REM REM Script to setup running Bacula regression tests REM IF "%1" == "" GOTO :usage IF "%2" == "" GOTO :usage IF "%3" == "" GOTO :usage IF "%4" == "" GOTO :usage IF "%5" == "" GOTO :usage IF "%6" == "" GOTO :usage IF "%7" == "" GOTO :usage GOTO :param_count_ok :usage ECHO Incorrect number of arguments. ECHO setup bacula-src build-type email-address smtp-host tape-device changer-device tape1-device ECHO. EXIT /b 1 :param_count_ok RD /s /q build bin tmp working >nul 2>&1 MKDIR tmp REM Copy new source ECHO Copying source from %1 SET SRC=%1 FOR /r %1 %%i in ( debug release ) do IF EXIST %%i ECHO %%i | sed -e "s;%SRC:\=\\%\\;;" -e "/installer\\%2/d" -e "/win32\\%2/d" >>tmp\exclude_list ECHO .bsc >>tmp\exclude_list ECHO .ncb >>tmp\exclude_list XCOPY %1 build\ /EXCLUDE:tmp\exclude_list /e /q DEL build\src\win32\%2\winbacula*.exe CALL scripts\install_bacula %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 CALL scripts\bacula stop >nul 2>&1 IF NOT EXIST working MKDIR working ECHO Running database creation scripts CALL bin\create_bacula_database CALL bin\drop_bacula_tables CALL bin\make_bacula_tables CALL bin\grant_bacula_privileges REM Start and stop Bacula to ensure conf files are OK CALL scripts\bacula start CALL scripts\bacula stop >nul 2>&1 REM REM Save Bacula default conf files for later use REM COPY bin\*.conf scripts >nul GOTO :EOF