#!/usr/bin/perl ############################################################################### # # # ca65html # # # # Convert a ca65 source into HTML # # # # # # # # (C) 2000-2007 Ullrich von Bassewitz # # Roemerstrasse 52 # # D-70794 Filderstadt # # EMail: uz@cc65.org # # # # # # This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied # # warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages # # arising from the use of this software. # # # # Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, # # including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it # # freely, subject to the following restrictions: # # # # 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not # # claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software # # in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be # # appreciated but is not required. # # 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not # # be misrepresented as being the original software. # # 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source # # distribution. # # # ############################################################################### # Things currently missing: # # - Scoping with .proc/.endproc, .scope/.endscope, .enum/.endenum, # .struct/.endstruct, .union/endunion, .repeat/.endrep, .local # - .global is ignored # - .case is ignored, labels are always case-sensitive # - .include handling (difficult) # - The global namespace operator :: # use strict 'vars'; use warnings; # Modules use Getopt::Long; #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Variables # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Global variables my %Files = (); # List of all files. my $FileCount = 0; # Number of input files my %Exports = (); # List of exported symbols. my %Imports = (); # List of imported symbols. my %Labels = (); # List of all labels my $LabelNum = 0; # Counter to generate unique labels # Command line options my $BGColor = "#FFFFFF"; # Background color my $Colorize = 0; # Colorize the output my $CommentColor = "#B22222"; # Color for comments my $CRefs = 0; # Add references to the C file my $CtrlColor = "#228B22"; # Color for control directives my $CvtTabs = 0; # Convert tabs to spaces my $Debug = 0; # No debugging my $Help = 0; # Help flag my $HTMLDir = ""; # Directory in which to create the files my $IndexCols = 6; # Columns in the file listing my $IndexTitle = "Index"; # Title of index page my $IndexName = "index.html"; # Name of index page my $IndexPage = 0; # Create an index page my $KeywordColor = "#A020F0"; # Color for keywords my $LineLabels = 0; # Add a HTML label to each line my $LineNumbers = 0; # Add line numbers to the output my $LinkStyle = 0; # Default link style my $ReplaceExt = 0; # Replace extension instead of appending my $StringColor = "#6169C1"; # Color for strings my $TextColor = "#000000"; # Text color my $Verbose = 0; # Be quiet # Table used to convert the label number into names my @NameTab = ('A' .. 'Z', '0' .. '9'); #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Helper functions # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Terminate with an error sub Abort { print STDERR "ca65html: @_\n"; exit 1; } # Print a message if verbose is true sub Gabble { if ($Verbose) { print "ca65html: @_\n"; } } # Generate a label and return it sub GenLabel { my $I; my $L = "";; my $Num = $LabelNum++; # Generate the label for ($I = 0; $I < 4; $I++) { $L = $NameTab[$Num % 36] . $L; $Num /= 36; } return $L; } # Make an output file name from an input file name sub GetOutName { # Input name is parameter my $InName = $_[0]; # Create the output file name from the input file name if ($ReplaceExt && $InName =~ /^(.+)\.([^\.\/]*)$/) { return "$1.html"; } else { return "$InName.html"; } } # Translate some HTML characters into harmless names. sub Cleanup { my $S = shift (@_); $S =~ s/&/&/g; $S =~ s//>/g; $S =~ s/\"/"/g; return $S; } # Strip a path from a filename and return just the name sub StripPath { # Filename is argument my $FileName = $_[0]; # Remove a path name if we have one $FileName =~ /^(.*?)([^\/]*)$/; return $2; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Document header and footer # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Print the document header sub DocHeader { my $OUT = shift (@_); my $Asm = shift (@_); print $OUT "\n"; print $OUT <<"EOF"; $Asm


