CONTENT 1. Purpose 2. Metainformation used 3. Typical back-sql operation 4. Perspectives on back-sql as effective storage backend (not MAPPER) 1. Purpose Primary purpose of this backend is to PRESENT information stored in some RDBMS as an LDAP subtree. It is being designed to be tunable to virtually any relational schema without having to change source. It is NOT designed as backend that uses RDBMS to store LDAP data (though you can use it for this purpose, it will definitely be not the most effective way). But THIS backend primarily targets the situation when you ALREADY HAVE some data in one or more RDBMSes of one or more different vendors on one or more different hosts and operating systems, having one or more different relational schemas. These could be data used by different software, which you want to integrate, or just local parts of bigger information project. Using LDAP standalone server with back-sql as middleware, you can integrate this heterogeneous information as a single distributed LDAP tree, and even organize data exchange between nodes, not having to worry about unique id's, different schemas etc (****see authordn attribute in samples, and dts_ldap utility). Or, you could simply want to export some information like ISP database to LDAP, to authenticate users, make email lookups or whatever... 2. Metainformation used *** Almost everything mentioned later is illustrated in example, which is located in backsql/RDBMS_DEPENDENT directory, and contains scripts for generating sample database for Oracle,MS SQL Server and mySQL. *** First thing that one must arrange for himself is what set of objectclasses can present your RDBMS information. The easiest way is to create objectclass for each entity you had in ER-diagram when designing your relational schema. Or you could choose some other way... Nevertheless, when you think it out, we must define a way to translate LDAP operation requests to (series of) SQL queries. Let us deal with SEARCH operation. Example: Lets suppose that we store information about persons working in our organization in two tables: PERSONS PHONES ---------- ------------- id integer id integer first_name varchar pers_id integer references persons(id) last_name varchar phone middle_name varchar ... (PHONES contains telephone numbers associated with persons). A person can have several numbers, then PHONES contains several records with corresponding pers_id, or no numbers (and no records in PHONES with such pers_id). LDAP objectclass to present such information could look like this: person ------- MUST cn MAY telephoneNumber MAY firstName MAY lastName ... To fetch all values for cn attribute given person ID, we construct the query: SELECT CONCAT(persons.first_name,' ',persons.last_name) as cn FROM persons WHERE for telephoneNumber we can use: SELECT as telephoneNumber FROM persons,phones WHERE and if we wanted to service LDAP request with filter like (telephoneNumber=123*), we would construct something like: SELECT ... FROM persons,phones WHERE and and like '123%' So, if we had information about what tables contain values for given each attribute, how to join this tables and arrange these values, we could try to automatically generate such statements, and translate search filters to SQL clauses To store such information, we add three more tables to our schema, so that and fill it with data (see samples): ldap_objclasses --------------- id=1 name="person" keytbl="persons" keycol="id" create_proc="{call create_person(?)}" delete_proc="{call delete_person(?)}" ldap_attrs ----------- id=1 oc_id=1 name="cn" sel_expr="CONCAT(persons.first_name,' ',persons.last_name)" from_tbls="persons" join_where=NULL add_proc=... delete_proc=... ************ id= oc_id=1 name="telephoneNumber" expr="" from_tbls="persons,phones" join_where="" add_proc=... delete_proc=... ldap_entries ------------ id=1 dn= parent= keyval= First two tables contain structured information about constructing queries like those we made in example. The latter (ldap_entries), contains information about structure of LDAP tree, referencing actual information by key value. Having objectclass id, we can determine table and column which contain primary keys, and load data for the entry attributes using our queries. 3. Typical back-sql operation Having metainformation loaded, back-sql uses these tables to determine a set of primary keys of candidates (depending on search scope and filter). It tries to do it for each objectclass registered in ldap_objclasses. Exapmle: for our query with filter (telephoneNumber=123*) we would get following query (which loads candidate IDs) SELECT,, 'person' AS objectClass, ldap_entries.dn AS dn FROM ldap_entries,persons,phones WHERE AND ldap_entries.objclass=? AND ldap_entries.parent=? AND AND ( LIKE '123%') (for ONELEVEL search) or "... AND dn=?" (for BASE search) or "... AND dn LIKE '%?'" (for SUBTREE) Then, for each candidate, we load attributes requested using per-attribute queries like SELECT AS telephoneNumber FROM persons,phones WHERE AND Then, we use test_filter() to test entry for full LDAP search filter match (since we cannot effectively make sense of SYNTAX of corresponding LDAP schema attribute, we translate the filter into most relaxed SQL condition to filter candidates), and send it to user. ADD,DELETE,MODIFY operations also performed on per-attribute metainformation (add_proc etc.). In those fields one can specify an SQL statement or stored procedure call which can add, or delete given value of given attribute, using given entry keyval (see examples -- mostly ORACLE and MSSQL - since there're no stored procs in mySQL). 4. Perspectives on back-sql as effective storage backend (not MAPPER) Though as I said, back-sql is intended for presenting existing databases to LDAP, and as such is not most effective in presenting LDAP data to RDBMS, I have a couple of ideas on this point, and going to implement this in back-sql using #ifdefs (one that wants to do RDBMS->LDAP, defines one flag, one that wants LDAP->RDBMS, defines another). These tasks have much in common (RDBMS access,connection handling etc), but latter does not need so much additional metainformation. For instance, it may have one table for each attribute type in LDAP schema, and use ldap_entries analog to present tree structure... Later this functionality will be described more closely...