# vim:ts=2:sw=2:expandtab # # i3 - an improved dynamic tiling window manager # © 2009-2012 Michael Stapelberg and contributors (see also: LICENSE) # # parser-specs/config.spec: Specification file for generate-command-parser.pl # which will generate the appropriate header files for our C parser. # # Use :source highlighting.vim in vim to get syntax highlighting # for this file. # TODO: should we implement an include statement for the criteria part so we DRY? state INITIAL: # We have an end token here for all the commands which just call some # function without using an explicit 'end' token. end -> error -> '#' -> IGNORE_LINE 'set' -> IGNORE_LINE bindtype = 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bind' -> BINDING 'bar' -> BARBRACE 'font' -> FONT 'mode' -> MODENAME 'floating_minimum_size' -> FLOATING_MINIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH 'floating_maximum_size' -> FLOATING_MAXIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH 'floating_modifier' -> FLOATING_MODIFIER 'default_orientation' -> DEFAULT_ORIENTATION 'workspace_layout' -> WORKSPACE_LAYOUT windowtype = 'new_window', 'new_float' -> NEW_WINDOW 'hide_edge_borders' -> HIDE_EDGE_BORDERS 'for_window' -> FOR_WINDOW 'assign' -> ASSIGN 'no_focus' -> NO_FOCUS 'focus_follows_mouse' -> FOCUS_FOLLOWS_MOUSE 'mouse_warping' -> MOUSE_WARPING 'force_focus_wrapping' -> FORCE_FOCUS_WRAPPING 'force_xinerama', 'force-xinerama' -> FORCE_XINERAMA 'workspace_auto_back_and_forth' -> WORKSPACE_BACK_AND_FORTH 'fake_outputs', 'fake-outputs' -> FAKE_OUTPUTS 'force_display_urgency_hint' -> FORCE_DISPLAY_URGENCY_HINT 'focus_on_window_activation' -> FOCUS_ON_WINDOW_ACTIVATION 'show_marks' -> SHOW_MARKS 'workspace' -> WORKSPACE 'ipc_socket', 'ipc-socket' -> IPC_SOCKET 'restart_state' -> RESTART_STATE 'popup_during_fullscreen' -> POPUP_DURING_FULLSCREEN exectype = 'exec_always', 'exec' -> EXEC colorclass = 'client.background' -> COLOR_SINGLE colorclass = 'client.focused_inactive', 'client.focused', 'client.unfocused', 'client.urgent', 'client.placeholder' -> COLOR_BORDER # We ignore comments and 'set' lines (variables). state IGNORE_LINE: line -> INITIAL # floating_minimum_size x state FLOATING_MINIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH: width = number -> FLOATING_MINIMUM_SIZE_X state FLOATING_MINIMUM_SIZE_X: 'x' -> FLOATING_MINIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT state FLOATING_MINIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT: height = number -> call cfg_floating_minimum_size(&width, &height) # floating_maximum_size x state FLOATING_MAXIMUM_SIZE_WIDTH: width = number -> FLOATING_MAXIMUM_SIZE_X state FLOATING_MAXIMUM_SIZE_X: 'x' -> FLOATING_MAXIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT state FLOATING_MAXIMUM_SIZE_HEIGHT: height = number -> call cfg_floating_maximum_size(&width, &height) # floating_modifier state FLOATING_MODIFIER: modifiers = 'Mod1', 'Mod2', 'Mod3', 'Mod4', 'Mod5', 'Shift', 'Control', 'Ctrl' -> '+' -> end -> call cfg_floating_modifier($modifiers) # default_orientation state DEFAULT_ORIENTATION: orientation = 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'auto' -> call cfg_default_orientation($orientation) # workspace_layout state WORKSPACE_LAYOUT: layout = 'default', 'stacking', 'stacked', 'tabbed' -> call cfg_workspace_layout($layout) # new_window # new_float # TODO: new_float is not in the userguide yet # TODO: pixel is not in the userguide yet state NEW_WINDOW: border = 'normal', 'pixel' -> NEW_WINDOW_PIXELS border = '1pixel', 'none' -> call cfg_new_window($windowtype, $border, -1) state NEW_WINDOW_PIXELS: end -> call cfg_new_window($windowtype, $border, 2) width = number -> NEW_WINDOW_PIXELS_PX state NEW_WINDOW_PIXELS_PX: 'px' -> end -> call cfg_new_window($windowtype, $border, &width) # hide_edge_borders # also hide_edge_borders for compatibility state HIDE_EDGE_BORDERS: hide_borders = 'none', 'vertical', 'horizontal', 'both' -> call cfg_hide_edge_borders($hide_borders) hide_borders = '1', 'yes', 'true', 'on', 'enable', 'active' -> call cfg_hide_edge_borders($hide_borders) # for_window