EOF } # Print the document footer sub DocFooter { my $OUT = shift (@_); my $Name = shift (@_); # Get the current date and time my $Today = localtime; # Print print $OUT "
\n"; print $OUT "\n"; print $OUT "\"Valid
\n"; print $OUT "$Name; generated on $Today by ca65html
\n"; print $OUT "uz@cc65.org\n"; print $OUT "
\n"; print $OUT "\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Colorization # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub ColorizeComment { if ($Colorize && $_[0] ne "") { return "$_[0]"; } else { return $_[0]; } } sub ColorizeCtrl { if ($Colorize) { return "$_[0]"; } else { return $_[0]; } } sub ColorizeKeyword { if ($Colorize) { return "$_[0]"; } else { return $_[0]; } } sub ColorizeString { if ($Colorize) { return "$_[0]"; } else { return $_[0]; } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # File list management # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub AddFile { # Argument is file to add my $FileName = $_[0]; # Get just the name (remove a path if there is one) my $Name = StripPath ($FileName); # Check if we have the file already if (exists ($Files{$Name})) { Gabble ("File \"$FileName\" already known"); return; } # Check with the full pathname. If we don't find it, search in the current # directory if (-f $FileName && -r _) { $Files{$Name} = $FileName; $FileCount++; } elsif (-f $Name && -r _) { $Files{$Name} = $Name; $FileCount++; } else { Abort ("$FileName not found or not readable"); } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Referencing and defining labels # #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Get a label reference sub RefLabel { # Arguments are: Filename, identifier, item that should be tagged my $FileName = $_[0]; my $Id = $_[1]; my $Item = $_[2]; # Search for the identifier in the list of labels if (exists ($Labels{$FileName}{$Id})) { # It is a label (in this file) return sprintf ("%s", $Labels{$FileName}{$Id}, $Item); } elsif (exists ($Imports{$FileName}{$Id})) { # It is an import. If LinkStyle is 1, or if the file exporting the # identifier is not visible, we link to the .import statement in the # current file. Otherwise we link directly to the referenced symbol # in the file that exports it. if ($LinkStyle == 1 or not exists ($Exports{$Id})) { return sprintf ("%s", $Imports{$FileName}{$Id}, $Item); } else { # Get the filename from the export my $Label; ($FileName, $Label) = split (/#/, $Exports{$Id}); if (not defined ($Labels{$FileName}{$Id})) { # This may currently happen because we don't see .include # statements, so we may have an export but no definition. # Link to the .export statement instead $Label = $Exports{$Id}; } else { # Link to the definition in the file $Label = sprintf ("%s#%s", $FileName, $Labels{$FileName}{$Id}); } return sprintf ("%s", $Label, $Item); } } else { # The symbol is unknown, return as is return $Item; } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Pass 1 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Process1: Read one file for the first time. sub Process1 { # Variables my $Line; my $Id; # Filename is parameter my $InName = shift(@_); # Create the output file name from the input file name my $OutName = GetOutName ($InName); # Current cheap local label prefix is empty my $CheapPrefix = ""; # Open a the input file my $FileName = $Files{$InName}; # Includes path if needed open (INPUT, "<$FileName") or Abort ("Cannot open $FileName: $!"); # Keep the user happy Gabble ("$FileName => $OutName"); # Read and process all lines from the file while ($Line = ) { # Remove the newline chomp ($Line); # Check for a label if ($Line =~ /^\s*(([\@?]?)[_a-zA-Z]\w*)\s*(?::=?|=)/) { # Is this a local label? if ($2 ne "") { # Use the prefix $Id = "$CheapPrefix$1"; } else { # Use as is $Id = $1; # Remember the id as new cheap local prefix $CheapPrefix = $Id; } # Remember the label $Labels{$OutName}{$Id} = GenLabel(); # Check for an import statement } elsif ($Line =~ /^\s*\.(?:(?:force)?import|importzp)\s+(.*?)\s*(?:;.*)?$/i) { # Split into a list of identifiers my @Ids = split (/\s*(?::\s*[A-Za-z]+\s*)?,\s*/, $1); # Remove an address-size specifier, from the last identifier, # if there is one. $Ids[$#Ids] =~ s/\s*:\s*[A-Za-z]+//; for $Id (@Ids) { $Imports{$OutName}{$Id} = GenLabel(); } # Check for an export statement } elsif ($Line =~ /^\s*\.export(?:zp)?\s+(.*?)\s*(?:;.*)?$/i) { # Split into a list of identifiers my @Ids = split (/\s*(?::\s*[A-Za-z]+\s*)?,\s*/, $1); # Remove an address-size specifier, from the last identifier, # if there is one. $Ids[$#Ids] =~ s/\s*:\s*[A-Za-z]+//; for $Id (@Ids) { $Exports{$Id} = sprintf ("%s#%s", $OutName, GenLabel()); } # Check for an actor statement. } elsif ($Line =~ /^\s*\.(?:(?:(?:con|de)struc|interrup)tor|condes)\s+([_a-z]\w*)/i) { $Exports{$1} = sprintf ("%s#%s", $OutName, GenLabel()); # Check for a .proc statement } elsif ($Line =~ /^\s*\.proc\s+([_a-z]\w*)/i) { # Remember the ID as the new cheap-local prefix. $CheapPrefix = $1; $Labels{$OutName}{$1} = GenLabel(); } } # Close the input file close (INPUT); } # Pass1: Read all files for the first time. sub Pass1 () { # Keep the user happy Gabble ("Pass 1"); # Walk over the files for my $InName (keys (%Files)) { # Process one file Process1 ($InName); } } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Pass 2 # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Process2: Read one file the second time. sub Process2 { # Variables my $Base; my $Ext; my $Line; my $OutLine; my $Id; my $Label; my $Comment; my $Trailer; # Input file is parameter my $InName = shift(@_); # Create the output file name from the input file name my $OutName = GetOutName ($InName); # Current cheap local label prefix is empty my $CheapPrefix = ""; # Open a the input file my $FileName = $Files{$InName}; # Includes path if needed open (INPUT, "<$FileName") or Abort ("Cannot open $FileName: $!"); # Open the output file and print the HTML header open (OUTPUT, ">$HTMLDir$OutName") or Abort ("Cannot open $OutName: $!"); DocHeader (OUTPUT, $InName); print OUTPUT "

