REM REM Run a simple backup of the Bacula build directory but REM split the archive into two volumes, then restore REM files on only one of the volumes and ensure that REM the other volume is not used. I.e. bsr optimization REM works. REM SET TestName=bsr-opt-test SET JobName=bsr-opt CALL scripts\functions set_debug 0 CALL scripts\functions copy_test_confs ECHO %CD:\=/%/build >\tmp\file-list CALL scripts\functions change_jobname NightlySave %JobName% CALL scripts\functions start_test sed -e "s;@JobName@;%JobName%;g" -e "s;@out@;%out%;g" -e "s;@topdir@;%CD:\=/%;g" tests\bsr-opt-test.bscr >tmp\bconcmds CALL scripts\functions run_bacula CALL scripts\functions check_for_zombie_jobs storage=File1 CALL scripts\functions stop_bacula REM REM This test is not really reliable. What we want to do is REM to select files on only one Volume, then insure here REM that only one Volume is chosen. REM grep TestVolume002 working\restore.bsr >nul 2>&1 SET bsrstat=%ERRORLEVEL% CALL scripts\functions check_two_logs diff -r build\src\cats tmp\bacula-restores\%CD::=%\build\src\cats >nul 2>&1 SET /A errcount = %bsrstat% + %bstat% + %rstat% IF %errcount% NEQ 0 ( ECHO. ECHO. ECHO !!!!! bsr-opt-test Bacula source failed!!! !!!!! ECHO !!!!! bsr-opt-test failed!!! !!!!! >>test.out SET /A errcount = %bstat% + %rstat% IF %errcount% NEQ 0 ( ECHO !!!!! Bad Job termination status !!!!! ECHO !!!!! Bad Job termination status !!!!! >>test.out ) ELSE IF %bsrstat% NEQ 0 ( ECHO !!!!! Volume selection error !!!!! ECHO !!!!! Volume selection error !!!!! >>test.out ) ELSE ( ECHO !!!!! Restored files differ !!!!! ECHO !!!!! Restored files differ !!!!! >>test.out ) ECHO. ) ELSE ( ECHO ===== bsr-opt-test Bacula source OK %TIME% ===== ECHO ===== bsr-opt-test OK %TIME% ===== >>test.out CALL scripts\cleanup )