%{ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "data.h" #include "config.h" #include "util.h" #include "queue.h" extern int yylex(void); extern FILE *yyin; int yydebug = 1; void yyerror(const char *str) { fprintf(stderr,"error: %s\n",str); } int yywrap() { return 1; } void parse_file(const char *f) { SLIST_HEAD(variables_head, Variable) variables = SLIST_HEAD_INITIALIZER(&variables); int fd, ret, read_bytes = 0; struct stat stbuf; char *buf; FILE *fstr; char buffer[1026], key[512], value[512]; if ((fd = open(f, O_RDONLY)) == -1) die("Could not open configuration file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (fstat(fd, &stbuf) == -1) die("Could not fstat file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); buf = smalloc(stbuf.st_size * sizeof(char)); while (read_bytes < stbuf.st_size) { if ((ret = read(fd, buf + read_bytes, (stbuf.st_size - read_bytes))) < 0) die("Could not read(): %s\n", strerror(errno)); read_bytes += ret; } if (lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET) == (off_t)-1) die("Could not lseek: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if ((fstr = fdopen(fd, "r")) == NULL) die("Could not fdopen: %s\n", strerror(errno)); while (!feof(fstr)) { if (fgets(buffer, 1024, fstr) == NULL) { if (feof(fstr)) break; die("Could not read configuration file\n"); } /* sscanf implicitly strips whitespace. Also, we skip comments and empty lines. */ if (sscanf(buffer, "%s %[^\n]", key, value) < 1 || key[0] == '#' || strlen(key) < 3) continue; if (strcasecmp(key, "set") == 0) { if (value[0] != '$') die("Malformed variable assignment, name has to start with $\n"); /* get key/value for this variable */ char *v_key = value, *v_value; if ((v_value = strstr(value, " ")) == NULL) die("Malformed variable assignment, need a value\n"); *(v_value++) = '\0'; struct Variable *new = scalloc(sizeof(struct Variable)); new->key = sstrdup(v_key); new->value = sstrdup(v_value); SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&variables, new, variables); LOG("Got new variable %s = %s\n", v_key, v_value); continue; } } /* For every custom variable, see how often it occurs in the file and * how much extra bytes it requires when replaced. */ struct Variable *current, *nearest; int extra_bytes = 0; SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) { int extra = (strlen(current->value) - strlen(current->key)); char *next; for (next = buf; (next = strcasestr(buf + (next - buf), current->key)) != NULL; next += strlen(current->key)) extra_bytes += extra; } /* Then, allocate a new buffer and copy the file over to the new one, * but replace occurences of our variables */ char *walk = buf, *destwalk; char *new = smalloc((stbuf.st_size + extra_bytes) * sizeof(char)); destwalk = new; while (walk < (buf + stbuf.st_size)) { /* Find the next variable */ SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) current->next_match = strcasestr(walk, current->key); nearest = NULL; int distance = stbuf.st_size; SLIST_FOREACH(current, &variables, variables) { if (current->next_match == NULL) continue; if ((current->next_match - walk) < distance) { distance = (current->next_match - walk); nearest = current; } } if (nearest == NULL) { /* If there are no more variables, we just copy the rest */ strncpy(destwalk, walk, (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk); destwalk += (buf + stbuf.st_size) - walk; *destwalk = '\0'; break; } else { /* Copy until the next variable, then copy its value */ strncpy(destwalk, walk, distance); strncpy(destwalk + distance, nearest->value, strlen(nearest->value)); walk += distance + strlen(nearest->key); destwalk += distance + strlen(nearest->value); } } yy_scan_string(new); if (yyparse() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse configfile\n"); exit(1); } free(new); free(buf); } %} %union { int number; char *string; struct Colortriple *color; } %token NUMBER %token WORD %token STR %token STR_NG %token HEX %token TOKBIND %token TOKTERMINAL %token TOKCOMMENT %token TOKFONT %token TOKBINDSYM %token MODIFIER %token TOKCONTROL %token TOKSHIFT %token WHITESPACE %token TOKFLOATING_MODIFIER %token QUOTEDSTRING %token TOKWORKSPACE %token TOKSCREEN %token TOKASSIGN %token TOKSET %token TOKIPCSOCKET %token TOKEXEC %token TOKCOLOR %token TOKARROW %% lines: /* empty */ | lines WHITESPACE line | lines line ; line: bind | bindsym | floating_modifier | workspace | assign | ipcsocket | exec | color | terminal | font | comment ; comment: TOKCOMMENT ; command: STR ; bind: TOKBIND WHITESPACE binding_modifiers NUMBER WHITESPACE command { printf("\tFound binding mod%d with key %d and command %s\n", $3, $4, $6); } ; bindsym: TOKBINDSYM WHITESPACE binding_modifiers WORD WHITESPACE command { printf("\tFound symbolic mod%d with key %s and command %s\n", $3, $4, $6); } ; floating_modifier: TOKFLOATING_MODIFIER WHITESPACE binding_modifiers { printf("\tfloating modifier %d\n", $3); } ; workspace: TOKWORKSPACE WHITESPACE NUMBER WHITESPACE TOKSCREEN WHITESPACE screen { printf("\t workspace %d to screen %s\n", $3, $7); } | TOKWORKSPACE WHITESPACE NUMBER WHITESPACE TOKSCREEN WHITESPACE screen WHITESPACE workspace_name { printf("\t quoted: %s\n", $9); } ; workspace_name: QUOTEDSTRING | STR ; screen: NUMBER { asprintf(&$$, "%d", $1); } | NUMBER 'x' { asprintf(&$$, "%d", $1); } | NUMBER 'x' NUMBER { asprintf(&$$, "%dx%d", $1, $3); } | 'x' NUMBER { asprintf(&$$, "x%d", $2); } ; assign: TOKASSIGN WHITESPACE window_class WHITESPACE optional_arrow NUMBER { printf("assignment of %s to %d\n", $3, $6); } ; window_class: QUOTEDSTRING | STR_NG ; optional_arrow: /* NULL */ | TOKARROW WHITESPACE ; ipcsocket: TOKIPCSOCKET WHITESPACE STR { printf("ipc %s\n", $3); } ; exec: TOKEXEC WHITESPACE STR { printf("exec %s\n", $3); } ; terminal: TOKTERMINAL WHITESPACE STR { printf("terminal %s\n", $3); } ; font: TOKFONT WHITESPACE STR { printf("font %s\n", $3); } ; color: TOKCOLOR WHITESPACE '#' HEX WHITESPACE '#' HEX WHITESPACE '#' HEX { printf("color %p, %s and %s and %s\n", $1, $4, $7, $10); } ; binding_modifiers: /* NULL */ { $$ = 0; } | binding_modifier | binding_modifiers '+' binding_modifier { $$ = $1 | $3; } | binding_modifiers '+' { $$ = $1; } ; binding_modifier: MODIFIER { $$ = $1; } | TOKCONTROL { $$ = BIND_CONTROL; } | TOKSHIFT { $$ = BIND_SHIFT; } ;