    # Keep the user happy
    Gabble ("$FileName => $OutName");

    # The instructions that will have hyperlinks if a label is used.
    # And, they will be highlighted when color is used.
    my $LabelIns = "adc|add|and|asl|bb[rs][0-7]|b[cv][cs]|beq|bge|bit|blt|".

    # Instructions that have only the implied-addressing mode -- therefore,
    # no hyperlinking.  They will be highlighted only, when color is used.
    my $OtherIns = "cl[acdivxy]|csh|csl|de[axy]|in[axy]|nop|ph[abdkpxy]|".

    # Read the input file, replacing references with hyperlinks; and, mark
    # labels as link targets.
    my $LineNo = 0;
    LINE: while ($Line = ) {

        # Count input lines

 	# Remove the newline at the end of line. Don't use chomp to be able to
        # read dos/windows sources on unices.
        $Line =~ s/[\r\n]*$//;

        # If requested, convert tabs to spaces
	if ($CvtTabs) {
	    # Don't ask me - this is from the perl manual page
	    1 while ($Line =~ s/\t+/' ' x (length($&)*8 - length($`)%8)/e) ;

       	# Clear the output line
	$OutLine = "";

        # If requested, add a html label to each line with a name "linexxx",
        # so it can be referenced from the outside (this is the same convention
        # that is used by c2html). If we have line numbers enabled, add them.
        if ($LineLabels && $LineNumbers) {
            $OutLine .= sprintf ("%6d:  ", $LineNo, $LineNo);
        } elsif ($LineLabels) {
            $OutLine .= sprintf ("", $LineNo);
        } elsif ($LineNumbers) {
            $OutLine .= sprintf ("%6d:  ", $LineNo);

        # Cut off a comment from the input line. Beware: We have to check for
        # strings, since these may contain a semicolon that is no comment
        # start.
        ($Line, $Comment) = $Line =~ /^((?:[^"';]+|".*?"|'.*?')*)(.*)$/;
        if ($Comment =~ /^["']/) {
            # Line with invalid syntax - there's a string start but
            # no string end.
            Abort (sprintf ("Invalid input at %s(%d)", $FileName, $LineNo));

        # Remove trailing whitespace and move it together with the comment
        # into the $Trailer variable.
       	$Line =~ s/\s*$//;
	$Trailer = $& . ColorizeComment (Cleanup ($Comment));

       	# Check for a label at the start of the line. If we have one, process
        # it, and remove it from the line.
        if ($Line =~ s/^\s*?(([\@?]?)[_a-zA-Z]\w*)(\s*(?::=?|=))//) {

