster access tgi_driver_vars: _tgi_xres: .res 2 ; X resolution of the current mode _tgi_yres: .res 2 ; Y resolution of the current mode _tgi_colorcount: .res 1 ; Number of available colors _tgi_pagecount: .res 1 ; Number of available screen pages _tgi_fontsizex: .res 1 ; System font X size _tgi_fontsizey: .res 1 ; System font Y size tgi_driver_var_size = * - tgi_driver_vars .data ; Jump table for the driver functions. tgi_install: jmp $0000 tgi_deinstall: jmp $0000 tgi_init: jmp $0000 tgi_done: jmp $0000 tgi_geterror: jmp $0000 tgi_control: jmp $0000 tgi_clear: jmp $0000 tgi_setviewpage: jmp $0000 tgi_setdrawpage: jmp $0000 tgi_setcolor: jmp $0000 tgi_setpalette: jmp $0000 tgi_getpalette: jmp $0000 tgi_getdefpalette: jmp $0000 tgi_setpixel: jmp $0000 tgi_getpixel: jmp $0000 tgi_horline: jmp $0000 tgi_line: jmp $0000 tgi_bar: jmp $0000 tgi_circle: jmp $0000 tgi_textstyle: jmp $0000 tgi_outtext: jmp $0000 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; void __fastcall__ tgi_setup (void); ; /* Setup the driver and graphics kernel once the driver is loaded */ copy: lda (ptr1),y sta tgi_install,x iny inx rts _tgi_setup: jsr tgi_set_ptr ; load _tgi_drv into ptr1 ; Copy the jump vectors ldy #TGI_HDR_JUMPTAB ldx #0 @L1: inx ; Skip JMP opcode jsr copy ; Copy one byte jsr copy ; Copy one byte cpx #(TGI_HDR_JUMPCOUNT*3) bne @L1 ; Check for emulation vectors needed lda tgi_bar+1 ora tgi_bar+2 ; Do we have a BAR vector? bne @L2 ; Jump if yes lda #tgi_emu_bar sta tgi_bar+2 @L2: lda ptr1 pha lda ptr1+1 pha jsr tgi_install ; Call driver install routine pla ; (may update variables) sta ptr1+1 ; (may modify ptr1 so it is preserved) pla sta ptr1 ; Copy variables. Beware: We are using internal knowledge about variable ; layout here! ldy #TGI_HDR_XRES ldx #0 @L3: lda (ptr1),y sta tgi_driver_vars,x iny inx cpx #tgi_driver_var_size bne @L3 ; Initialize variables lda #$00 ldx #7-1 @L4: sta _tgi_error,x ; Clear error/mode/curx/cury/textdir dex bpl @L4 rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Load the pointer to the tgi driver into ptr1. tgi_set_ptr: lda _tgi_drv sta ptr1 lda _tgi_drv+1 sta ptr1+1 rts ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Set an invalid argument error tgi_inv_arg: lda #TGI_ERR_INV_ARG sta _tgi_error rts