/* * vim:ts=4:sw=4:expandtab * */ %option nounput %option noinput %option noyy_top_state %option stack %{ #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "config.h" #include "log.h" #include "util.h" #include "cfgparse.tab.h" int yycolumn = 1; #define YY_DECL int yylex (struct context *context) #define YY_USER_ACTION { \ context->first_column = yycolumn; \ context->last_column = yycolumn+yyleng-1; \ yycolumn += yyleng; \ } /* macro to first eat whitespace, then expect a string */ #define WS_STRING do { \ yy_push_state(WANT_STRING); \ yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); \ } while (0) %} EOL (\r?\n) %s WANT_STRING %s WANT_QSTRING %s BINDSYM_COND %s ASSIGN_COND %s ASSIGN_TARGET_COND %s COLOR_COND %s OUTPUT_COND %s FOR_WINDOW_COND %s EAT_WHITESPACE %x BUFFER_LINE %% { /* This is called when a new line is lexed. We only want the * first line to match to go into state BUFFER_LINE */ if (context->line_number == 0) { context->line_number = 1; BEGIN(INITIAL); yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE); } } ^[^\r\n]*/{EOL}? { /* save whole line */ context->line_copy = sstrdup(yytext); yyless(0); yy_pop_state(); yy_set_bol(true); yycolumn = 1; } "]" { yy_pop_state(); return ']'; } [ \t]* { yy_pop_state(); } \"[^\"]+\" { yy_pop_state(); /* strip quotes */ char *copy = sstrdup(yytext+1); copy[strlen(copy)-1] = '\0'; yylval.string = copy; return STR; } [^\n]+ { BEGIN(INITIAL); yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return STR; } [a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ { yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return OUTPUT; } ^[ \t]*#[^\n]* { return TOKCOMMENT; } [0-9a-fA-F]+ { yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return HEX; } [ \t]*→[ \t]* { BEGIN(WANT_STRING); } [ \t]+ { BEGIN(WANT_STRING); } [0-9]+ { yylval.number = atoi(yytext); return NUMBER; } mode { return TOKMODE; } bind { yy_push_state(WANT_STRING); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOKBINDCODE; } bindcode { yy_push_state(WANT_STRING); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOKBINDCODE; } bindsym { yy_push_state(BINDSYM_COND); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOKBINDSYM; } floating_modifier { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOKFLOATING_MODIFIER; } workspace { BEGIN(INITIAL); return TOKWORKSPACE; } output { yy_push_state(OUTPUT_COND); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOKOUTPUT; } screen { /* for compatibility until v3.φ */ ELOG("Assignments to screens are DEPRECATED and will not work. " \ "Please replace them with assignments to outputs.\n"); yy_push_state(OUTPUT_COND); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); return TOKOUTPUT; } terminal { WS_STRING; return TOKTERMINAL; } font { WS_STRING; return TOKFONT; } assign { yy_push_state(ASSIGN_TARGET_COND); yy_push_state(ASSIGN_COND); return TOKASSIGN; } set[^\n]* { return TOKCOMMENT; } ipc-socket { WS_STRING; return TOKIPCSOCKET; } ipc_socket { WS_STRING; return TOKIPCSOCKET; } restart_state { WS_STRING; return TOKRESTARTSTATE; } default_orientation { return TOK_ORIENTATION; } horizontal { return TOK_HORIZ; } vertical { return TOK_VERT; } auto { return TOK_AUTO; } workspace_layout { return TOK_WORKSPACE_LAYOUT; } new_window { return TOKNEWWINDOW; } normal { return TOK_NORMAL; } none { return TOK_NONE; } 1pixel { return TOK_1PIXEL; } focus_follows_mouse { return TOKFOCUSFOLLOWSMOUSE; } workspace_bar { return TOKWORKSPACEBAR; } popup_during_fullscreen { return TOK_POPUP_DURING_FULLSCREEN; } ignore { return TOK_IGNORE; } leave_fullscreen { return TOK_LEAVE_FULLSCREEN; } for_window { /* Example: for_window [class="urxvt"] border none * * First, we wait for the ']' that finishes a match (FOR_WINDOW_COND) * Then, we require a whitespace (EAT_WHITESPACE) * And the rest of the line is parsed as a string */ yy_push_state(WANT_STRING); yy_push_state(EAT_WHITESPACE); yy_push_state(FOR_WINDOW_COND); return TOK_FOR_WINDOW; } default { /* yylval.number = MODE_DEFAULT; */return TOK_DEFAULT; } stacking { /* yylval.number = MODE_STACK; */return TOK_STACKING; } stacked { return TOK_STACKING; } tabbed { /* yylval.number = MODE_TABBED; */return TOK_TABBED; } stack-limit { return TOKSTACKLIMIT; } cols { /* yylval.number = STACK_LIMIT_COLS; */return TOKSTACKLIMIT; } rows { /* yylval.number = STACK_LIMIT_ROWS; */return TOKSTACKLIMIT; } exec { WS_STRING; return TOKEXEC; } client.background { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.single_color = &config.client.background; return TOKSINGLECOLOR; } client.focused { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.focused; return TOKCOLOR; } client.focused_inactive { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.focused_inactive; return TOKCOLOR; } client.unfocused { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.unfocused; return TOKCOLOR; } client.urgent { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.client.urgent; return TOKCOLOR; } bar.focused { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.bar.focused; return TOKCOLOR; } bar.unfocused { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.bar.unfocused; return TOKCOLOR; } bar.urgent { BEGIN(COLOR_COND); yylval.color = &config.bar.urgent; return TOKCOLOR; } Mod1 { yylval.number = BIND_MOD1; return MODIFIER; } Mod2 { yylval.number = BIND_MOD2; return MODIFIER; } Mod3 { yylval.number = BIND_MOD3; return MODIFIER; } Mod4 { yylval.number = BIND_MOD4; return MODIFIER; } Mod5 { yylval.number = BIND_MOD5; return MODIFIER; } Mode_switch { yylval.number = BIND_MODE_SWITCH; return MODIFIER; } control { return TOKCONTROL; } ctrl { return TOKCONTROL; } shift { return TOKSHIFT; } class { yy_push_state(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_CLASS; } id { yy_push_state(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_ID; } con_id { yy_push_state(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_CON_ID; } con_mark { yy_push_state(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_MARK; } title { yy_push_state(WANT_QSTRING); return TOK_TITLE; } {EOL} { FREE(context->line_copy); context->line_number++; BEGIN(INITIAL); yy_push_state(BUFFER_LINE); } [ \t]+ { BEGIN(WANT_STRING); } [ \t]+ { BEGIN(WANT_STRING); } [ \t]+ { /* ignore whitespace */ ; } \"[^\"]+\" { /* if ASSIGN_COND then */ if (yy_start_stack_ptr > 0) yy_pop_state(); else BEGIN(INITIAL); /* yylval will be the string, but without quotes */ char *copy = sstrdup(yytext+1); copy[strlen(copy)-1] = '\0'; yylval.string = copy; return QUOTEDSTRING; } [^ \t\"]+ { BEGIN(ASSIGN_TARGET_COND); yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return STR_NG; } [a-zA-Z0-9_]+ { yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return WORD; } [a-zA-Z]+ { yylval.string = sstrdup(yytext); return WORD; } . { return (int)yytext[0]; } <> { while (yy_start_stack_ptr > 0) yy_pop_state(); yyterminate(); } %%