#!/bin/sh # # Run a backup of a small file, then do several other backups # to expand the size of a volume. Then do a restore of the first # file, and make sure it doesn't read to the end of the disk. # TestName="bsr-read-test" JobName=bsr-read . scripts/functions scripts/cleanup scripts/copy-migration-confs scripts/prepare-disk-changer cp ${cwd}/build/configure ${cwd}/tmp cat ${cwd}/build/configure >> ${cwd}/tmp/configure echo "${cwd}/tmp/configure" >${cwd}/tmp/file-list echo "${cwd}/build" >>${cwd}/tmp/file-list change_jobname NightlySave $JobName start_test cat <${cwd}/tmp/bconcmds @$out /dev/null messages @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log1.out label storage=DiskChanger volume=ChangerVolume001 slot=1 Pool=Full drive=0 label storage=File volume=TestVolume001 pool=Default run job=$JobName yes wait messages list jobs @# print the JobMedia records sql select * from JobMedia; quit END_OF_DATA run_bacula check_for_zombie_jobs storage=File stop_bacula echo "${cwd}/build" >${cwd}/tmp/file-list cat <${cwd}/tmp/bconcmds @$out /dev/null messages @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log1.out run job=$JobName level=Full yes wait messages run job=$JobName level=Full yes wait messages run job=$JobName level=Full yes wait messages @# @# now do a restore @# @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log2.out setdebug level=30 trace=1 fd setdebug level=500 trace=1 storage=File sql @# print the JobMedia records select * from JobMedia; @# @# now do a restore @# restore 3 2 mark * done yes wait messages @# @# now do a restore @# @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log3.out restore 3 1 mark * done yes wait messages restore all 3 3 done yes wait messages @$out update volume=TestVolume001 volstatus=Used run job=migrate-job jobid=1 yes run job=migrate-job jobid=2 yes run job=migrate-job jobid=3 yes wait messages quit END_OF_DATA run_bacula check_for_zombie_jobs storage=File stop_bacula check_two_logs # check_restore_tmp_build_diff dstat=0 perl -ne ' sub check_block { return unless ($last_block || $last_bsr_block); $nb = $last_block - $last_bsr_block; if ($nb > 65000) { print "ERROR: read too many bytes $nb\n"; } } sub print_stat { if ($last_bsr_addr) { $last_bsr_block = $last_bsr_addr & 0xFFFFFFFF; } print "$last_job\nlast_bsr_block=$last_bsr_block last_block_read=$last_block\n"; check_block(); $last_bsr_block = $last_block=0; } if (/dircmd.c.+(JobId=\d+ job=\S+) .+client_name=.+-fd/) { if ($last_job) { print_stat(); } } $last_job=$1 if /dircmd.c.+(JobId=\d+ job=\S+)/; $last_bsr_addr=$1 if /fd_cmds.c:.+VolAddr=\d+-(\d+)/; $last_bsr_block=$1 if /fd_cmds.c:.+VolBlock=\d+-(\d+)/; $last_block=$1 if /read_record.c.+file:block=\d+:(\d+)/; END { print_stat(); }' working/*-sd.trace > tmp/result grep ERROR tmp/result > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rstat=2 cat tmp/result fi end_test