# On some distro, Phonon headers cannot be found INCLUDEPATH += /usr/include/phonon CONFIG += release TEMPLATE = app # Saner string behaviour # DEFINES += QT_NO_CAST_FROM_ASCII QT_NO_CAST_TO_ASCII QT_STRICT_ITERATORS TARGET = minitube mac { TARGET = Minitube QMAKE_MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = 10.4 } QT += network \ xml \ phonon include(src/qtsingleapplication/qtsingleapplication.pri) include(src/thlibrary/thlibrary.pri) HEADERS += src/MainWindow.h \ src/SearchView.h \ src/MediaView.h \ src/SettingsView.h \ src/AboutView.h \ src/youtubesearch.h \ src/video.h \ src/youtubestreamreader.h \ src/View.h \ src/searchlineedit.h \ src/urllineedit.h \ src/spacer.h \ src/Constants.h \ src/iconloader/qticonloader.h \ src/faderwidget/FaderWidget.h \ src/ListModel.h \ src/playlist/PrettyItemDelegate.h \ src/networkaccess.h \ src/videomimedata.h \ src/global.h \ src/updatechecker.h \ src/playlistwidget.h \ src/searchparams.h \ src/minisplitter.h \ src/loadingwidget.h \ src/videoareawidget.h \ src/googlesuggest.h \ src/videowidget.h SOURCES += src/main.cpp \ src/MainWindow.cpp \ src/SearchView.cpp \ src/MediaView.cpp \ src/SettingsView.cpp \ src/AboutView.cpp \ src/youtubesearch.cpp \ src/youtubestreamreader.cpp \ src/searchlineedit.cpp \ src/urllineedit.cpp \ src/spacer.cpp \ src/video.cpp \ src/iconloader/qticonloader.cpp \ src/faderwidget/FaderWidget.cpp \ src/ListModel.cpp \ src/playlist/PrettyItemDelegate.cpp \ src/videomimedata.cpp \ src/updatechecker.cpp \ src/networkaccess.cpp \ src/playlistwidget.cpp \ src/searchparams.cpp \ src/minisplitter.cpp \ src/loadingwidget.cpp \ src/videoareawidget.cpp \ src/googlesuggest.cpp \ src/videowidget.cpp RESOURCES += resources.qrc DESTDIR = build/target/ OBJECTS_DIR = build/obj/ MOC_DIR = build/moc/ RCC_DIR = build/rcc/ # Tell Qt Linguist that we use UTF-8 strings in our sources CODECFORTR = UTF-8 CODECFORSRC = UTF-8 include(locale/locale.pri) # deploy DISTFILES += CHANGES \ LICENSE mac { CONFIG += x86 \ ppc QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = Info.plist ICON = minitube.icns } unix { isEmpty(PREFIX):PREFIX = /usr/local BINDIR = $$PREFIX/bin INSTALLS += target target.path = $$BINDIR DATADIR = $$PREFIX/share PKGDATADIR = $$DATADIR/minitube DEFINES += DATADIR=\\\"$$DATADIR\\\" \ PKGDATADIR=\\\"$$PKGDATADIR\\\" INSTALLS += translations \ desktop \ iconsvg \ icon16 \ icon32 \ icon128 translations.path = $$PKGDATADIR translations.files += $$DESTDIR/locale desktop.path = $$DATADIR/applications desktop.files += minitube.desktop # iconxpm.path = $$DATADIR/pixmaps # iconxpm.files += data/minitube.xpm iconsvg.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps iconsvg.files += data/minitube.svg icon16.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps icon16.files += data/16x16/minitube.png icon32.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps icon32.files += data/32x32/minitube.png icon128.path = $$DATADIR/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps icon128.files += data/128x128/minitube.png } win32 { RC_FILE = minitube.rc }