This directory is used to build a USB key containing a Kubuntu 8.04 LiveCD with persistent OS files and persistent /home files. Note, the sqfs.tar.gz is the whole squashfs unsquashed. The kernel image (vmlinuz) is a copy of the most recent kernel i.e. sqfs/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-22-generic and initrd.gz is a copy of the most recent initrd.img i.e sqfs/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-22-generic they are renamed and put in the kubuntu8 partition in: casper/vmlinuz and casper/initrd.gz respectively. Note, initrd.gz is made after fixing the bug in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/casper see note 2. in bugs with Kubuntu boot process below. When updating the USB root partition (changing something), I strongly recommend that you work with the disk image then repack it (pack_disk_image) and then run load_disk_image. Packages needed: apt-get install syslinux mbr Kubuntu boot tricks: 1. Booting with persistence added to the kernel options will permit mounting of a USB casper-rw and home-rw partitions on the USB key. casper-rw is used to store changed OS files, and home-rw is the home directory. Bugs with Kubuntu boot process: 1. The initrd.gz image must be opened, fixed and the repacked. 2. The fix involves removing the ,mode=755 from the mount line for the persistent OS partition (casper-rw) or /cow 3. I have removed /etc/rc0.d/S89casper and /etc/rc6.d/S89casper because they are related to a CDROM boot and create false errors when booting from a USB key.