command state FOR_WINDOW: '[' -> call cfg_criteria_init(FOR_WINDOW_COMMAND); CRITERIA state FOR_WINDOW_COMMAND: command = string -> call cfg_for_window($command) # assign [→] workspace state ASSIGN: '[' -> call cfg_criteria_init(ASSIGN_WORKSPACE); CRITERIA state ASSIGN_WORKSPACE: '→' -> workspace = string -> call cfg_assign($workspace) # no_focus state NO_FOCUS: '[' -> call cfg_criteria_init(NO_FOCUS_END); CRITERIA state NO_FOCUS_END: end -> call cfg_no_focus() # Criteria: Used by for_window and assign. state CRITERIA: ctype = 'class' -> CRITERION ctype = 'instance' -> CRITERION ctype = 'window_role' -> CRITERION ctype = 'con_id' -> CRITERION ctype = 'id' -> CRITERION ctype = 'window_type' -> CRITERION ctype = 'con_mark' -> CRITERION ctype = 'title' -> CRITERION ctype = 'urgent' -> CRITERION ']' -> call cfg_criteria_pop_state() state CRITERION: '=' -> CRITERION_STR state CRITERION_STR: cvalue = word -> call cfg_criteria_add($ctype, $cvalue); CRITERIA # focus_follows_mouse bool state FOCUS_FOLLOWS_MOUSE: value = word -> call cfg_focus_follows_mouse($value) # mouse_warping warping_t state MOUSE_WARPING: value = 'none', 'output' -> call cfg_mouse_warping($value) # force_focus_wrapping state FORCE_FOCUS_WRAPPING: value = word -> call cfg_force_focus_wrapping($value) # force_xinerama state FORCE_XINERAMA: value = word -> call cfg_force_xinerama($value) # workspace_back_and_forth state WORKSPACE_BACK_AND_FORTH: value = word -> call cfg_workspace_back_and_forth($value) # fake_outputs (for testcases) state FAKE_OUTPUTS: outputs = string -> call cfg_fake_outputs($outputs) # force_display_urgency_hint ms state FORCE_DISPLAY_URGENCY_HINT: duration_ms = number -> FORCE_DISPLAY_URGENCY_HINT_MS # show_marks state SHOW_MARKS: value = word -> call cfg_show_marks($value) state FORCE_DISPLAY_URGENCY_HINT_MS: 'ms' -> end -> call cfg_force_display_urgency_hint(&duration_ms) # focus_on_window_activation state FOCUS_ON_WINDOW_ACTIVATION: mode = word -> call cfg_focus_on_window_activation($mode) # workspace output state WORKSPACE: workspace = word -> WORKSPACE_OUTPUT state WORKSPACE_OUTPUT: 'output' -> WORKSPACE_OUTPUT_STR state WORKSPACE_OUTPUT_STR: output = word -> call cfg_workspace($workspace, $output) # ipc-socket state IPC_SOCKET: path = string -> call cfg_ipc_socket($path) # restart_state (for testcases) state RESTART_STATE: path = string -> call cfg_restart_state($path) # popup_during_fullscreen state POPUP_DURING_FULLSCREEN: value = 'ignore', 'leave_fullscreen', 'smart' -> call cfg_popup_during_fullscreen($value) # client.background state COLOR_SINGLE: color = word -> call cfg_color_single($colorclass, $color) # colorclass border background text indicator state COLOR_BORDER: border = word -> COLOR_BACKGROUND state COLOR_BACKGROUND: background = word -> COLOR_TEXT state COLOR_TEXT: text = word -> COLOR_INDICATOR state COLOR_INDICATOR: indicator = word -> call cfg_color($colorclass, $border, $background, $text, $indicator) end -> call cfg_color($colorclass, $border, $background, $text, NULL) # [--no-startup-id] command state EXEC: no_startup_id = '--no-startup-id' -> command = string -> call cfg_exec($exectype, $no_startup_id, $command) # font font state FONT: font = string -> call cfg_font($font) # bindsym/bindcode state BINDING: release = '--release' -> whole_window = '--whole-window' -> modifiers = 'Mod1', 'Mod2', 'Mod3', 'Mod4', 'Mod5', 'Shift', 'Control', 'Ctrl', 'Mode_switch', '$mod' -> '+' -> key = word -> BINDCOMMAND state BINDCOMMAND: release = '--release' -> whole_window = '--whole-window' -> command = string -> call cfg_binding($bindtype, $modifiers, $key, $release, $whole_window, $command) ################################################################################ # Mode configuration ################################################################################ state MODENAME: modename = word -> call cfg_enter_mode($modename); MODEBRACE state MODEBRACE: end -> '{' -> MODE state MODE: end -> error -> '#' -> MODE_IGNORE_LINE 'set' -> MODE_IGNORE_LINE bindtype = 'bindsym', 'bindcode', 