	    # Is this a local label?
       	    if ($2 ne "") {
		# Use the prefix
	     	$Id = "$CheapPrefix$1";
	    } else {
	      	# Use as is
	      	$Id = $1;
	      	# Remember the id as new cheap local prefix
	      	$CheapPrefix = $Id;

	    # Get the label for the id
	    $Label = $Labels{$OutName}{$Id};

	    # Print the label with a tag
	    $OutLine .= "$1$3";

	    # Is the name explicitly assigned a value?
	    if ($3 =~ /=$/) {
		# Print all identifiers if there are any.
		while ($Line =~ s/^([^_a-zA-Z]*?)(([\@?]?)[_a-zA-Z]\w*)//) {
		    # Add the non-label stuff.
		    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($1);

		    # Use the prefix if the label is local.
		    # Get the reference to that label if we find it.
		    $OutLine .= RefLabel ($OutName, ($3 ne "") ? "$CheapPrefix$2" : $2, $2);

		# Add a remainder if there is one.
		$OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

		# The line is complete; print it.
		next LINE;

	# Print any leading whitespace and remove it, so we don't have to
	# care about whitespace below.
	if ($Line =~ s/^\s+//) {
      	    $OutLine .= $&;

	# Handle the import statements
	if ($Line =~ s/^\.(?:(?:force)?import|importzp)\s+//i) {

	    # Print any fixed stuff from the line and remove it
       	    $OutLine .= $&;

 	    # Print all identifiers if there are any
 	    while ($Line =~ s/^[_a-zA-Z]\w*//) {

                # Remember the identifier
       	       	my $Id = $&;

		# Variable to assemble HTML representation
       	       	my $Contents = "";

		# Make this import a link target
		if (exists ($Imports{$OutName}{$Id})) {
       	       	    $Label = $Imports{$OutName}{$Id};
       	       	    $Contents .= sprintf (" name=\"%s\"", $Label);

		# If we have an export for this import, add a link to this
	     	# export definition
		if (exists ($Exports{$Id})) {
		    $Label = $Exports{$Id};
		    $Contents .= sprintf (" href=\"%s\"", $Label);

     		# Add the HTML stuff to the output line
		if ($Contents ne "") {
		    $OutLine .= sprintf ("%s", $Contents, $Id);
		} else {
		    $OutLine .= $Id;

	     	# Check if another identifier follows
		if ($Line =~ s/^\s*(?::\s*[A-Za-z]+\s*)?,\s*//) {
     		    $OutLine .= $&;
       	     	} else {

	    # Add an remainder if there is one
	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

       	# Handle export statements
	} elsif ($Line =~ s/^\.export(?:zp)?\s+//i) {

	    # Print the command and the whitespace.
	    $OutLine .= $&;

	    # Print all identifiers if there are any
	    while ($Line =~ s/^[_a-zA-Z]\w*//) {

                # Remember the identifier
       	       	my $Id = $&;

		# Variable to assemble HTML representation
       	       	my $Contents = "";

		# If we have a definition for this export in this file, add
		# a link to the definition.
		if (exists ($Labels{$OutName}{$Id})) {
		    $Label = $Labels{$OutName}{$Id};
       	       	    $Contents = sprintf (" href=\"#%s\"", $Label);

		# If we have this identifier in the list of exports, add a
		# jump target for the export.
		if (exists ($Exports{$Id})) {
		    $Label = $Exports{$Id};
       	       	    # Be sure to use only the label part
		    $Label =~ s/^.*#//;
		    $Contents .= sprintf (" name=\"%s\"", $Label);

     		# Add the HTML stuff to the output line
		if ($Contents ne "") {
	     	    $OutLine .= sprintf ("%s", $Contents, $Id);
		} else {
		    $OutLine .= $Id;

     		# Check if another identifier follows
      	      	if ($Line =~ s/^\s*(?::\s*[A-Za-z]+\s*)?,\s*//) {
     	    	    $OutLine .= $&;
     		} else {

