#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Kern Sibbald # License: BSD 2-Clause; see file LICENSE-FOSS # # Run a couple of tests with bconsole and dotcommands # TestName="console-dotcmd-test" JobName=backup . scripts/functions scripts/cleanup scripts/copy-test-confs # # Zap out any schedule in default conf file so that # it doesn't start during our test # outf="$tmp/sed_tmp" echo "s% Schedule =%# Schedule =%g" >${outf} cp $scripts/bacula-dir.conf $tmp/1 sed -f ${outf} $tmp/1 >$scripts/bacula-dir.conf echo "$cwd/build/po" > $tmp/file-list change_jobname NightlySave $JobName perl -Mscripts::functions \ -e "extract_resource('$conf/bacula-dir.conf', 'Client', '$HOST-fd')" \ > $tmp/1 OUT=$conf/bacula-dir.conf for i in `seq 0 254` do sed "s/$HOST-fd/test$i-1-fd/" $tmp/1 | sed "s/Address.*/Address = 127.0.0.$i/" >> $OUT sed "s/$HOST-fd/test$i-2-fd/" $tmp/1 | sed "s/Address.*/Address = 127.0.2.$i/" >> $OUT sed "s/$HOST-fd/test$i-rst-fd/" $tmp/1 | sed "s/Address.*/Address = 127.0.3.$i/" >> $OUT sed "s/$HOST-fd/test$i-err-fd/" $tmp/1 | sed "s/Address.*/Address = something.lan.xx.baculasystems.com/" >> $tmp/bad-fd done start_test # We create hundred of clients in this test, the director startup can be long # specially on MySQL and Ubuntu touch $tmp/bconcmds run_bacula ok=1 retry=0 while [ $ok -ne 0 -a $retry -lt 5 ]; do echo quit | $bin/bconsole -c $conf/bconsole.conf | grep quit ok=$? retry=`expr $retry + 1` done cat < $tmp/bconcmds @out /dev/null reload messages @$out $tmp/log1.out .client @$out $tmp/log2.out time .client address= time @$out $tmp/log3.out time .client address=x.x.x.x time @echo done @exec "touch $tmp/log.done" EOF run_bconsole # Put some bad FDs in the list cat $tmp/bad-fd >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf sed s/log/logerr/ $tmp/bconcmds > $tmp/bconcmds.err # With DNS errors, it will take more times (run_bconsole $tmp/bconcmds.err)& sleep 2 cat < $tmp/bconcmds.sametime @out /dev/null reload messages @$out $tmp/log1.out .client @exec "touch $tmp/logsametime.done" EOF run_bconsole $tmp/bconcmds.sametime wait $bperl -e '(-M "$tmp/logsametime.done" < -M "$tmp/logerr.done") && exit 1' if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then print_debug "ERROR: The timestamp of $tmp/logsametime.done should be smaller than $tmp/logerr.done" estat=1 fi nb=`grep test50-1-fd $tmp/log2.out $tmp/logerr2.out | wc -l` if [ $nb != 2 ]; then print_debug "ERROR: Should find the client test50-1-fd in the $tmp/log2.out and $tmp/logerr2.out files" estat=1 fi stop_bacula end_test