Author: Pierangelo Masarati Back-sql can be tested with test031-sql; it requires a bit of work to get everything up and running appropriately. This document briefly describes the steps that are required to prepare a quick'n'dirty installation of back-sql and of the related RDBMS and ODBC; Examples are provided, but by no means they pretent to represent an exaustive source of info about how to setup the ODBC; refer to the docs for any problem or detail. Currently, the system has been tested with PostgreSQL and with MySQL; basic support and test data for other RDBMSes is in place, but as of today (August 2004) it's totally untested. If you succeed in running any of the other RDBMSes, please provide feedback about any required change either in the code or in the test scripts by means of OpenLDAP's Issue Tracking System ( 1) slapd must be compiled with back-sql support, i.e. configure with --enable-sql switch. This requires an implementation of the ODBC to be installed. 2) The ODBC must be set up appropriately, by editing the odbc.ini file in /etc/ (or wherever your installation puts it) and, if appropriate, the odbcinst.ini file. Note: you can also use custom odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files, provided you export in ODBCINI the full path to the odbc.ini file, and in ODBCSYSINI the directory where the odbcinst.ini file resides. Relevant info for our test setup is highlighted with '<===' on the right. 2.1) PostgreSQL 2.1.1) Add to the odbc.ini file a block of the form [example] <=== Description = Example for OpenLDAP's back-sql Driver = PostgreSQL Trace = No Database = example <=== Servername = localhost UserName = manager <=== Password = secret <=== Port = 5432 ;Protocol = 6.4 ReadOnly = No RowVersioning = No ShowSystemTables = No ShowOidColumn = No FakeOidIndex = No ConnSettings = 2.1.2) Add to the odbcinst.ini file a block of the form [PostgreSQL] Description = ODBC for PostgreSQL Driver = /usr/lib/ Setup = /usr/lib/ FileUsage = 1 2.2) MySQL 2.2.1) Add to the odbc.ini file a block of the form [example] <=== Description = Example for OpenLDAP's back-sql Driver = MySQL Trace = No Database = example <=== Servername = localhost UserName = manager <=== Password = secret <=== ReadOnly = No RowVersioning = No ShowSystemTables = No ShowOidColumn = No FakeOidIndex = No ConnSettings = SOCKET = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock 2.2.2) Add to the odbcinst.ini file a block of the form [MySQL] Description = ODBC for MySQL Driver = /usr/lib/ FileUsage = 1 2.3) IBM db2 3) The RDBMS must be setup; examples are provided for my installations of PostgreSQL and MySQL, but details may change; other RDBMSes should be configured in a similar manner, you need to find out the details by reading their documentation. 3.1) PostgreSQL 3.1.1) Start the server on RedHat: [root@localhost]# service postgresql start on other systems: read the docs... 3.1.2) Create the database: [root@localhost]# su - postgres [postgres@localhost]$ createdb example 3.1.3) Create the user: [root@localhost]# su - postgres [postgres@localhost]$ psql example example=> create user manager with password 'secret'; example=> 3.1.4) Populate the database: [root@localhost]# cd $SOURCES/servers/slapd/back-sql/rdbms_depend/pgsql/ [root@localhost]# psql -U manager -W example example=> [root@localhost]# psql -U manager example < backsql_create.sql [root@localhost]# psql -U manager example < testdb_create.sql [root@localhost]# psql -U manager example < testdb_data.sql [root@localhost]# psql -U manager example < testdb_metadata.sql 3.1.5) Run the test: [root@localhost]# cd $SOURCES/tests [root@localhost]# SLAPD_USE_SQL=postgres ./run test031 3.2) MySQL 3.2.1) Start the server on RedHat: [root@localhost]# service mysqld start on other systems: read the docs... 3.2.2) Create the database: [root@localhost]# mysqladmin -u root -p create example (hit for the empty password). 3.2.3) Create the user: [root@localhost]# mysql -u root -p example (hit for the empty password) mysql> grant all privileges on *.* \ to 'manager'@'localhost' identified by 'secret' with grant option; mysql> exit; 3.2.4) Populate the database: [root@localhost]# cd $SOURCES/servers/slapd/back-sql/rdbms_depend/mysql/ [root@localhost]# mysql -u manager -p example < backsql_create.sql [root@localhost]# mysql -u manager -p example < testdb_create.sql [root@localhost]# mysql -u manager -p example < testdb_data.sql [root@localhost]# mysql -u manager -p example < testdb_metadata.sql 3.2.5) Run the test: [root@localhost]# cd $SOURCES/tests [root@localhost]# SLAPD_USE_SQL=mysql ./run test031 3.3) IBM db2 3.3.1) Start the server: 3.3.2) Create the database: 3.3.3) Create the user: 3.3.4) Populate the database: connect to the database as user manager, and execute the test files in auto-commit mode (-c) [root@localhost]# su - manager [manager@localhost]$ db2 "connect to example user manager using secret" [manager@localhost]$ db2 -ctvf backsql_create.sql [manager@localhost]$ db2 -ctvf testdb_create.sql [manager@localhost]$ db2 -ctvf testdb_data.sql [manager@localhost]$ db2 -ctvf testdb_metadata.sql [manager@localhost]$ db2 "connect reset" 3.3.5) Run the test: [root@localhost]# cd $SOURCES/tests [root@localhost]# SLAPD_USE_SQL=ibmdb2 ./run test031 4) Cleanup: The basic portion of the test is readonly; this is performed by all RDBMSes. The secondary part involves write operations. Currently, the write portion of the test is enabled only for PostgreSQL and IBM db2. Note that after a successful run of the write portion, the database is no longer in the correct state to restart the test, and step 3.X.4 needs to be re-run first.