     	    # Add an remainder if there is one
     	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

	# Handle actor statements.
	} elsif ($Line =~ s/^(\.(?:(?:(?:con|de)struc|interrup)tor|condes)\s+)([_a-z]\w*)//i) {

	    # Print the command and the whitespace.
	    $OutLine .= $1;

	    # Remember the identifier.
	    $Id = $2;

	    # Variable to assemble HTML representation
	    my $Contents = "";

	    # If we have a definition for this actor, in this file,
	    # then add a link to that definition.
	    if (exists ($Labels{$OutName}{$Id})) {
		$Contents = sprintf (" href=\"#%s\"", $Labels{$OutName}{$Id});

	    # Get the target, for linking from imports in other files.
	    $Label = $Exports{$Id};
	    # Be sure to use only the label part.
	    $Label =~ s/^.*#//;

	    # Add the HTML stuff and the remainder of the actor
	    # to the output line.
	    $OutLine .= sprintf ("%s%s", $Label,
				 $Contents, $Id, Cleanup ($Line));

     	# Check for .faraddr, .addr, .dword, .word, .dbyt, .byt, .byte, .res,
	# .elseif, .if, .align, and .org.
     	} elsif ($Line =~ s/^\.(?:(?:far)?addr|d?word|d?byte?|res|(?:else)?if|align|org)\s+//i) {

     	    # Print the command and the white space
       	    $OutLine .= $&;

     	    # Print all identifiers if there are any
       	    while ($Line =~ s/^([^_a-zA-Z]*?)(([\@?]?)[_a-zA-Z]\w*)//) {
                # Add the non label stuff
                $OutLine .= Cleanup ($1);

		# Use the prefix if the label is local.
		# Get the reference to that label if we find it.
		$OutLine .= RefLabel ($OutName, ($3 ne "") ? "$CheapPrefix$2" : $2, $2);

     	    # Add an remainder if there is one
     	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

	# Handle .proc
       	} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\.proc)(\s+)([_a-z]\w*)?(.*)$/i) {

	    # Do we have an identifier?
	    if ($3 ne "") {
		# Remember the ID as the new cheap-local prefix.
		$CheapPrefix = $3;

      	      	# Get the label for the id
	    	$Label = $Labels{$OutName}{$3};

		# Print the label with a tag
		$OutLine .= "$1$2$3";

	    } else {

		# Print a line that has invalid syntax (its operand isn't
		# a correctly formed name).
		$OutLine .= "$1$2";

            # Add the remainder
            $OutLine .= Cleanup ($4);

	# Handle .include
	} elsif ($Line =~ /^(\.include)(\s*)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)(\".*)$/i) {

	    # Add the fixed stuff to the output line
	    $OutLine .= "$1$2"";

	    # Get the filename into a named variable
	    my $FileName = Cleanup ($3);

	    # Get the name without a path
	    my $Name = StripPath ($3);

	    # If the include file is among the list of our files, add a link,
	    # otherwise just add the name as is.
	    if (exists ($Files{$Name})) {
	    	$OutLine .= sprintf ("%s", GetOutName ($Name), $FileName);
	    } else {
	    	$OutLine .= $FileName;

	    # Add the remainder
	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($4);

        # Handle .dbg line
        } elsif ($CRefs && $Line =~ s/^\.dbg\s+//) {

            # Add the fixed stuff to the output line
            $OutLine .= $&;

            # Check for the type of the .dbg directive
            if ($Line =~ /^(line,\s*)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)\"(,\s*)(\d+)(.*)$/) {

                # Add the fixed stuff to the output line
                $OutLine .= "$1"";

                # Get the filename and line number into named variables
                my $DbgFile = $2;
                my $DbgLine = $4;

                # Remember the remainder
                $Line = "\"$3$4$5";

                # Get the name without a path
                my $Name = StripPath ($DbgFile);

                # We don't need FileName any longer as is, so clean it up
                $DbgFile = Cleanup ($DbgFile);

                # Add a link to the source file
                $OutLine .= sprintf ("%s", $Name, $DbgLine, $DbgFile);

                # Add the remainder
                $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

            } elsif ($Line =~ /^(file,\s*)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)\"(.*)$/) { #pf FIXME: doesn't handle \" correctly!