'bind' -> MODE_BINDING '}' -> INITIAL # We ignore comments and 'set' lines (variables). state MODE_IGNORE_LINE: line -> MODE state MODE_BINDING: release = '--release' -> whole_window = '--whole-window' -> modifiers = 'Mod1', 'Mod2', 'Mod3', 'Mod4', 'Mod5', 'Shift', 'Control', 'Ctrl', 'Mode_switch', '$mod' -> '+' -> key = word -> MODE_BINDCOMMAND state MODE_BINDCOMMAND: release = '--release' -> whole_window = '--whole-window' -> command = string -> call cfg_mode_binding($bindtype, $modifiers, $key, $release, $whole_window, $command); MODE ################################################################################ # Bar configuration (i3bar) ################################################################################ state BARBRACE: end -> '{' -> BAR state BAR: end -> error -> '#' -> BAR_IGNORE_LINE 'set' -> BAR_IGNORE_LINE 'i3bar_command' -> BAR_BAR_COMMAND 'status_command' -> BAR_STATUS_COMMAND 'socket_path' -> BAR_SOCKET_PATH 'mode' -> BAR_MODE 'hidden_state' -> BAR_HIDDEN_STATE 'id' -> BAR_ID 'modifier' -> BAR_MODIFIER 'wheel_up_cmd' -> BAR_WHEEL_UP_CMD 'wheel_down_cmd' -> BAR_WHEEL_DOWN_CMD 'position' -> BAR_POSITION 'output' -> BAR_OUTPUT 'tray_output' -> BAR_TRAY_OUTPUT 'font' -> BAR_FONT 'separator_symbol' -> BAR_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL 'binding_mode_indicator' -> BAR_BINDING_MODE_INDICATOR 'workspace_buttons' -> BAR_WORKSPACE_BUTTONS 'strip_workspace_numbers' -> BAR_STRIP_WORKSPACE_NUMBERS 'verbose' -> BAR_VERBOSE 'colors' -> BAR_COLORS_BRACE '}' -> call cfg_bar_finish(); INITIAL # We ignore comments and 'set' lines (variables). state BAR_IGNORE_LINE: line -> BAR state BAR_BAR_COMMAND: command = string -> call cfg_bar_i3bar_command($command); BAR state BAR_STATUS_COMMAND: command = string -> call cfg_bar_status_command($command); BAR state BAR_SOCKET_PATH: path = string -> call cfg_bar_socket_path($path); BAR state BAR_MODE: mode = 'dock', 'hide', 'invisible' -> call cfg_bar_mode($mode); BAR state BAR_HIDDEN_STATE: hidden_state = 'hide', 'show' -> call cfg_bar_hidden_state($hidden_state); BAR state BAR_ID: bar_id = word -> call cfg_bar_id($bar_id); BAR state BAR_MODIFIER: modifier = 'Mod1', 'Mod2', 'Mod3', 'Mod4', 'Mod5', 'Control', 'Ctrl', 'Shift' -> call cfg_bar_modifier($modifier); BAR state BAR_WHEEL_UP_CMD: command = string -> call cfg_bar_wheel_up_cmd($command); BAR state BAR_WHEEL_DOWN_CMD: command = string -> call cfg_bar_wheel_down_cmd($command); BAR state BAR_POSITION: position = 'top', 'bottom' -> call cfg_bar_position($position); BAR state BAR_OUTPUT: output = string -> call cfg_bar_output($output); BAR state BAR_TRAY_OUTPUT: output = word -> call cfg_bar_tray_output($output); BAR state BAR_FONT: font = string -> call cfg_bar_font($font); BAR state BAR_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL: separator = string -> call cfg_bar_separator_symbol($separator); BAR state BAR_BINDING_MODE_INDICATOR: value = word -> call cfg_bar_binding_mode_indicator($value); BAR state BAR_WORKSPACE_BUTTONS: value = word -> call cfg_bar_workspace_buttons($value); BAR state BAR_STRIP_WORKSPACE_NUMBERS: value = word -> call cfg_bar_strip_workspace_numbers($value); BAR state BAR_VERBOSE: value = word -> call cfg_bar_verbose($value); BAR state BAR_COLORS_BRACE: end -> '{' -> BAR_COLORS state BAR_COLORS: end -> '#' -> BAR_COLORS_IGNORE_LINE 'set' -> BAR_COLORS_IGNORE_LINE colorclass = 'background', 'statusline', 'separator' -> BAR_COLORS_SINGLE colorclass = 'focused_workspace', 'active_workspace', 'inactive_workspace', 'urgent_workspace' -> BAR_COLORS_BORDER '}' -> BAR # We ignore comments and 'set' lines (variables). state BAR_COLORS_IGNORE_LINE: line -> BAR_COLORS state BAR_COLORS_SINGLE: color = word -> call cfg_bar_color_single($colorclass, $color); BAR_COLORS state BAR_COLORS_BORDER: border = word -> BAR_COLORS_BACKGROUND state BAR_COLORS_BACKGROUND: background = word -> BAR_COLORS_TEXT state BAR_COLORS_TEXT: end -> call cfg_bar_color($colorclass, $border, $background, NULL); BAR_COLORS text = word -> call cfg_bar_color($colorclass, $border, $background, $text); BAR_COLORS