# Where to get the source to be tested BACULA_SOURCE="${HOME}/bacula/bacula" # Where to send email !!!!! Change me !!!!!!! EMAIL=my-name@domain.com SMTP_HOST="localhost" # Full "default" path where to find sqlite (no quotes!) SQLITE3_DIR=${HOME}/bacula/depkgs/sqlite3 SQLITE_DIR=${HOME}/bacula/depkgs/sqlite # set to /dev/null if you do not have a tape drive # Note this is used for both the tape tests and the # autochanger TAPE_DRIVE="/dev/nst0" # if you don't have an autochanger set AUTOCHANGER to /dev/null AUTOCHANGER="/dev/sg0" # drive index of first autochanger drive DRIVE1=0 # drive index of second autochanger drive or "none" (in lowercase) DRIVE2="none" # what slot to use for first tape SLOT1=1 # what slot to use for the second tape SLOT2=2 # For two drive tests -- set to /dev/null if you do not have it TAPE_DRIVE1="/dev/null" # This must be the path to the autochanger including its name AUTOCHANGER_PATH="/usr/sbin/mtx" # Set your database here #WHICHDB="--with-sqlite=${SQLITE_DIR}" #WHICHDB="--with-sqlite3=${SQLITE3_DIR}" #WHICHDB="--with-postgresql" WHICHDB="--with-mysql" # Set this if you use libdbi framework #LIBDBI="dbdriver = "dbi:postgresql"; dbaddress =; dbport = 5432" # Set this to "--with-tcp-wrappers" or "--without-tcp-wrappers" TCPWRAPPERS="--with-tcp-wrappers" # Set this to "" to disable OpenSSL support, "--with-openssl=yes" # to enable it, or provide the path to the OpenSSL installation, # eg "--with-openssl=/usr/local" # # Note, you can also add any other (as many as you want) special # Bacula configuration options here, such as --disable-batch-insert # OPENSSL="--with-openssl" # You may put your real host name here, but localhost is valid also # and it has the advantage that it works on a non-newtworked machine HOST="localhost" # see --with-base-port at # http://www.bacula.org/rel-manual/Installing_Bacula.html # You only need to change this if you want to run more than one instance # of regression testing on the same box. You'll need to set BASEPORT # to values that do not overlap. BASEPORT is the first of three ports # required by each instance, one for each of Dir, SD, and the FD. # BASEPORT=8101 # # If you want to post items to the Bacula Dart dashboard, you need to # create a unique name here for each of your test machines. # We recommend that you prefix it by your name, and if you have multiple # test machines, add some indication of the machine. # SITE_NAME=-bacula-${HOST}