REM REM Run a simple backup of the Bacula build directory REM to two tapes where the maximum tape file size is set to 1M REM Note, this test simulates the tape filling and writing to REM the next tape. REM SET TestName=two-volume-tape SET JobName=twovoltape CALL scripts\functions set_debug 0 CALL config_out IF "%AUTOCHANGER%" == "nul" ( ECHO two-volume-tape test skipped. No autochanger. EXIT /b 1 ) CALL scripts\cleanup CALL scripts\copy-2tape-confs CALL scripts\prepare-two-tapes ECHO %CD:\=/%/build >tmp\file-list COPY bin\bacula-sd.conf tmp\1 sed -e "s%# Maximum File Size% Maximum File Size%g" >bin\bacula-sd.conf CALL scripts\functions change_jobname %JobName% CALL scripts\functions start_test REM Write out bconsole commands sed -e "s;@JobName@;%JobName%;g" -e "s;@out@;%out%;g" -e "s;@topdir@;%CD:\=/%;g" tests\two-volume-tape.1.bscr >tmp\bconcmds CALL scripts\functions run_bacula CALL scripts\functions check_for_zombie_jobs storage=DDS-4 CALL scripts\functions stop_bacula mt -f %TAPE_DRIVE% rewind mtx -f %AUTOCHANGER% unload bin\bsleep 15 sed -e "s;@JobName@;%JobName%;g" -e "s;@out@;%out%;g" -e "s;@topdir@;%CD:\=/%;g" tests\two-volume-tape.2.bscr >tmp\bconcmds CALL scripts\functions run_bacula CALL scripts\functions check_for_zombie_jobs storage=DDS-4 CALL scripts\functions stop_bacula CALL scripts\functions check_two_logs CALL scripts\functions check_restore_diff CALL scripts\functions end_test