Platforms and configurations it has been tested on (for now I included only configurations I've tested personally): 1) slapd on redhat linux 6.0/6.1 (glibc 2.1.1/2.1.2), built with egcs (versions packaged with appropriate red hat): iODBC 2.50.3 (on 6.0), 3.0beta (on 6.1), mySQL (on same linux) 3.22.25,3.22.30 trough myODBC 2.50.23, MSSQL (on WinNT 4/sp3) 7.0 through OpenLink driver suite 3 (broker on NT), Personal Oracle (on WinNT4/sp3) 8.0.3 through OpenLink driver suite 3 (broker on NT), Oracle (on linux 6.0) 8.0.5 through OpenLink driver suite 3 (broker on linux) 2) slapd on WinNT4/sp3, Win98 second edition, Windows2000pre, built with MSVC++ 5,6: ODBC32.DLL shipped with appropriate system, MSSQL (on WinNT4/sp3,Win98,Win2000) 7.0, through its native driver, Personal Oracle (on WinNT4/sp3,Win98) 8.0.3, through its native driver, Oracle 7 (on Solaris/Sparc 2.6) through its native driver