                # Get the filename into a named variables
                my $DbgFile = Cleanup ($2);

                # Get the name without a path
                my $Name = Cleanup (StripPath ($2));

                # Add the fixed stuff to the output line
                $OutLine .= sprintf ("%s\"%s\"%s",
                                     $1, $Name, $DbgFile, $3);

            } else {

                # Add the remainder
                $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);


        } elsif ($CRefs && $Line =~ /^(\.dbg)(\s+line,\s*)\"((?:[^\"]+?|\\\")+)\"(,\s*)(\d+)(.*$)/) {

            # Add the fixed stuff to the output line
            $OutLine .= "$1$2"";

	    # Get the filename and line number into named variables
	    my $FileName = $3;
            my $LineNo   = $5;

	    # Remember the remainder
	    $Line = "\"$4$5$6";

	    # Get the name without a path
	    my $Name = StripPath ($FileName);

	    # We don't need FileName any longer as is, so clean it up
	    $FileName = Cleanup ($FileName);

       	    # Add a link to the source file
       	    $OutLine .= sprintf ("%s", $Name, $LineNo, $FileName);

	    # Add the remainder
	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

     	# Check for .ifdef, .ifndef, .ifref, and .ifnref.
     	} elsif ($Line =~ s/^(\.ifn?[dr]ef\s+)(([\@?]?)[_a-z]\w*)?//i) {

     	    # Print the command and the whitespace.
       	    $OutLine .= $1;

       	    if ($2 ne "") {
		# Use the prefix if the label is local.
		# Get the reference to that label if we find it.
		$OutLine .= RefLabel ($OutName, ($3 ne "") ? "$CheapPrefix$2" : $2, $2);

     	    # Add a remainder if there is one.
     	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

	# Check for assertions.
	} elsif ($Line =~ s/^(\.assert\s+)(.+?)(,\s*(?:error|warning)\s*(?:,.*)?)$/$2/i) {

	    # Print the command and the whitespace.
	    $OutLine .= $1;

	    $Comment = $3;

	    # Print all identifiers if there are any.
	    while ($Line =~ s/^([^_a-zA-Z]*?)(([\@?]?)[_a-zA-Z]\w*)//) {
		# Add the non-label stuff.
		$OutLine .= Cleanup ($1);

		# Use the prefix if the label is local.
		# Get the reference to that label if we find it.
		$OutLine .= RefLabel ($OutName, ($3 ne "") ? "$CheapPrefix$2" : $2, $2);

	    # Add a remainder if there is one.
	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line . $Comment);

     	# Check for instructions with labels
        } elsif ($Line =~ s/^($LabelIns)\b(\s*)//io) {

	    # Print the instruction and white space
            $OutLine .= ColorizeKeyword ($1) . $2;

	    # Print all identifiers if there are any.
	    while ($Line =~ s/^([^_a-zA-Z]*?)(([\@?]?)[_a-zA-Z]\w*)//) {

		# Add the non-label stuff.
		$OutLine .= Cleanup ($1);

		# Is this a local label?
		if ($3 ne "") {
		    # Use the prefix
		    $Id = "$CheapPrefix$2";
	     	} else {
	     	    # Use as is
	     	    $Id = $2;

	     	# Get the reference to this label if we find it
		$OutLine .= RefLabel ($OutName, $Id, $2);

	    # Reassemble and print the line
     	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);

     	# Check for all other instructions
        } elsif ($Line =~ /^($OtherIns)\b(.*)$/io) {

	    # Colorize and print
            $OutLine .= ColorizeKeyword ($1) . Cleanup ($2);

      	} else {

	    # Nothing known - print the line
	    $OutLine .= Cleanup ($Line);


    } continue {
        # Colorize all keywords
       	$OutLine =~ s/(?\n";
    DocFooter (OUTPUT, $OutName);

    # Close the files
    close (INPUT);
    close (OUTPUT);

# Pass2: Read all files the second time.
sub Pass2 () {

    # Keep the user happy
    Gabble ("Pass 2");

    # Walk over the files
    for my $InName (keys (%Files)) {
       	# Process one file
       	Process2 ($InName);

#		   	     Create an index page     			      #
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------#

# Print a list of all files
sub FileIndex {

    # File is argument
    my $INDEX = $_[0];

    # Print the file list in a table
    print $INDEX "


\n"; print $INDEX "\n"; my $Count = 0; for my $File (sort (keys (%Files))) { # if (($Count % $IndexCols) == 0) { print $INDEX "\n"; } printf $INDEX "\n", GetOutName ($File), $File; if (($Count % $IndexCols) == $IndexCols-1) { print $INDEX "\n"; } $Count++; } if (($Count % $IndexCols) != 0) { print $INDEX "\n"; } print $INDEX "

