back-monitor Backend for monitoring the server's activity. It must be explicitly enabled by configuring with `--enable-monitor' set; then it must be activated by placing in slapd.conf the configure directive database monitor The suffix "cn=Monitor" is implicitly activated (it cannot be given as a suffix of the database as usually done for conventional backends). The backend root is "cn=Monitor"; the first level entries represent the monitored subsystems. It is being implemented in a modular way, to ease the addition of new subsystems. All the subsystems get a default "cn" attribute, represented by the subsystem's name, and they all have "top", "LDAPsubEntry" and "monitorSubEntry" objectclasses (the latter has not been defined yet, pending the design of the monitor schema and its registration under OpenLDAP's OID). Most of the sybsystems contain an additional depth level, represented by detailed item monitoring. All the entries undergo an update operation, if a related method is defined, prior to being returned. Moreover, there's a mechanism to allow volatile entries to be defined, and generated on the fly when requested. As an instance, the connection statistics are updated at each request, while each active connection data is created on the fly. This document is in a very early stage of maturity and will probably be rewritten many times before the monitor backend is released. Author: Pierangelo Masarati