Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Bacula Systems SA This directory is used to build a USB key containing a Xubuntu 9.04 LiveCD with persistent OS files and persistent /home files. You will need to run as root for most things ... Packages needed: apt-get install syslinux mbr parted wget Please make sure they are installed on your system before continuing. 1. Start by editing the "config" file (DO NOT EDIT config2). Be sure to get your USB_DEV definition correct. Note: you can see what devices you have connected by running: lsscsi For example, I get: $ lsscsi [1:0:0:0] cd/dvd _NEC DVD+RW ND-1100A 108B /dev/scd0 [1:0:1:0] cd/dvd PHILIPS DVD+-RW DVD8631 9D03 /dev/scd1 [9:0:0:0] disk Kingston DataTraveler 2.0 PMAP /dev/sda and in my case, the USB device is the Kingston DataTraveler on device /dev/sda. Alternatively you can do: fdisk -l 2. The scripts you need to partition the key and to write the boot image to it are all in this (usb) directory. 3. If you ever want to put the key back to its prior state, *before* running the partition_usb_key, you might consider doing a: sfdisk -d /dev/key-device >save_me where key-device is the key device name (e.g. sda). The output file can be fed back into sfdisk to recreate the original with: sfdisk /dev/key-device