REM REM Run a simple backup of the Bacula build directory but REM split the archive into four volumes, two of which are REM totally full. I.e. make sure that bsr selects all tapes REM including those fully spanned. REM SET TestName=span-vol-test SET JobName=SpanVol CALL scripts\functions set_debug 0 CALL scripts\functions copy_test_confs ECHO %CD:\=/%/build >tmp\file-list CALL scripts\functions change_jobname NightlySave %JobName% CALL scripts\functions start_test sed -e "s;@JobName@;%JobName%;g" -e "s;@out@;%out%;g" -e "s;@topdir@;%CD:\=/%;g" tests\span-vol-test.bscr >tmp\bconcmds CALL scripts\functions run_bacula CALL scripts\functions check_for_zombie_jobs storage=File1 CALL scripts\functions stop_bacula CALL scripts\functions check_two_logs CALL scripts\functions check_restore_diff CALL scripts\functions end_test