#!/bin/sh # # Copyright (C) 2000-2017 Kern Sibbald # License: BSD 2-Clause; see file LICENSE-FOSS # # Run backups with dummy tape driver # This test setups an Autochanger with 80 slots # and 5 drives (5 LTO3) # # TestName="maxdev-test" JobName=backup . scripts/functions require_vtape scripts/cleanup scripts/copy-tape-confs sed 's:Job {:Job { ClientRunBeforeJob = "sleep 5":' \ $rscripts/bacula-dir-vtape.conf > $conf/bacula-dir.conf sed 's/VTape/VTape; maximum concurrent jobs = 3/' \ $rscripts/bacula-sd-vtape.conf | \ sed 's/LTO1/LTO3/g' > $conf/bacula-sd.conf scripts/prepare-fake-autochanger echo "${cwd}/build" >${cwd}/tmp/file-list perl -Mscripts::functions -e "extract_resource('$conf/bacula-dir.conf', 'Job', 'NightlySave')" > $tmp/1 cat $tmp/1 | sed s/NightlySave/NightlySave4/ >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf cat $tmp/1 | sed s/NightlySave/NightlySave5/ >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf cat $tmp/1 | sed s/NightlySave/NightlySave6/ >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf cat $tmp/1 | sed s/NightlySave/NightlySave7/ >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf cat $tmp/1 | sed s/NightlySave/NightlySave8/ >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf cat $tmp/1 | sed s/NightlySave/NightlySave9/ >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf cat $tmp/1 | sed s/NightlySave/NightlySave10/ >> $conf/bacula-dir.conf start_test clientname=`awk '/Name = .*-fd/ { if (!ok) { print $3 ; ok=1 } }' bin/bacula-dir.conf` when1=`perl -MPOSIX -e "print strftime('%F %T', localtime(time+30))"` when2=`perl -MPOSIX -e "print strftime('%F %T', localtime(time+45))"` # Catalog record for cleaning tape "CLN01" successfully created. # CLN01 | Cleaning # Write out bconsole commands cat <${cwd}/tmp/bconcmds @output /dev/null messages @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log6.out @#setdebug level=200 storage=LTO1 label barcodes pool=Scratch slots=41-60 storage=LTO3 drive=0 yes messages list volumes END_OF_DATA run_bacula cat <${cwd}/tmp/bconcmds @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log1.out setdebug trace=1 level=150 storage=LTO3 run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave pool=Inc yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave2 pool=Inc yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave3 pool=Inc yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave4 pool=Inc yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave5 pool=Inc yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave6 pool=Full yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave7 pool=Full yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave8 pool=Full yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave9 pool=Full yes run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave10 pool=Full yes wait messages @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log3.out @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave pool=Inc yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave2 pool=Inc yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave3 pool=Inc yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave4 pool=Inc yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave5 pool=Inc yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave6 pool=Full yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave7 pool=Full yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave8 pool=Full yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave9 pool=Full yes @#run storage=LTO3 when="$when1" job=NightlySave10 pool=Full yes @#wait @#messages quit END_OF_DATA run_bconsole check_for_zombie_jobs storage=LTO3 client=$clientname cat <${cwd}/tmp/bconcmds setdebug trace=1 level=0 storage=LTO3 @$out ${cwd}/tmp/log2.out @# @# now do a restore @# restore client=$clientname fileset="Full Set" pool=Full where=${cwd}/tmp/bacula-restores select all done yes wait messages END_OF_DATA run_bconsole check_for_zombie_jobs storage=LTO3 client=$clientname stop_bacula check_two_logs check_restore_diff perl -ne ' # foreach Job, we store the drive and we count the total # job number per drive m/(\d+): Using Device "(.+?)"/ and $drive_info[$i++]="$1 $2" and $drive{$2}++; END { $err=0; foreach $k (sort keys %drive) { if ($drive{$k} > 3) { print "ERR $k has more than 3 jobs ($drive{$k})\n"; $err++; } } if ($err) { foreach $k (@drive_info) { print "$k\n"} exit 1; } } ' $tmp/log1.out if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then print_debug "ERR: Problem during log analysis" estat=1 fi end_test