Questions : * CAN I MODIFY THE BACULA-KNOPPIX ISO ? * HOW DO I MODIFY THE ISO ? * WHERE CAN I LEARN MORE ON REMASTERING KNOPPIX ? Answers : * CAN I MODIFY THE BACULA-KNOPPIX ISO ? Yes. It should be very easy provided you know a bit about debian (apt-get, apt-cache, debian structure) * HOW DO I MODIFY THE ISO ? If you have already built an iso, you should have a directory containing Knoppix's source (see cdrom/config file). If not, cd to knoppix/cdrom, edit 'config' file and type 'make environment' Do the following : # cd knoppix/cdrom # . config # chroot $REMASTER_PATH/source/KNOPPIX # mount -t proc /proc proc # apt-get update Warning : Do not do an 'apt-get upgrade' Now, you can install packages with apt-get or edit config files. When you have finished, do # umount /proc # exit if you have gathered all the client configurations under roottree (see README), do : # make knoppix * WHERE CAN I LEARN MORE ON REMASTERING KNOPPIX ? The Remastering Howto : The Remastering forum : HOWTO: Upgrading the kernel :