Technical details of creating the USB key boot images. Unless you want to rebuild (remaster) the iso boot image, you will not need this. The directory "remaster" contains the scripts that allow picking apart a Kubuntu Hardy ISO and then updating and recombining the parts into a USB boot image. The information below is somewhat low level and should not be needed unless you want to do your own remastering either starting from the Kubuntu release or from the Bacula remastered release. Note, the sqfs.tar.gz is the whole squashfs unsquashed. The kernel image (vmlinuz) is a copy of the most recent kernel i.e. sqfs/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-23-generic and initrd.gz is a copy of the most recent initrd.img i.e sqfs/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-23-generic they are renamed and put in the kubuntu8 partition in: casper/vmlinuz and casper/initrd.gz respectively. The above updates are automatically done when running the write_sqfs_to_disk_image script. Then the final step is to tar up kubuntu8. Note, initrd.gz is made after fixing the bug in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper see note 2. in bugs with Kubuntu boot process below. When updating the USB root partition (changing something), I strongly recommend that you work with the disk image then repack it (pack_disk_image) and then run load_disk_image. Packages needed: apt-get install syslinux mbr Kubuntu boot tricks: 1. Booting with persistence added to the kernel options will permit mounting of a USB casper-rw and home-rw partitions on the USB key. casper-rw is used to store changed OS files, and home-rw is the home directory. Bugs with Kubuntu boot process: 1. The initrd.gz image must be opened, fixed and the repacked. 2. The fix involves removing the ,mode=755 from the mount line for the persistent OS partition (casper-rw) or /cow in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper 3. I have removed /etc/rc0.d/S89casper and /etc/rc6.d/S89casper because they are related to a CDROM boot and create false errors when booting from a USB key.