\n"; } # Print a list of all exports sub ExportIndex { # File is argument my $INDEX = $_[0]; # Print the file list in a table print $INDEX "


\n"; print $INDEX "\n"; my $Count = 0; for my $Export (sort (keys (%Exports))) { # Get the export my $File; my $Label; ($File, $Label) = split (/#/, $Exports{$Export}); # The label is the label of the export statement. If we can find the # actual label, use this instead. if (exists ($Labels{$File}{$Export})) { $Label = $Labels{$File}{$Export}; } # if (($Count % $IndexCols) == 0) { print $INDEX "\n"; } printf $INDEX "\n", $File, $Label, $Export; if (($Count % $IndexCols) == $IndexCols-1) { print $INDEX "\n"; } $Count++; } if (($Count % $IndexCols) != 0) { print $INDEX "\n"; } print $INDEX "

\n"; } sub CreateIndex { # Open the index page file open (INDEX, ">$HTMLDir$IndexName") or Abort ("Cannot open $IndexName: $!"); # Print the header DocHeader (INDEX, $IndexTitle, 0); # Print the file list in a table FileIndex (INDEX); ExportIndex (INDEX); # Print the document footer DocFooter (INDEX, $IndexName); # Close the index file close (INDEX); } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Print usage information # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub Usage { print "Usage: ca65html [options] file ...\n"; print "Options:\n"; print " --bgcolor c Use background color c instead of $BGColor\n"; print " --colorize Add color highlights to the output\n"; print " --commentcolor c Use color c for comments instead of $CommentColor\n"; print " --crefs Generate references to the C source file(s)\n"; print " --ctrlcolor c Use color c for directives instead of $CtrlColor\n"; print " --cvttabs Convert tabs to spaces in the output\n"; print " --help This text\n"; print " --htmldir dir Specify directory for HTML files\n"; print " --indexcols n Use n columns on index page (default $IndexCols)\n"; print " --indexname file Use file for the index file instead of $IndexName\n"; print " --indexpage Create an index page\n"; print " --indextitle title Use title as the index title instead of $IndexTitle\n"; print " --keywordcolor c Use color c for keywords instead of $KeywordColor\n"; print " --linelabels Generate a linexxx HTML label for each line\n"; print " --linenumbers Add line numbers to the output\n"; print " --linkstyle style Use the given link style\n"; print " --replaceext Replace source extension instead of appending .html\n"; print " --textcolor c Use text color c instead of $TextColor\n"; print " --verbose Be more verbose\n"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Main # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Get program options GetOptions ("bgcolor=s" => \$BGColor, "colorize" => \$Colorize, "commentcolor=s" => \$CommentColor, "crefs" => \$CRefs, "ctrlcolor=s" => \$CtrlColor, "cvttabs" => \$CvtTabs, "debug!" => \$Debug, "help" => \$Help, "htmldir=s" => \$HTMLDir, "indexcols=i" => \$IndexCols, "indexname=s" => \$IndexName, "indexpage" => \$IndexPage, "indextitle=s" => \$IndexTitle, "keywordcolor=s" => \$KeywordColor, "linelabels" => \$LineLabels, "linenumbers" => \$LineNumbers, "linkstyle=i" => \$LinkStyle, "replaceext" => \$ReplaceExt, "textcolor=s" => \$TextColor, "verbose!" => \$Verbose, "<>" => \&AddFile); # Check some arguments if ($IndexCols <= 0 || $IndexCols >= 20) { Abort ("Invalid value for --indexcols option"); } if ($HTMLDir ne "" && $HTMLDir =~ /[^\/]$/) { # Add a trailing path separator $HTMLDir .= "/"; } # Print help if requested if ($Help) { Usage (); } # Check if we have input files given if ($FileCount == 0) { Abort ("No input files"); } # Convert the documents Pass1 (); Pass2 (); # Generate an index page if requested if ($IndexPage) { CreateIndex (); } # Done exit 0;